
738 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import "pkg:/source/utils/misc.bs"
import "pkg:/source/api/Image.bs"
import "pkg:/source/api/baserequest.bs"
import "pkg:/source/utils/config.bs"
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
sub init()
m.top.optionsAvailable = false
m.inScrubMode = false
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
2022-05-27 01:23:59 +00:00
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
m.playlistTypeCount = m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getQueueUniqueTypes").count()
m.buttonCount = m.buttons.getChildCount()
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.screenSaverTimeout = 300
m.LoadScreenSaverTimeoutTask.observeField("content", "onScreensaverTimeoutLoaded")
m.LoadScreenSaverTimeoutTask.control = "RUN"
2022-06-03 01:29:07 +00:00
m.di = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
2022-06-03 01:29:07 +00:00
' Write screen tracker for screensaver
WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "nowplaying")
MoveFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "tmp:/scene")
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
2023-04-08 17:48:57 +00:00
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
end sub
sub onScreensaverTimeoutLoaded()
data = m.LoadScreenSaverTimeoutTask.content
if isValid(data)
m.screenSaverTimeout = data
end if
end sub
sub setupScreenSaver()
m.screenSaverBackground = m.top.FindNode("screenSaverBackground")
' Album Art Screensaver
m.screenSaverAlbumCover = m.top.FindNode("screenSaverAlbumCover")
m.screenSaverAlbumAnimation = m.top.findNode("screenSaverAlbumAnimation")
2022-06-03 01:29:07 +00:00
m.screenSaverAlbumCoverFadeIn = m.top.findNode("screenSaverAlbumCoverFadeIn")
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
' Jellyfin Screensaver
m.PosterOne = m.top.findNode("PosterOne")
m.PosterOne.uri = "pkg:/images/logo.png"
m.BounceAnimation = m.top.findNode("BounceAnimation")
2022-06-03 01:29:07 +00:00
m.PosterOneFadeIn = m.top.findNode("PosterOneFadeIn")
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
end sub
sub setupAnimationTasks()
m.displayButtonsAnimation = m.top.FindNode("displayButtonsAnimation")
m.playPositionAnimation = m.top.FindNode("playPositionAnimation")
m.playPositionAnimationWidth = m.top.FindNode("playPositionAnimationWidth")
m.bufferPositionAnimation = m.top.FindNode("bufferPositionAnimation")
m.bufferPositionAnimationWidth = m.top.FindNode("bufferPositionAnimationWidth")
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.screenSaverStartAnimation = m.top.FindNode("screenSaverStartAnimation")
end sub
2022-11-29 22:05:46 +00:00
' Creates tasks to gather data needed to render Scene and play song
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
sub setupDataTasks()
' Load meta data
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
m.LoadMetaDataTask = CreateObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadMetaDataTask.itemsToLoad = "metaData"
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
' Load background image
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
m.LoadBackdropImageTask = CreateObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadBackdropImageTask.itemsToLoad = "backdropImage"
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
' Load audio stream
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
m.LoadAudioStreamTask = CreateObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadAudioStreamTask.itemsToLoad = "audioStream"
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.LoadScreenSaverTimeoutTask = CreateObject("roSGNode", "LoadScreenSaverTimeoutTask")
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
' Creates audio node used to play song(s)
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
sub setupAudioNode()
m.global.audioPlayer.observeField("state", "audioStateChanged")
m.global.audioPlayer.observeField("position", "audioPositionChanged")
m.global.audioPlayer.observeField("bufferingStatus", "bufferPositionChanged")
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
' Setup playback buttons, default to Play button selected
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
sub setupButtons()
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
m.buttons = m.top.findNode("buttons")
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
m.top.observeField("selectedButtonIndex", "onButtonSelectedChange")
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
m.previouslySelectedButtonIndex = 1
m.top.selectedButtonIndex = 2
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
' Event handler when user selected a different playback button
sub onButtonSelectedChange()
' Change previously selected button back to default image
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
selectedButton = m.buttons.getChild(m.previouslySelectedButtonIndex)
selectedButton.uri = selectedButton.uri.Replace("-selected", "-default")
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
2022-05-29 18:46:22 +00:00
' Change selected button image to selected image
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
selectedButton = m.buttons.getChild(m.top.selectedButtonIndex)
selectedButton.uri = selectedButton.uri.Replace("-default", "-selected")
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-27 01:23:59 +00:00
sub setupInfoNodes()
m.albumCover = m.top.findNode("albumCover")
m.backDrop = m.top.findNode("backdrop")
m.playPosition = m.top.findNode("playPosition")
m.bufferPosition = m.top.findNode("bufferPosition")
m.seekBar = m.top.findNode("seekBar")
m.thumb = m.top.findNode("thumb")
m.shuffleIndicator = m.top.findNode("shuffleIndicator")
m.loopIndicator = m.top.findNode("loopIndicator")
m.positionTimestamp = m.top.findNode("positionTimestamp")
m.totalLengthTimestamp = m.top.findNode("totalLengthTimestamp")
end sub
sub bufferPositionChanged()
if m.inScrubMode then return
if not isValid(m.global.audioPlayer.bufferingStatus)
bufferPositionBarWidth = m.seekBar.width
bufferPositionBarWidth = m.seekBar.width * m.global.audioPlayer.bufferingStatus.percentage
end if
' Ensure position bar is never wider than the seek bar
if bufferPositionBarWidth > m.seekBar.width
bufferPositionBarWidth = m.seekBar.width
end if
' Use animation to make the display smooth
m.bufferPositionAnimationWidth.keyValue = [m.bufferPosition.width, bufferPositionBarWidth]
m.bufferPositionAnimation.control = "start"
end sub
sub audioPositionChanged()
if m.inScrubMode then return
if m.global.audioPlayer.position = 0
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.playPosition.width = 0
end if
if not isValid(m.global.audioPlayer.position)
playPositionBarWidth = 0
2022-06-04 01:44:23 +00:00
else if not isValid(m.songDuration)
playPositionBarWidth = 0
songPercentComplete = m.global.audioPlayer.position / m.songDuration
playPositionBarWidth = m.seekBar.width * songPercentComplete
end if
' Ensure position bar is never wider than the seek bar
if playPositionBarWidth > m.seekBar.width
playPositionBarWidth = m.seekBar.width
end if
' Use animation to make the display smooth
m.playPositionAnimationWidth.keyValue = [m.playPosition.width, playPositionBarWidth]
m.playPositionAnimation.control = "start"
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
' Update displayed position timestamp
if isValid(m.global.audioPlayer.position)
m.positionTimestamp.text = secondsToHuman(m.global.audioPlayer.position, false)
m.positionTimestamp.text = "0:00"
end if
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
' Only fall into screensaver logic if the user has screensaver enabled in Roku settings
if m.screenSaverTimeout > 0
if m.di.TimeSinceLastKeypress() >= m.screenSaverTimeout - 2
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
if not screenSaverActive()
end if
end if
end if
end sub
function screenSaverActive() as boolean
return m.screenSaverBackground.visible or m.screenSaverAlbumCover.opacity > 0 or m.PosterOne.opacity > 0
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
end function
sub startScreenSaver()
m.screenSaverBackground.visible = true
m.top.overhangVisible = false
if m.albumCover.uri = ""
' Jellyfin Logo Screensaver
m.PosterOne.visible = true
2022-06-03 01:29:07 +00:00
m.PosterOneFadeIn.control = "start"
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.BounceAnimation.control = "start"
' Album Art Screensaver
2022-06-03 01:29:07 +00:00
m.screenSaverAlbumCoverFadeIn.control = "start"
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.screenSaverAlbumAnimation.control = "start"
end if
end sub
sub endScreenSaver()
2022-06-04 01:52:20 +00:00
m.PosterOneFadeIn.control = "pause"
m.screenSaverAlbumCoverFadeIn.control = "pause"
m.screenSaverAlbumAnimation.control = "pause"
m.BounceAnimation.control = "pause"
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.screenSaverBackground.visible = false
2022-06-04 01:52:20 +00:00
m.screenSaverAlbumCover.opacity = 0
m.PosterOne.opacity = 0
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.top.overhangVisible = true
2022-05-27 01:23:59 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
sub audioStateChanged()
2022-09-04 07:39:44 +00:00
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
' Song Finished, attempt to move to next song
if m.global.audioPlayer.state = "finished"
2022-12-23 21:48:59 +00:00
' User has enabled single song loop, play current song again
2023-03-21 00:21:47 +00:00
if m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "one"
m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart = 0
end if
2022-06-04 01:31:16 +00:00
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getPosition") < m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") - 1
m.top.state = "finished"
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
2022-12-23 21:48:59 +00:00
' We are at the end of the song queue
' User has enabled loop for entire song queue, move back to first song
2023-03-21 00:21:47 +00:00
if m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "all"
2022-12-23 21:48:59 +00:00
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("setPosition", -1)
end if
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
' Return to previous screen
m.top.state = "finished"
end if
end if
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
function playAction() as boolean
if m.global.audioPlayer.state = "playing"
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "pause"
' Allow screen to go to real screensaver
WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "nowplaying-paused")
MoveFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "tmp:/scene")
else if m.global.audioPlayer.state = "paused"
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "resume"
' Write screen tracker for screensaver
WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "nowplaying")
MoveFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "tmp:/scene")
else if m.global.audioPlayer.state = "finished"
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "play"
' Write screen tracker for screensaver
WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "nowplaying")
MoveFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "tmp:/scene")
else if m.global.audioPlayer.state = "buffering"
m.inScrubMode = false
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "play"
' Write screen tracker for screensaver
WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "nowplaying")
MoveFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "tmp:/scene")
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
end if
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
return true
end function
function previousClicked() as boolean
if m.playlistTypeCount > 1 then return false
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getPosition") = 0 then return false
if m.global.audioPlayer.state = "playing"
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "stop"
2022-09-04 07:39:44 +00:00
end if
' Reset loop mode due to manual user interaction
if m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "one"
end if
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
return true
end function
sub resetLoopModeToDefault()
m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = ""
end sub
function loopClicked() as boolean
2023-03-21 00:21:47 +00:00
if m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = ""
m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "all"
else if m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "all"
m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "one"
m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = ""
end if
return true
end function
sub setLoopButtonImage()
if m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "all"
m.loopIndicator.opacity = "1"
m.loopIndicator.uri = m.loopIndicator.uri.Replace("-off", "-on")
2023-03-21 00:21:47 +00:00
else if m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "one"
m.loopIndicator.uri = m.loopIndicator.uri.Replace("-on", "1-on")
m.loopIndicator.uri = m.loopIndicator.uri.Replace("1-on", "-off")
end if
2023-03-21 00:21:47 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
function nextClicked() as boolean
if m.playlistTypeCount > 1 then return false
' Reset loop mode due to manual user interaction
if m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = "one"
end if
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getPosition") < m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") - 1
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
end if
2022-05-22 12:49:38 +00:00
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
return true
end function
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
sub toggleShuffleEnabled()
2023-04-08 17:48:57 +00:00
end sub
function findCurrentSongIndex(songList) as integer
2023-04-08 17:48:57 +00:00
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(songList) then return 0
for i = 0 to songList.count() - 1
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if songList[i].id = m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCurrentItem").id
return i
end if
end for
return 0
end function
function shuffleClicked() as boolean
2022-06-04 01:31:16 +00:00
2023-04-08 17:48:57 +00:00
currentSongIndex = findCurrentSongIndex(m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getUnshuffledQueue"))
2023-04-08 17:48:57 +00:00
if not m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getIsShuffled")
m.shuffleIndicator.opacity = ".4"
m.shuffleIndicator.uri = m.shuffleIndicator.uri.Replace("-on", "-off")
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("setPosition", currentSongIndex)
return true
end if
m.shuffleIndicator.opacity = "1"
m.shuffleIndicator.uri = m.shuffleIndicator.uri.Replace("-off", "-on")
return true
end function
2023-04-08 17:48:57 +00:00
sub setShuffleIconState()
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getIsShuffled")
m.shuffleIndicator.opacity = "1"
m.shuffleIndicator.uri = m.shuffleIndicator.uri.Replace("-off", "-on")
end if
end sub
sub setTrackNumberDisplay()
setFieldTextValue("numberofsongs", "Track " + stri(m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getPosition") + 1) + "/" + stri(m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount")))
end sub
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
sub LoadNextSong()
if m.global.audioPlayer.state = "playing"
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "stop"
2022-09-04 07:39:44 +00:00
end if
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
' Reset playPosition bar without animation
m.playPosition.width = 0
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
' Update values on screen when page content changes
sub pageContentChanged()
2022-06-04 01:31:16 +00:00
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
' Reset buffer bar without animation
2022-05-30 19:38:30 +00:00
m.bufferPosition.width = 0
useMetaTask = false
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
currentItem = m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCurrentItem")
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if not isValid(currentItem.RunTimeTicks)
useMetaTask = true
end if
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if not isValid(currentItem.AlbumArtist)
useMetaTask = true
end if
2022-05-21 16:05:21 +00:00
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if not isValid(currentItem.name)
useMetaTask = true
end if
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if not isValid(currentItem.Artists)
useMetaTask = true
end if
if useMetaTask
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
m.LoadMetaDataTask.itemId = currentItem.id
m.LoadMetaDataTask.observeField("content", "onMetaDataLoaded")
m.LoadMetaDataTask.control = "RUN"
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if isValid(currentItem.ParentBackdropItemId)
setBackdropImage(ImageURL(currentItem.ParentBackdropItemId, "Backdrop", { "maxHeight": "720", "maxWidth": "1280" }))
end if
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
setPosterImage(ImageURL(currentItem.id, "Primary", { "maxHeight": 500, "maxWidth": 500 }))
m.songDuration = currentItem.RunTimeTicks / 10000000.0
' Update displayed total audio length
m.totalLengthTimestamp.text = ticksToHuman(currentItem.RunTimeTicks)
end if
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
m.LoadAudioStreamTask.itemId = currentItem.id
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
m.LoadAudioStreamTask.observeField("content", "onAudioStreamLoaded")
m.LoadAudioStreamTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
' If we have more and 1 song to play, fade in the next and previous controls
sub loadButtons()
' Don't show audio buttons if we have a mixed playlist
if m.playlistTypeCount > 1 then return
2022-12-02 00:22:00 +00:00
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") > 1
m.shuffleIndicator.opacity = ".4"
m.loopIndicator.opacity = ".4"
m.displayButtonsAnimation.control = "start"
2023-03-21 00:21:47 +00:00
end if
end sub
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
sub onAudioStreamLoaded()
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
data = m.LoadAudioStreamTask.content[0]
if data <> invalid and data.count() > 0
m.global.audioPlayer.content = data
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "none"
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "play"
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
end if
end sub
sub onBackdropImageLoaded()
data = m.LoadBackdropImageTask.content[0]
if isValid(data) and data <> ""
end if
end sub
sub onMetaDataLoaded()
data = m.LoadMetaDataTask.content[0]
2023-03-05 18:57:32 +00:00
if isValid(data) and data.count() > 0 and isValid(data.json)
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
' Use metadata to load backdrop image
2023-03-05 18:57:32 +00:00
if isValid(data.json.ArtistItems) and isValid(data.json.ArtistItems[0]) and isValid(data.json.ArtistItems[0].id)
m.LoadBackdropImageTask.itemId = data.json.ArtistItems[0].id
m.LoadBackdropImageTask.observeField("content", "onBackdropImageLoaded")
m.LoadBackdropImageTask.control = "RUN"
2022-07-19 02:28:06 +00:00
end if
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
2023-03-05 18:57:32 +00:00
if isValid(data.json.RunTimeTicks)
m.songDuration = data.json.RunTimeTicks / 10000000.0
' Update displayed total audio length
m.totalLengthTimestamp.text = ticksToHuman(data.json.RunTimeTicks)
end if
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
end if
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
' Set poster image on screen
sub setPosterImage(posterURL)
if isValid(posterURL)
2022-05-27 01:23:59 +00:00
if m.albumCover.uri <> posterURL
m.albumCover.uri = posterURL
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
m.screenSaverAlbumCover.uri = posterURL
2022-05-27 01:23:59 +00:00
end if
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
end if
end sub
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
' Set screen's title text
sub setScreenTitle(json)
newTitle = ""
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
if isValid(json)
if isValid(json.AlbumArtist)
newTitle = json.AlbumArtist
end if
if isValid(json.AlbumArtist) and isValid(json.name)
newTitle = newTitle + " / "
end if
if isValid(json.name)
newTitle = newTitle + json.name
end if
end if
2022-05-27 01:23:59 +00:00
if m.top.overhangTitle <> newTitle
m.top.overhangTitle = newTitle
end if
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
' Populate on screen text variables
sub setOnScreenTextValues(json)
if isValid(json)
if m.playlistTypeCount = 1
end if
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
setFieldTextValue("artist", json.Artists[0])
setFieldTextValue("song", json.name)
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
end if
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
end sub
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
' Add backdrop image to screen
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
sub setBackdropImage(data)
if isValid(data)
if m.backDrop.uri <> data
m.backDrop.uri = data
2022-05-27 01:23:59 +00:00
end if
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
end if
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
end sub
' setSelectedButtonState: Changes the icon state url for the currently selected button
' @param {string} oldState - current state to replace in icon url
' @param {string} newState - state to replace {oldState} with in icon url
sub setSelectedButtonState(oldState as string, newState as string)
selectedButton = m.buttons.getChild(m.top.selectedButtonIndex)
selectedButton.uri = selectedButton.uri.Replace(oldState, newState)
end sub
' processScrubAction: Handles +/- seeking for the audio trickplay bar
' @param {integer} seekStep - seconds to move the trickplay position (negative values allowed)
sub processScrubAction(seekStep as integer)
m.inScrubMode = true
' Change audio player control method
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "prebuffer"
' Prepare starting playStart property value
if m.global.audioPlayer.position <> 0
m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart = m.global.audioPlayer.position
end if
' Don't let seek to go past the end of the song
if m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart + seekStep > m.songDuration
end if
if seekStep > 0
' Move seek forward
m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart += seekStep
else if m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart >= Abs(seekStep)
' If back seek won't go below 0, move seek back
m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart += seekStep
' Back seek would go below 0, set to 0 directly
m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart = 0
end if
' Move the seedbar thumb forward
songPercentComplete = m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart / m.songDuration
playPositionBarWidth = m.seekBar.width * songPercentComplete
' Change the displayed position timestamp
m.positionTimestamp.text = secondsToHuman(m.global.audioPlayer.content.playStart, false)
end sub
' moveSeekbarThumb: Positions the thumb on the seekbar
' @param {float} playPositionBarWidth - width of the play position bar
sub moveSeekbarThumb(playPositionBarWidth as float)
' Center the thumb on the play position bar
thumbPostionLeft = playPositionBarWidth - 10
' Don't let thumb go below 0
if thumbPostionLeft < 0 then thumbPostionLeft = 0
' Don't let thumb go past end of seekbar
if thumbPostionLeft > m.seekBar.width - 25
thumbPostionLeft = m.seekBar.width - 25
end if
m.thumb.translation = [thumbPostionLeft, m.thumb.translation[1]]
end sub
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
' Process key press events
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
' Key bindings for remote control buttons
if press
2022-06-03 01:29:07 +00:00
' If user presses key to turn off screensaver, don't do anything else with it
if screenSaverActive()
return true
2022-06-02 01:09:58 +00:00
end if
' Key Event handler when m.thumb is in focus
if m.thumb.hasFocus()
if key = "right"
return true
end if
if key = "left"
return true
end if
if key = "OK" or key = "play"
if m.inScrubMode
m.inScrubMode = false
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "play"
end if
return true
end if
end if
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
if key = "play"
return playAction()
end if
if key = "up"
if not m.thumb.visible
m.thumb.visible = true
setSelectedButtonState("-selected", "-default")
end if
return true
end if
if key = "down"
if m.thumb.visible
m.thumb.visible = false
setSelectedButtonState("-default", "-selected")
end if
return true
end if
if key = "back"
m.global.audioPlayer.control = "stop"
2023-03-21 00:21:47 +00:00
m.global.audioPlayer.loopMode = ""
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
else if key = "rewind"
return previousClicked()
else if key = "fastforward"
return nextClicked()
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
else if key = "left"
if m.buttons.hasFocus()
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") = 1 then return false
if m.top.selectedButtonIndex > 0
m.previouslySelectedButtonIndex = m.top.selectedButtonIndex
m.top.selectedButtonIndex = m.top.selectedButtonIndex - 1
end if
return true
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
end if
else if key = "right"
if m.buttons.hasFocus()
if m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCount") = 1 then return false
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
m.previouslySelectedButtonIndex = m.top.selectedButtonIndex
if m.top.selectedButtonIndex < m.buttonCount - 1 then m.top.selectedButtonIndex = m.top.selectedButtonIndex + 1
return true
end if
2022-05-29 18:41:06 +00:00
else if key = "OK"
if m.buttons.hasFocus()
if m.buttons.getChild(m.top.selectedButtonIndex).id = "play"
return playAction()
else if m.buttons.getChild(m.top.selectedButtonIndex).id = "previous"
return previousClicked()
else if m.buttons.getChild(m.top.selectedButtonIndex).id = "next"
return nextClicked()
else if m.buttons.getChild(m.top.selectedButtonIndex).id = "shuffle"
return shuffleClicked()
else if m.buttons.getChild(m.top.selectedButtonIndex).id = "loop"
return loopClicked()
end if
2022-05-21 20:45:01 +00:00
end if
2022-05-21 15:45:38 +00:00
end if
end if
return false
end function
2022-06-03 01:29:07 +00:00
sub OnScreenHidden()
' Write screen tracker for screensaver
WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "")
MoveFile("tmp:/scene.temp", "tmp:/scene")
end sub