2018-07-08 22:22:32 +03:00

2.8 KiB


Install latest Rust (1.26+) and latest Bitcoin Core (0.16+).

Also, install clang (for building rust-rocksdb):

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install clang


First build should take ~20 minutes:

$ cargo build --release

Bitcoind configuration

Allow Bitcoin daemon to sync before starting Electrum server:

$ bitcoind -server=1 -daemon=0 -txindex=0 -prune=0

If you are using -rpcuser=USER and -rpcpassword=PASSWORD for authentication, please use --cookie=USER:PASSWORD command-line flag. Otherwise, ~/.bitcoin/.cookie will be read, allowing this server to use bitcoind JSONRPC interface.


First index sync should take ~2.5 hours:

$ cargo run --release -- -vvv --timestamp --db-dir ./db
2018-06-28T23:09:17 - DEBUG - BlockchainInfo { chain: "main", blocks: 529656, headers: 529656, bestblockhash: "0000000000000000000d6344eeaa8dece87a438c25948e9038e8fecd4c64ac0f", size_on_disk: 197723753341, pruned: false }
2018-06-28T23:09:17 - DEBUG - opening ./db/mainnet with StoreOptions { bulk_import: true }
2018-06-28T23:09:30 - INFO - indexing 1300 blk*.dat files
2018-06-29T00:28:16 - DEBUG - read 1300 blk files
2018-06-29T00:28:22 - INFO - indexed 529657 blocks
2018-06-29T00:28:23 - INFO - starting full compaction
2018-06-29T01:35:02 - INFO - finished full compaction
2018-06-29T01:35:02 - DEBUG - closing ./db/mainnet
2018-06-29T01:35:03 - DEBUG - opening ./db/mainnet with StoreOptions { bulk_import: false }
2018-06-29T01:35:12 - DEBUG - applying 529657 new headers from height 0
2018-06-29T01:35:13 - INFO - RPC server running on
2018-06-29T01:35:14 - DEBUG - downloading new block headers (529657 already indexed) from 000000000000000000207ca53fd49f8de7f7f67dcde34af505882ab2be5d8fc5
2018-06-29T01:35:14 - INFO - best=000000000000000000207ca53fd49f8de7f7f67dcde34af505882ab2be5d8fc5 height=529668 @ 2018-06-28T22:26:05Z (12 left to index)
2018-06-29T01:35:15 - DEBUG - applying 12 new headers from height 529657

The index database is stored here:

$ du db/
36G db/mainnet/

Electrum client

# Connect only to the local server, for better privacy
$ electrum  --oneserver --server=


Indexing and serving metrics are exported via Prometheus:

$ sudo apt install prometheus
$ echo "
  - job_name: electrs
    - targets: ['localhost:42024']
" | sudo tee -a /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
$ sudo systemctl restart prometheus
$ firefox 'http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=1h&g0.expr=index_height&'