(static) AssocArrayEqual(Array1, Array2) → {boolean}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
Array1 | object | |
Array2 | object | |
(static) arrayHasValue(arr, value) → {boolean}
Check if a specific value is inside of an array
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
arr | object | |
value | dynamic | |
(static) createLogoPoster() → {dynamic}
Create and return a Jellyfin logo poster node
(static) createOverhangUser() → {dynamic}
(static) createSeperator(id) → {dynamic}
Create and return a rectangle node used as a seperator in the overhang
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
id | string | |
(static) div_ceiling(a, b) → {integer}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
a | integer | |
b | integer | |
(static) findNodeBySubtype(node, subtype) → {dynamic}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
node | dynamic | |
subtype | dynamic | |
Format time as 12 or 24 hour format based on system clock setting
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
time | dynamic | |
Parameters:Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
msg | dynamic | | | |
subnode | string | <optional>
| "buttons" | |
(static) getMinutes(ticks) → {integer}
Converts ticks to minutes
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
ticks | dynamic | |
(static) getMsgPicker(msg, subnodeopt) → {object}
Parameters:Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
msg | dynamic | | | |
subnode | string | <optional>
| "" | |
(static) get_dialog_result(dialog, port) → {dynamic}
Returns the item selected or -1 on backpress or other unhandled closure of dialog.
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
dialog | dynamic | |
port | dynamic | |
(static) inArray(haystack, needle) → {boolean}
Search string array for search value. Return if it's found
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
haystack | dynamic | |
needle | dynamic | |
(static) inferServerUrl(url) → {string}
take an incomplete url string and use it to make educated guesses about the complete url. then tests these guesses to see if it can find a jf server returns the url of the server it found, or an empty string
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
url | string | |
(static) isAllValid(input) → {boolean}
Returns whether or not all items in passed array are valid
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
input | object | |
(static) isJellyfinServer(systemInfo) → {boolean}
accepts the raw json string of /system/info/public and returns a boolean indicating if ProductName is "Jellyfin Server"
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
systemInfo | object | |
(static) isLocalhost(url) → {boolean}
Returns true if the string is a loopback, such as 'localhost' or ''
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
url | string | |
(static) isNodeEvent(msg, field) → {boolean}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
msg | dynamic | |
field | string | |
(static) isValid(input) → {boolean}
Returns whether or not passed value is valid
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
input | dynamic | |
(static) isValidAndNotEmpty(input) → {boolean}
Returns whether or not passed value is valid and not empty Accepts a string, or any countable type (arrays and lists)
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
input | dynamic | |
(static) lastFocusedChild(obj) → {object}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
obj | object | |
(static) leftPad(base, fill, length) → {string}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
base | string | |
fill | string | |
length | integer | |
(static) message_dialog(messageopt) → {dynamic}
Parameters:Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
message | string | <optional>
| "" | |
(static) option_dialog(options, messageopt, defaultSelectionopt) → {integer}
Parameters:Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
options | dynamic | | | |
message | dynamic | <optional>
| "" | |
defaultSelection | dynamic | <optional>
| 0 | |
(static) parseUrl(url) → {object}
Returns an array from a url = [ url, proto, host, port, subdir+params ] If port or subdir are not found, an empty string will be added to the array Proto must be declared or array will be empty
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
url | string | |
(static) roundNumber(f) → {integer}
Rounds number to nearest integer
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
f | float | |
(static) secondsToHuman(totalSeconds, addLeadingMinuteZero) → {string}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
totalSeconds | integer | |
addLeadingMinuteZero | boolean | |
(static) setFieldTextValue(field, value) → {void}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
field | dynamic | |
value | dynamic | |
(static) show_dialog(message, optionsopt, defaultSelectionopt) → {integer}
Parameters:Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
message | string | | | |
options | dynamic | <optional>
| [] | |
defaultSelection | dynamic | <optional>
| 0 | |
(static) shuffleArray(array) → {object}
Takes an array of data, shuffles the order, then returns the array uses the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
array | object | |
(static) startLoadingSpinner(disableRemoteopt) → {void}
startLoadingSpinner: Start a loading spinner and attach it to the main JFScene. Displays an invisible ProgressDialog node by default to disable keypresses while loading.
Parameters:Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
disableRemote | boolean | <optional>
| true | |
(static) stopLoadingSpinner() → {void}
(static) ticksToHuman(ticks) → {string}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
ticks | longinteger | |
(static) toString(input) → {string}
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
input | dynamic | |
(static) urlCandidates(input) → {dynamic}
this is the "educated guess" logic for inferServerUrl that generates a list of complete url's as candidates for the tests in inferServerUrl. takes an incomplete url as an arg and returns a list of extrapolated full urls.
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
input | string | |
(static) versionChecker(versionToCheck, minVersionAccepted) → {dynamic}
Returns whether or not a version number (e.g. 10.7.7) is greater or equal to some minimum version allowed (e.g. 10.8.0)
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
versionToCheck | string | |
minVersionAccepted | string | |