2023-12-01 16:06:57 -06:00

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# Setup Base Image (Other)
1. Login as administrator
2. Set hostname
hostname mynode
3. Add admin user
sudo useradd -p $(openssl passwd -1 bolt) -m -s /bin/bash admin
sudo adduser admin sudo
4. Update OS
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
5. Install some basics
sudo apt-get -y install tmux
6. Reboot
sudo reboot
7. Log back in as admin
8. Delete default users for your specific device (if any)
# For example:
# sudo deluser pi
# sudo rm -rf /home/pi
9. Sync
sudo shutdown -h now
10. Make image now (if imaging)
To make image:
- Shutdown device
- Remove SD Card
- Backup SD card on PC (something like
- Now, you can reflash and start over from this point if necessary by flashing image onto SD card
Final results:
- Image with SSH access
- Root user disabled
- Default user admin with password bolt