diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 07df6531..1f96c6bb 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -38,32 +38,32 @@ https://mynodebtc.com/order_now ## Features Each myNode device comes with a number of wonderful features: -- Bitcoin Node (Bitcoin Core v0.20.1) -- Lightning Node (LND v0.11.1-beta) -- Electrum Server (Electrum Rust Server aka Electrs 0.8.6) -- BTCPay Server (v1.0.5.9) -- RTL (Ride the Lightning) - Lightning Wallet (v0.9.3-beta) -- Samourai Dojo (v1.8.0) -- Samourai Whirlpool (whirlpool-client-cli v0.10.8) -- Specter Desktop (v0.10.4) -- Thunderhub (v0.11.0) -- BTC RPC Explorer (v2.0.2) -- Mempool.Space - Mempool local visualizer for the Bitcoin blockchain (v1.0.1) -- LND Hub - Lightning Wallet Server (v1.2.0) -- Lndmanage (v0.11.0) -- Lightning Loop - A Non-Custodial Off/On Chain Bridge (v0.9.0-beta) -- Lightning Pool - A Non-Custodial auction for liquidity where bids are kept private and trades clear periodically (0.3.2-alpha) +- Bitcoin Node +- Lightning Node +- Electrum Server +- BTCPay Server +- RTL (Ride the Lightning) - Lightning Wallet +- Samourai Dojo +- Samourai Whirlpool +- Specter Desktop +- Thunderhub +- BTC RPC Explorer +- Mempool.Space - Mempool local visualizer for the Bitcoin blockchain +- LND Hub - Lightning Wallet Server +- Lndmanage +- Lightning Loop - A Non-Custodial Off/On Chain Bridge +- Lightning Pool - A Non-Custodial auction for liquidity where bids are kept private and trades clear periodically - LNBits (Raspiblitz version) -- Caravan (v0.3.3) +- Caravan - Tor -- JoinMarket CLI (v0.7.0) -- LND Connect - Generate QR Codes for connecting wallets (v0.2.0) +- JoinMarket CLI +- LND Connect - Generate QR Codes for connecting wallets - Virtual Machine support (OVA file: VirtualBox, VMWare) -- VPN for Remote Access (OpenVPN 2.4.7) +- VPN for Remote Access - Bitcoin CLI - QuickSync - Quickly sync Bitcoin blockchain - LN Channel Backup -- Docker support (v19.03.13) (containers inside: Netdata Monitor, Glances, WebSSH2 (Linux Terminal), BTCPay Server) +- Docker support (containers inside: Netdata Monitor, Glances, WebSSH2 (Linux Terminal), BTCPay Server) - Simple UI / Web Interface - Dark Mode interface - Dedicated hardware keeps you constantly and securely connected!