Erwin de Haan ec1f5dc317 Mayor code cleanup
Add Argument*Exceptions now use proper nameof operators.

Added exception messages to quite a few Argument*Exceptions.

Fixed rethorwing to be proper syntax.

Added a ton of null checkes. (This is only a start, there are about 500 places that need proper null handling)

Added some TODOs to log certain exceptions.

Fix sln again.

Fixed all AssemblyInfo's and added proper copyright (where I could find them)

We live in *current year*.

Fixed the use of braces.

Fixed a ton of properties, and made a fair amount of functions static that should be and can be static.

Made more Methods that should be static static.

You can now use static to find bad functions!

Removed unused variable. And added one more proper XML comment.
2019-01-10 20:38:53 +01:00

313 lines
10 KiB

using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Drawing;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Playlists;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MediaBrowser.Model.IO;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.IO;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Net;
namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Images
public abstract class BaseDynamicImageProvider<T> : IHasItemChangeMonitor, IForcedProvider, ICustomMetadataProvider<T>, IHasOrder
where T : BaseItem
protected IFileSystem FileSystem { get; private set; }
protected IProviderManager ProviderManager { get; private set; }
protected IApplicationPaths ApplicationPaths { get; private set; }
protected IImageProcessor ImageProcessor { get; set; }
protected BaseDynamicImageProvider(IFileSystem fileSystem, IProviderManager providerManager, IApplicationPaths applicationPaths, IImageProcessor imageProcessor)
ApplicationPaths = applicationPaths;
ProviderManager = providerManager;
FileSystem = fileSystem;
ImageProcessor = imageProcessor;
protected virtual bool Supports(BaseItem item)
return true;
public virtual ImageType[] GetSupportedImages(BaseItem item)
return new ImageType[]
public async Task<ItemUpdateType> FetchAsync(T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (!Supports(item))
return ItemUpdateType.None;
var updateType = ItemUpdateType.None;
var supportedImages = GetSupportedImages(item);
if (supportedImages.Contains(ImageType.Primary))
var primaryResult = await FetchAsync(item, ImageType.Primary, options, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
updateType = updateType | primaryResult;
if (supportedImages.Contains(ImageType.Thumb))
var thumbResult = await FetchAsync(item, ImageType.Thumb, options, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
updateType = updateType | thumbResult;
return updateType;
protected Task<ItemUpdateType> FetchAsync(BaseItem item, ImageType imageType, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var image = item.GetImageInfo(imageType, 0);
if (image != null)
if (!image.IsLocalFile)
return Task.FromResult(ItemUpdateType.None);
if (!FileSystem.ContainsSubPath(item.GetInternalMetadataPath(), image.Path))
return Task.FromResult(ItemUpdateType.None);
var items = GetItemsWithImages(item);
return FetchToFileInternal(item, items, imageType, cancellationToken);
protected async Task<ItemUpdateType> FetchToFileInternal(BaseItem item,
List<BaseItem> itemsWithImages,
ImageType imageType,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var outputPathWithoutExtension = Path.Combine(ApplicationPaths.TempDirectory, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
string outputPath = CreateImage(item, itemsWithImages, outputPathWithoutExtension, imageType, 0);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputPath))
return ItemUpdateType.None;
var mimeType = MimeTypes.GetMimeType(outputPath);
if (string.Equals(mimeType, "application/octet-stream", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
mimeType = "image/png";
await ProviderManager.SaveImage(item, outputPath, mimeType, imageType, null, false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return ItemUpdateType.ImageUpdate;
protected abstract List<BaseItem> GetItemsWithImages(BaseItem item);
protected string CreateThumbCollage(BaseItem primaryItem, List<BaseItem> items, string outputPath)
return CreateCollage(primaryItem, items, outputPath, 640, 360);
protected virtual IEnumerable<string> GetStripCollageImagePaths(BaseItem primaryItem, IEnumerable<BaseItem> items)
return items
.Select(i =>
var image = i.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Primary, 0);
if (image != null && image.IsLocalFile)
return image.Path;
image = i.GetImageInfo(ImageType.Thumb, 0);
if (image != null && image.IsLocalFile)
return image.Path;
return null;
.Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i));
protected string CreatePosterCollage(BaseItem primaryItem, List<BaseItem> items, string outputPath)
return CreateCollage(primaryItem, items, outputPath, 400, 600);
protected string CreateSquareCollage(BaseItem primaryItem, List<BaseItem> items, string outputPath)
return CreateCollage(primaryItem, items, outputPath, 600, 600);
protected string CreateThumbCollage(BaseItem primaryItem, List<BaseItem> items, string outputPath, int width, int height)
return CreateCollage(primaryItem, items, outputPath, width, height);
private string CreateCollage(BaseItem primaryItem, List<BaseItem> items, string outputPath, int width, int height)
var options = new ImageCollageOptions
Height = height,
Width = width,
OutputPath = outputPath,
InputPaths = GetStripCollageImagePaths(primaryItem, items).ToArray()
if (options.InputPaths.Length == 0)
return null;
if (!ImageProcessor.SupportsImageCollageCreation)
return null;
return outputPath;
public string Name => "Dynamic Image Provider";
protected virtual string CreateImage(BaseItem item,
List<BaseItem> itemsWithImages,
string outputPathWithoutExtension,
ImageType imageType,
int imageIndex)
if (itemsWithImages.Count == 0)
return null;
string outputPath = Path.ChangeExtension(outputPathWithoutExtension, ".png");
if (imageType == ImageType.Thumb)
return CreateThumbCollage(item, itemsWithImages, outputPath);
if (imageType == ImageType.Primary)
if (item is UserView)
return CreateSquareCollage(item, itemsWithImages, outputPath);
if (item is Playlist || item is MusicGenre || item is Genre || item is GameGenre || item is PhotoAlbum)
return CreateSquareCollage(item, itemsWithImages, outputPath);
return CreatePosterCollage(item, itemsWithImages, outputPath);
throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected image type");
protected virtual int MaxImageAgeDays => 7;
public bool HasChanged(BaseItem item, IDirectoryService directoryServicee)
if (!Supports(item))
return false;
var supportedImages = GetSupportedImages(item);
if (supportedImages.Contains(ImageType.Primary) && HasChanged(item, ImageType.Primary))
return true;
if (supportedImages.Contains(ImageType.Thumb) && HasChanged(item, ImageType.Thumb))
return true;
return false;
protected bool HasChanged(BaseItem item, ImageType type)
var image = item.GetImageInfo(type, 0);
if (image != null)
if (!image.IsLocalFile)
return false;
if (!FileSystem.ContainsSubPath(item.GetInternalMetadataPath(), image.Path))
return false;
if (!HasChangedByDate(item, image))
return false;
return true;
protected virtual bool HasChangedByDate(BaseItem item, ItemImageInfo image)
var age = DateTime.UtcNow - image.DateModified;
if (age.TotalDays <= MaxImageAgeDays)
return false;
return true;
public int Order => 0;
protected string CreateSingleImage(List<BaseItem> itemsWithImages, string outputPathWithoutExtension, ImageType imageType)
var image = itemsWithImages
.Where(i => i.HasImage(imageType) && i.GetImageInfo(imageType, 0).IsLocalFile && Path.HasExtension(i.GetImagePath(imageType)))
.Select(i => i.GetImagePath(imageType))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(image))
return null;
var ext = Path.GetExtension(image);
var outputPath = Path.ChangeExtension(outputPathWithoutExtension, ext);
FileSystem.CopyFile(image, outputPath, true);
return outputPath;