2019-07-28 20:20:03 +02:00

207 lines
6.2 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Extensions;
namespace MediaBrowser.Model.Net
/// <summary>
/// Class MimeTypes
/// </summary>
public static class MimeTypes
/// <summary>
/// Any extension in this list is considered a video file
/// </summary>
private static readonly HashSet<string> _videoFileExtensions = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
// Add more as needed
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> _mimeTypeLookup = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
// Type application
{ ".cbz", "application/x-cbz" },
{ ".cbr", "application/epub+zip" },
{ ".eot", "application/" },
{ ".epub", "application/epub+zip" },
{ ".js", "application/x-javascript" },
{ ".json", "application/json" },
{ ".map", "application/x-javascript" },
{ ".pdf", "application/pdf" },
{ ".ttml", "application/ttml+xml" },
{ ".m3u8", "application/x-mpegURL" },
{ ".mobi", "application/x-mobipocket-ebook" },
{ ".xml", "application/xml" },
// Type image
{ ".jpg", "image/jpeg" },
{ ".jpeg", "image/jpeg" },
{ ".tbn", "image/jpeg" },
{ ".png", "image/png" },
{ ".gif", "image/gif" },
{ ".tiff", "image/tiff" },
{ ".webp", "image/webp" },
{ ".ico", "image/" },
{ ".svg", "image/svg+xml" },
{ ".svgz", "image/svg+xml" },
// Type font
{ ".ttf" , "font/ttf" },
{ ".woff" , "font/woff" },
// Type text
{ ".ass", "text/x-ssa" },
{ ".ssa", "text/x-ssa" },
{ ".css", "text/css" },
{ ".csv", "text/csv" },
{ ".txt", "text/plain" },
{ ".vtt", "text/vtt" },
// Type video
{ ".mpg", "video/mpeg" },
{ ".ogv", "video/ogg" },
{ ".mov", "video/quicktime" },
{ ".webm", "video/webm" },
{ ".mkv", "video/x-matroska" },
{ ".wmv", "video/x-ms-wmv" },
{ ".flv", "video/x-flv" },
{ ".avi", "video/x-msvideo" },
{ ".asf", "video/x-ms-asf" },
{ ".m4v", "video/x-m4v" },
{ ".m4s", "video/mp4" },
{ ".3gp", "video/3gpp" },
{ ".3g2", "video/3gpp2" },
{ ".mpd", "video/vnd.mpeg.dash.mpd" },
{ ".ts", "video/mp2t" },
// Type audio
{ ".mp3", "audio/mpeg" },
{ ".m4a", "audio/mp4" },
{ ".aac", "audio/mp4" },
{ ".webma", "audio/webm" },
{ ".wav", "audio/wav" },
{ ".wma", "audio/x-ms-wma" },
{ ".ogg", "audio/ogg" },
{ ".oga", "audio/ogg" },
{ ".opus", "audio/ogg" },
{ ".ac3", "audio/ac3" },
{ ".dsf", "audio/dsf" },
{ ".m4b", "audio/m4b" },
{ ".xsp", "audio/xsp" },
{ ".dsp", "audio/dsp" },
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> _extensionLookup = CreateExtensionLookup();
private static Dictionary<string, string> CreateExtensionLookup()
var dict = _mimeTypeLookup
.GroupBy(i => i.Value)
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.First().Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
dict["image/jpg"] = ".jpg";
dict["image/x-png"] = ".png";
dict["audio/x-aac"] = ".aac";
return dict;
public static string GetMimeType(string path) => GetMimeType(path, true);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the type of the MIME.
/// </summary>
public static string GetMimeType(string path, bool enableStreamDefault)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
var ext = Path.GetExtension(path);
if (_mimeTypeLookup.TryGetValue(ext, out string result))
return result;
// Catch-all for all video types that don't require specific mime types
if (_videoFileExtensions.Contains(ext))
return "video/" + ext.Substring(1);
// Type text
if (StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(ext, ".html")
|| StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(ext, ".htm"))
return "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
if (StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(ext, ".log")
|| StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(ext, ".srt"))
return "text/plain";
// Misc
if (StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(ext, ".dll"))
return "application/octet-stream";
return enableStreamDefault ? "application/octet-stream" : null;
public static string ToExtension(string mimeType)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mimeType))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mimeType));
// handle text/html; charset=UTF-8
mimeType = mimeType.Split(';')[0];
if (_extensionLookup.TryGetValue(mimeType, out string result))
return result;
return null;