* Fix fedora * Fix RID Linux * Fix package and image versions * Fix buildling and optimize docker images ``` * Removed find obj * Changed curl command and added gpg * Added to Contributors * Removed apt-transport-https package * Removed RASPI * Update Intel drivers version * Update Dockerfile for CentOS, Fedora, and portable deployments - Changed Jammy docker image to Built-in Jammy Microsoft .NET SDK image - Switched from using "Yum" to "Dnf" for CentOS and Fedora - Added "dnf clean all" and "rm -rf /var/cache/dnf" to the end of CentOS and Fedora Dockerfiles - Added "apt-get clean", "apt-get autoremove", "rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*" to the end of the Debian/Ubuntu Dockerfiles - Added ${DOTNET_VERSION} in every Dockerfile except CentOS/Fedora - Removed previous warning comment for dotnet publish build in parallel - Arranged package installation * Re-arranged Dockerfile package installation * Re-align * Remove curl * Remove curl
32 lines
883 B
Executable File
32 lines
883 B
Executable File
#= Generic Linux musl-linux-arm64 .tar.gz
set -o errexit
set -o xtrace
# Move to source directory
pushd "${SOURCE_DIR}"
# Get version
if [[ ${IS_UNSTABLE} == 'yes' ]]; then
version="$( grep "version:" ./build.yaml | sed -E 's/version: "([0-9\.]+.*)"/\1/' )"
# Build archives
dotnet publish Jellyfin.Server --configuration Release --self-contained --runtime linux-musl-arm64 --output dist/jellyfin-server_"${version}"/ -p:DebugSymbols=false -p:DebugType=none -p:UseAppHost=true
tar -czf jellyfin-server_"${version}"_linux-arm64-musl.tar.gz -C dist jellyfin-server_"${version}"
rm -rf dist/jellyfin-server_"${version}"
# Move the artifacts out
mkdir -p "${ARTIFACT_DIR}/"
mv jellyfin[-_]*.tar.gz "${ARTIFACT_DIR}/"
if [[ ${IS_DOCKER} == YES ]]; then
chown -Rc "$(stat -c %u:%g "${ARTIFACT_DIR}")" "${ARTIFACT_DIR}"