2017-06-21 02:46:57 -04:00

343 lines
8.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
namespace SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen
public class FilePath
private string _path;
private static long _tempCounter;
public FilePath()
public FilePath(string path)
: this((string)null, path)
public FilePath(FilePath other, string child)
: this((string)other, child)
public FilePath(string other, string child)
if (other == null)
_path = child;
while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(child)
&& (child[0] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
|| child[0] == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar))
child = child.Substring(1);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(other)
&& other[other.Length - 1] == Path.VolumeSeparatorChar)
other += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
_path = Path.Combine(other, child);
public static implicit operator FilePath(string name)
return new FilePath(name);
public static implicit operator string(FilePath filePath)
return filePath == null ? null : filePath._path;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
FilePath other = obj as FilePath;
if (other == null)
return false;
return GetCanonicalPath() == other.GetCanonicalPath();
public override int GetHashCode()
return _path.GetHashCode();
public bool CreateNewFile()
//Stream.`Close` method deleted
//File.Open (_path, FileMode.CreateNew).Close ();
File.Open(_path, FileMode.CreateNew).Dispose();
return true;
return false;
public static FilePath CreateTempFile()
return new FilePath(Path.GetTempFileName());
public static FilePath CreateTempFile(string prefix, string suffix)
return CreateTempFile(prefix, suffix, null);
public static FilePath CreateTempFile(string prefix, string suffix, FilePath directory)
string file;
if (prefix == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("prefix");
if (prefix.Length < 3)
throw new ArgumentException("prefix must have at least 3 characters");
string str = (directory == null) ? Path.GetTempPath() : directory.GetPath();
file = Path.Combine(str, prefix + Interlocked.Increment(ref _tempCounter) + suffix);
} while (File.Exists(file));
new FileOutputStream(file).Close();
return new FilePath(file);
public void DeleteOnExit()
public FilePath GetAbsoluteFile()
return new FilePath(Path.GetFullPath(_path));
public string GetAbsolutePath()
return Path.GetFullPath(_path);
public FilePath GetCanonicalFile()
return new FilePath(GetCanonicalPath());
public string GetCanonicalPath()
return Path.GetFullPath(_path);
public string GetName()
return Path.GetFileName(_path);
public FilePath GetParentFile()
return new FilePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(_path));
public string GetPath()
return _path;
public bool IsAbsolute()
return Path.IsPathRooted(_path);
public bool IsDirectory()
return false; // FileHelper.Instance.IsDirectory(this);
public bool IsFile()
return false; //FileHelper.Instance.IsFile (this);
public long LastModified()
return 0; // FileHelper.Instance.LastModified(this);
public long Length()
return 0; // FileHelper.Instance.Length(this);
public string[] List()
return List(null);
public string[] List(IFilenameFilter filter)
if (IsFile())
return null;
List<string> list = new List<string>();
foreach (string filePth in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(_path))
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePth);
if ((filter == null) || filter.Accept(this, fileName))
return list.ToArray();
return null;
public FilePath[] ListFiles()
if (IsFile())
return null;
List<FilePath> list = new List<FilePath>();
foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(_path))
list.Add(new FilePath(filePath));
return list.ToArray();
return null;
static void MakeDirWritable(string dir)
//FileHelper.Instance.MakeDirWritable (dir);
static void MakeFileWritable(string file)
//FileHelper.Instance.MakeFileWritable (file);
public bool Mkdir()
if (Directory.Exists(_path))
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
public bool Mkdirs()
if (Directory.Exists(_path))
return false;
return true;
return false;
public bool RenameTo(FilePath file)
return RenameTo(file._path);
public bool RenameTo(string name)
return false; // FileHelper.Instance.RenameTo(this, name);
public bool SetLastModified(long milis)
return false; // FileHelper.Instance.SetLastModified(this, milis);
public bool SetReadOnly()
return false; // FileHelper.Instance.SetReadOnly(this);
public Uri ToUri()
return new Uri(_path);
// Don't change the case of this method, since ngit does reflection on it
public bool CanExecute()
return false; // FileHelper.Instance.CanExecute(this);
// Don't change the case of this method, since ngit does reflection on it
public bool SetExecutable(bool exec)
return false; // FileHelper.Instance.SetExecutable(this, exec);
public string GetParent()
string p = Path.GetDirectoryName(_path);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p) || p == _path)
return null;
return p;
public override string ToString()
return _path;
static internal string PathSeparator
get { return Path.PathSeparator.ToString(); }
static internal char PathSeparatorChar
get { return Path.PathSeparator; }
static internal char SeparatorChar
get { return Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; }
static internal string Separator
get { return Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); }