2014-04-01 18:23:07 -04:00

89 lines
5.7 KiB

"LabelExit": "Exit",
"LabelVisitCommunity": "Visit Community",
"LabelGithubWiki": "Github Wiki",
"LabelSwagger": "Swagger",
"LabelStandard": "Standard",
"LabelViewApiDocumentation": "View Api Documentation",
"LabelBrowseLibrary": "Browse Library",
"LabelConfigureMediaBrowser": "Configure Media Browser",
"LabelOpenLibraryViewer": "Open Library Viewer",
"LabelRestartServer": "Restart Server",
"LabelShowLogWindow": "Show Log Window",
"LabelPrevious": "Previous",
"LabelFinish": "Finish",
"LabelNext": "Next",
"LabelYoureDone": "You're Done!",
"WelcomeToMediaBrowser": "Welcome to Media Browser!",
"TitleMediaBrowser": "Media Browser",
"ThisWizardWillGuideYou": "This wizard will help guide you through the setup process.",
"TellUsAboutYourself": "Tell us about yourself",
"LabelYourFirstName": "Your first name:",
"MoreUsersCanBeAddedLater": "More users can be added later within the Dashboard.",
"UserProfilesIntro": "Media Browser includes built-in support for user profiles, enabling each user to have their own display settings, playstate and parental controls.",
"LabelWindowsService": "Windows Service",
"AWindowsServiceHasBeenInstalled": "A Windows Service has been installed.",
"WindowsServiceIntro1": "Media Browser Server normally runs as a desktop application with a tray icon, but if you prefer to run it as a background service, it can be started from the windows services control panel instead.",
"WindowsServiceIntro2": "If using the windows service, please note that it cannot be run at the same time as the tray icon, so you'll need to exit the tray in order to run the service. The service will also need to be configured with administrative privileges via the control panel. Please note that at this time the service is unable to self-update, so new versions will require manual interaction.",
"WizardCompleted": "That's all we need for now. Media Browser has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish</b> to view the <b>Dashboard</b>.",
"LabelConfigureSettings": "Configure settings",
"LabelEnableVideoImageExtraction": "Enable video image extraction",
"VideoImageExtractionHelp": "For videos that don't already have images, and that we're unable to find internet images for. This will add some additional time to the initial library scan but will result in a more pleasing presentation.",
"LabelEnableChapterImageExtractionForMovies": "Extract chapter image extraction for Movies",
"LabelChapterImageExtractionForMoviesHelp": "Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs as a nightly scheduled task at 4am, although this is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapping": "Enable automatic port mapping",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMappingHelp": "UPnP allows automated router configuration for easy remote access. This may not work with some router models.",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancel",
"HeaderSetupLibrary": "Setup your media library",
"ButtonAddMediaFolder": "Add media folder",
"LabelFolderType": "Folder type:",
"MediaFolderHelpPluginRequired": "* Requires the use of a plugin, e.g. GameBrowser or MB Bookshelf.",
"ReferToMediaLibraryWiki": "Refer to the media library wiki.",
"LabelCountry": "Country:",
"LabelLanguage": "Language:",
"HeaderPreferredMetadataLanguage": "Preferred metadata language:",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadata": "Save artwork and metadata into media folders",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadataHelp": "Saving artwork and metadata directly into media folders will put them in a place where they can be easily edited.",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadata": "Download artwork and metadata from the internet",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadataHelp": "Media Browser can download information about your media to enable rich presentations.",
"TabPreferences": "Preferences",
"TabPassword": "Password",
"TabLibraryAccess": "Library Access",
"TabImage": "Image",
"TabProfile": "Profile",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons": "Display missing episodes within seasons",
"LabelUnairedMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons": "Display unaired episodes within seasons",
"HeaderVideoPlaybackSettings": "Video Playback Settings",
"LabelAudioLanguagePreference": "Audio language preference:",
"LabelSubtitleLanguagePreference": "Subtitle language preference:",
"LabelDisplayForcedSubtitlesOnly": "Display only forced subtitles",
"TabProfiles": "Profiles",
"TabSecurity": "Security",
"ButtonAddUser": "Add User",
"ButtonSave": "Save",
"ButtonResetPassword": "Reset Password",
"LabelNewPassword": "New password:",
"LabelNewPasswordConfirm": "New password confirm:",
"HeaderCreatePassword": "Create Password",
"LabelCurrentPassword": "Current password:",
"LabelMaxParentalRating": "Maximum allowed parental rating:",
"MaxParentalRatingHelp": "Content with a higher rating will be hidden from this user.",
"LibraryAccessHelp": "Select the media folders to share with this user. Administrators will be able to edit all folders using the metadata manager.",
"ButtonDeleteImage": "Delete Image",
"ButtonUpload": "Upload",
"HeaderUploadNewImage": "Upload New Image",
"LabelDropImageHere": "Drop Image Here",
"ImageUploadAspectRatioHelp": "1:1 Aspect Ratio Recommended. JPG/PNG only.",
"MessageNothingHere": "Nothing here.",
"MessagePleaseEnsureInternetMetadata": "Please ensure downloading of internet metadata is enabled.",
"TabSuggested": "Suggested",
"TabLatest": "Latest",
"TabUpcoming": "Upcoming",
"TabShows": "Shows",
"TabEpisodes": "Episodes",
"TabGenres": "Genres",
"TabPeople": "People",
"TabNetworks": "Networks",
"HeaderUsers": "Users"