using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging; namespace MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.Networking { // Copied from: // In case anybody is interested, source code is attached and is free for use by anybody as long as you don't hold me or Microsoft liable for it -- // I have no idea whether this is actually the right or best way to do this. Give it the X500 distinguished name, validity start and end dates, // and an optional password for encrypting the key data, and it will give you the PFX file data. Let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions. internal class CertificateGenerator { internal static void CreateSelfSignCertificatePfx( string fileName, string hostname, ILogger logger) { try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { logger.Info("No certificate filename specified."); return; } if (File.Exists(fileName)) { logger.Info("Certificate file already exists. To regenerate, delete {0}", fileName); return; } string x500 = string.Format("CN={0}", hostname); DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2); DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10); byte[] pfxData = CreateSelfSignCertificatePfx( x500, startTime, endTime); File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, pfxData); } catch (Exception e) { logger.ErrorException("Error generating self signed ssl certificate: {0}", e, fileName); } } private static byte[] CreateSelfSignCertificatePfx( string x500, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) { byte[] pfxData; if (x500 == null) { x500 = ""; } SystemTime startSystemTime = ToSystemTime(startTime); SystemTime endSystemTime = ToSystemTime(endTime); string containerName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); GCHandle dataHandle = new GCHandle(); IntPtr providerContext = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr cryptKey = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr certContext = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr certStore = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr storeCertContext = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr passwordPtr = IntPtr.Zero; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { Check(NativeMethods.CryptAcquireContextW( out providerContext, containerName, null, 1, // PROV_RSA_FULL 8)); // CRYPT_NEWKEYSET Check(NativeMethods.CryptGenKey( providerContext, 1, // AT_KEYEXCHANGE 1 | 2048 << 16, // CRYPT_EXPORTABLE 2048 bit key out cryptKey)); IntPtr errorStringPtr; int nameDataLength = 0; byte[] nameData; // errorStringPtr gets a pointer into the middle of the x500 string, // so x500 needs to be pinned until after we've copied the value // of errorStringPtr. dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(x500, GCHandleType.Pinned); if (!NativeMethods.CertStrToNameW( 0x00010001, // X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), 3, // CERT_X500_NAME_STR = 3 IntPtr.Zero, null, ref nameDataLength, out errorStringPtr)) { string error = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(errorStringPtr); throw new ArgumentException(error); } nameData = new byte[nameDataLength]; if (!NativeMethods.CertStrToNameW( 0x00010001, // X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), 3, // CERT_X500_NAME_STR = 3 IntPtr.Zero, nameData, ref nameDataLength, out errorStringPtr)) { string error = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(errorStringPtr); throw new ArgumentException(error); } dataHandle.Free(); dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(nameData, GCHandleType.Pinned); CryptoApiBlob nameBlob = new CryptoApiBlob( nameData.Length, dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject()); CryptKeyProviderInformation kpi = new CryptKeyProviderInformation(); kpi.ContainerName = containerName; kpi.ProviderType = 1; // PROV_RSA_FULL kpi.KeySpec = 1; // AT_KEYEXCHANGE CryptAlgorithmIdentifier sha256Identifier = new CryptAlgorithmIdentifier(); sha256Identifier.pszObjId = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11"; certContext = NativeMethods.CertCreateSelfSignCertificate( providerContext, ref nameBlob, 0, ref kpi, ref sha256Identifier, ref startSystemTime, ref endSystemTime, IntPtr.Zero); Check(certContext != IntPtr.Zero); dataHandle.Free(); certStore = NativeMethods.CertOpenStore( "Memory", // sz_CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0x2000, // CERT_STORE_CREATE_NEW_FLAG IntPtr.Zero); Check(certStore != IntPtr.Zero); Check(NativeMethods.CertAddCertificateContextToStore( certStore, certContext, 1, // CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW out storeCertContext)); NativeMethods.CertSetCertificateContextProperty( storeCertContext, 2, // CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID 0, ref kpi); CryptoApiBlob pfxBlob = new CryptoApiBlob(); Check(NativeMethods.PFXExportCertStoreEx( certStore, ref pfxBlob, passwordPtr, IntPtr.Zero, 7)); // EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEYS | REPORT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY | REPORT_NOT_ABLE_TO_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY pfxData = new byte[pfxBlob.DataLength]; dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(pfxData, GCHandleType.Pinned); pfxBlob.Data = dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); Check(NativeMethods.PFXExportCertStoreEx( certStore, ref pfxBlob, passwordPtr, IntPtr.Zero, 7)); // EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEYS | REPORT_NO_PRIVATE_KEY | REPORT_NOT_ABLE_TO_EXPORT_PRIVATE_KEY dataHandle.Free(); } finally { if (passwordPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(passwordPtr); } if (dataHandle.IsAllocated) { dataHandle.Free(); } if (certContext != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext); } if (storeCertContext != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CertFreeCertificateContext(storeCertContext); } if (certStore != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CertCloseStore(certStore, 0); } if (cryptKey != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CryptDestroyKey(cryptKey); } if (providerContext != IntPtr.Zero) { NativeMethods.CryptReleaseContext(providerContext, 0); NativeMethods.CryptAcquireContextW( out providerContext, containerName, null, 1, // PROV_RSA_FULL 0x10); // CRYPT_DELETEKEYSET } } return pfxData; } private static SystemTime ToSystemTime(DateTime dateTime) { long fileTime = dateTime.ToFileTime(); SystemTime systemTime; Check(NativeMethods.FileTimeToSystemTime(ref fileTime, out systemTime)); return systemTime; } private static void Check(bool nativeCallSucceeded) { if (!nativeCallSucceeded) { int error = Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error(); Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(error); } } } }