ARG DOTNET_VERSION=2 # Download ffmpeg first to allow quicker rebuild of other layers FROM alpine as ffmpeg ARG FFMPEG_URL= RUN wget ${FFMPEG_URL} -O - | tar Jxf - \ && mkdir ffmpeg-bin \ && mv ffmpeg*/ffmpeg ffmpeg-bin \ && mv ffmpeg*/ffprobe ffmpeg-bin FROM microsoft/dotnet:${DOTNET_VERSION}-sdk as builder WORKDIR /repo COPY . . RUN export DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1 \ && dotnet clean \ && dotnet publish \ --configuration release \ --output /jellyfin \ Jellyfin.Server FROM microsoft/dotnet:${DOTNET_VERSION}-runtime COPY --from=builder /jellyfin /jellyfin COPY --from=ffmpeg /ffmpeg-bin/* /usr/bin/ EXPOSE 8096 VOLUME /config /media RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests -y \ libfontconfig1 # Required for Skia \ && apt-get clean autoclean \ && apt-get autoremove \ && rm -rf /var/lib/{apt,dpkg,cache,log} ENTRYPOINT dotnet /jellyfin/jellyfin.dll -programdata /config