using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Subtitles { /// /// Credit to /// public class SsaParser : ISubtitleParser { public SubtitleTrackInfo Parse(Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var trackInfo = new SubtitleTrackInfo(); using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { bool eventsStarted = false; string[] format = "Marked, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text".Split(','); int indexLayer = 0; int indexStart = 1; int indexEnd = 2; int indexStyle = 3; int indexName = 4; int indexEffect = 8; int indexText = 9; int lineNumber = 0; var header = new StringBuilder(); string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); lineNumber++; if (!eventsStarted) header.AppendLine(line); if (line.Trim().ToLower() == "[events]") { eventsStarted = true; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && line.Trim().StartsWith(";")) { // skip comment lines } else if (eventsStarted && line.Trim().Length > 0) { string s = line.Trim().ToLower(); if (s.StartsWith("format:")) { if (line.Length > 10) { format = line.ToLower().Substring(8).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < format.Length; i++) { if (format[i].Trim().ToLower() == "layer") indexLayer = i; else if (format[i].Trim().ToLower() == "start") indexStart = i; else if (format[i].Trim().ToLower() == "end") indexEnd = i; else if (format[i].Trim().ToLower() == "text") indexText = i; else if (format[i].Trim().ToLower() == "effect") indexEffect = i; else if (format[i].Trim().ToLower() == "style") indexStyle = i; } } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { string text = string.Empty; string start = string.Empty; string end = string.Empty; string style = string.Empty; string layer = string.Empty; string effect = string.Empty; string name = string.Empty; string[] splittedLine; if (s.StartsWith("dialogue:")) splittedLine = line.Substring(10).Split(','); else splittedLine = line.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < splittedLine.Length; i++) { if (i == indexStart) start = splittedLine[i].Trim(); else if (i == indexEnd) end = splittedLine[i].Trim(); else if (i == indexLayer) layer = splittedLine[i]; else if (i == indexEffect) effect = splittedLine[i]; else if (i == indexText) text = splittedLine[i]; else if (i == indexStyle) style = splittedLine[i]; else if (i == indexName) name = splittedLine[i]; else if (i > indexText) text += "," + splittedLine[i]; } try { var p = new SubtitleTrackEvent(); p.StartPositionTicks = GetTimeCodeFromString(start); p.EndPositionTicks = GetTimeCodeFromString(end); p.Text = GetFormattedText(text); trackInfo.TrackEvents.Add(p); } catch { } } } } //if (header.Length > 0) //subtitle.Header = header.ToString(); //subtitle.Renumber(1); } return trackInfo; } private static long GetTimeCodeFromString(string time) { // string[] timeCode = time.Split(':', '.'); return new TimeSpan(0, int.Parse(timeCode[0]), int.Parse(timeCode[1]), int.Parse(timeCode[2]), int.Parse(timeCode[3]) * 10).Ticks; } public static string GetFormattedText(string text) { text = text.Replace("\\N", Environment.NewLine).Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine); bool italic = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // just look ten times... { if (text.Contains(@"{\fn")) { int start = text.IndexOf(@"{\fn"); int end = text.IndexOf('}', start); if (end > 0 && !text.Substring(start).StartsWith("{\\fn}")) { string fontName = text.Substring(start + 4, end - (start + 4)); string extraTags = string.Empty; CheckAndAddSubTags(ref fontName, ref extraTags, out italic); text = text.Remove(start, end - start + 1); if (italic) text = text.Insert(start, ""); else text = text.Insert(start, ""); int indexOfEndTag = text.IndexOf("{\\fn}", start); if (indexOfEndTag > 0) text = text.Remove(indexOfEndTag, "{\\fn}".Length).Insert(indexOfEndTag, ""); else text += ""; } } if (text.Contains(@"{\fs")) { int start = text.IndexOf(@"{\fs"); int end = text.IndexOf('}', start); if (end > 0 && !text.Substring(start).StartsWith("{\\fs}")) { string fontSize = text.Substring(start + 4, end - (start + 4)); string extraTags = string.Empty; CheckAndAddSubTags(ref fontSize, ref extraTags, out italic); if (IsInteger(fontSize)) { text = text.Remove(start, end - start + 1); if (italic) text = text.Insert(start, ""); else text = text.Insert(start, ""); int indexOfEndTag = text.IndexOf("{\\fs}", start); if (indexOfEndTag > 0) text = text.Remove(indexOfEndTag, "{\\fs}".Length).Insert(indexOfEndTag, ""); else text += ""; } } } if (text.Contains(@"{\c")) { int start = text.IndexOf(@"{\c"); int end = text.IndexOf('}', start); if (end > 0 && !text.Substring(start).StartsWith("{\\c}")) { string color = text.Substring(start + 4, end - (start + 4)); string extraTags = string.Empty; CheckAndAddSubTags(ref color, ref extraTags, out italic); color = color.Replace("&", string.Empty).TrimStart('H'); color = color.PadLeft(6, '0'); // switch to rrggbb from bbggrr color = "#" + color.Remove(color.Length - 6) + color.Substring(color.Length - 2, 2) + color.Substring(color.Length - 4, 2) + color.Substring(color.Length - 6, 2); color = color.ToLower(); text = text.Remove(start, end - start + 1); if (italic) text = text.Insert(start, ""); else text = text.Insert(start, ""); int indexOfEndTag = text.IndexOf("{\\c}", start); if (indexOfEndTag > 0) text = text.Remove(indexOfEndTag, "{\\c}".Length).Insert(indexOfEndTag, ""); else text += ""; } } if (text.Contains(@"{\1c")) // "1" specifices primary color { int start = text.IndexOf(@"{\1c"); int end = text.IndexOf('}', start); if (end > 0 && !text.Substring(start).StartsWith("{\\1c}")) { string color = text.Substring(start + 5, end - (start + 5)); string extraTags = string.Empty; CheckAndAddSubTags(ref color, ref extraTags, out italic); color = color.Replace("&", string.Empty).TrimStart('H'); color = color.PadLeft(6, '0'); // switch to rrggbb from bbggrr color = "#" + color.Remove(color.Length - 6) + color.Substring(color.Length - 2, 2) + color.Substring(color.Length - 4, 2) + color.Substring(color.Length - 6, 2); color = color.ToLower(); text = text.Remove(start, end - start + 1); if (italic) text = text.Insert(start, ""); else text = text.Insert(start, ""); text += ""; } } } text = text.Replace(@"{\i1}", ""); text = text.Replace(@"{\i0}", ""); text = text.Replace(@"{\i}", ""); if (CountTagInText(text, "") > CountTagInText(text, "")) text += ""; text = text.Replace(@"{\u1}", ""); text = text.Replace(@"{\u0}", ""); text = text.Replace(@"{\u}", ""); if (CountTagInText(text, "") > CountTagInText(text, "")) text += ""; text = text.Replace(@"{\b1}", ""); text = text.Replace(@"{\b0}", ""); text = text.Replace(@"{\b}", ""); if (CountTagInText(text, "") > CountTagInText(text, "")) text += ""; return text; } private static bool IsInteger(string s) { int i; if (int.TryParse(s, out i)) return true; return false; } private static int CountTagInText(string text, string tag) { int count = 0; int index = text.IndexOf(tag); while (index >= 0) { count++; if (index == text.Length) return count; index = text.IndexOf(tag, index + 1); } return count; } private static void CheckAndAddSubTags(ref string tagName, ref string extraTags, out bool italic) { italic = false; int indexOfSPlit = tagName.IndexOf(@"\"); if (indexOfSPlit > 0) { string rest = tagName.Substring(indexOfSPlit).TrimStart('\\'); tagName = tagName.Remove(indexOfSPlit); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (rest.StartsWith("fs") && rest.Length > 2) { indexOfSPlit = rest.IndexOf(@"\"); string fontSize = rest; if (indexOfSPlit > 0) { fontSize = rest.Substring(0, indexOfSPlit); rest = rest.Substring(indexOfSPlit).TrimStart('\\'); } else { rest = string.Empty; } extraTags += " size=\"" + fontSize.Substring(2) + "\""; } else if (rest.StartsWith("fn") && rest.Length > 2) { indexOfSPlit = rest.IndexOf(@"\"); string fontName = rest; if (indexOfSPlit > 0) { fontName = rest.Substring(0, indexOfSPlit); rest = rest.Substring(indexOfSPlit).TrimStart('\\'); } else { rest = string.Empty; } extraTags += " face=\"" + fontName.Substring(2) + "\""; } else if (rest.StartsWith("c") && rest.Length > 2) { indexOfSPlit = rest.IndexOf(@"\"); string fontColor = rest; if (indexOfSPlit > 0) { fontColor = rest.Substring(0, indexOfSPlit); rest = rest.Substring(indexOfSPlit).TrimStart('\\'); } else { rest = string.Empty; } string color = fontColor.Substring(2); color = color.Replace("&", string.Empty).TrimStart('H'); color = color.PadLeft(6, '0'); // switch to rrggbb from bbggrr color = "#" + color.Remove(color.Length - 6) + color.Substring(color.Length - 2, 2) + color.Substring(color.Length - 4, 2) + color.Substring(color.Length - 6, 2); color = color.ToLower(); extraTags += " color=\"" + color + "\""; } else if (rest.StartsWith("i1") && rest.Length > 1) { indexOfSPlit = rest.IndexOf(@"\"); italic = true; if (indexOfSPlit > 0) { rest = rest.Substring(indexOfSPlit).TrimStart('\\'); } else { rest = string.Empty; } } else if (rest.Length > 0 && rest.Contains("\\")) { indexOfSPlit = rest.IndexOf(@"\"); rest = rest.Substring(indexOfSPlit).TrimStart('\\'); } } } } } }