using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.IO { public class AsyncStreamCopier : IDisposable { // size in bytes of the buffers in the buffer pool private const int DefaultBufferSize = 4096; private readonly int _bufferSize; // number of buffers in the pool private const int DefaultBufferCount = 4; private readonly int _bufferCount; // indexes of the next buffer to read into/write from private int _nextReadBuffer = -1; private int _nextWriteBuffer = -1; // the buffer pool, implemented as an array, and used in a cyclic way private readonly byte[][] _buffers; // sizes in bytes of the available (read) data in the buffers private readonly int[] _sizes; // the streams... private Stream _source; private Stream _target; private readonly bool _closeStreamsOnEnd; // number of buffers that are ready to be written private int _buffersToWrite; // flag indicating that there is still a read operation to be scheduled // (source end of stream not reached) private volatile bool _moreDataToRead; // the result of the whole operation, returned by BeginCopy() private AsyncResult _asyncResult; // any exception that occurs during an async operation // stored here for rethrow private Exception _exception; public TaskCompletionSource TaskCompletionSource; private long _bytesToRead; private long _totalBytesWritten; private CancellationToken _cancellationToken; public AsyncStreamCopier(Stream source, Stream target, long bytesToRead, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool closeStreamsOnEnd = false, int bufferSize = DefaultBufferSize, int bufferCount = DefaultBufferCount) { if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); if (target == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); if (!source.CanRead) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot copy from a non-readable stream."); if (!target.CanWrite) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot copy to a non-writable stream."); _source = source; _target = target; _moreDataToRead = true; _closeStreamsOnEnd = closeStreamsOnEnd; _bufferSize = bufferSize; _bufferCount = bufferCount; _buffers = new byte[_bufferCount][]; _sizes = new int[_bufferCount]; _bytesToRead = bytesToRead; _cancellationToken = cancellationToken; } ~AsyncStreamCopier() { // ensure any exception cannot be ignored ThrowExceptionIfNeeded(); } public static Task CopyStream(Stream source, Stream target, int bufferSize, int bufferCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return CopyStream(source, target, 0, bufferSize, bufferCount, cancellationToken); } public static Task CopyStream(Stream source, Stream target, long size, int bufferSize, int bufferCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var copier = new AsyncStreamCopier(source, target, size, cancellationToken, false, bufferSize, bufferCount); var taskCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource(); copier.TaskCompletionSource = taskCompletion; var result = copier.BeginCopy(StreamCopyCallback, copier); if (result.CompletedSynchronously) { StreamCopyCallback(result); } cancellationToken.Register(() => taskCompletion.TrySetCanceled()); return taskCompletion.Task; } private static void StreamCopyCallback(IAsyncResult result) { var copier = (AsyncStreamCopier)result.AsyncState; var taskCompletion = copier.TaskCompletionSource; try { copier.EndCopy(result); taskCompletion.TrySetResult(true); } catch (Exception ex) { taskCompletion.TrySetException(ex); } } public void Dispose() { if (_asyncResult != null) _asyncResult.Dispose(); if (_closeStreamsOnEnd) { if (_source != null) { _source.Dispose(); _source = null; } if (_target != null) { _target.Dispose(); _target = null; } } GC.SuppressFinalize(this); ThrowExceptionIfNeeded(); } public IAsyncResult BeginCopy(AsyncCallback callback, object state) { // avoid concurrent start of the copy on separate threads if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _asyncResult, new AsyncResult(callback, state), null) != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("A copy operation has already been started on this object."); // allocate buffers for (int i = 0; i < _bufferCount; i++) _buffers[i] = new byte[_bufferSize]; // we pass false to BeginRead() to avoid completing the async result // immediately which would result in invoking the callback // when the method fails synchronously BeginRead(false); // throw exception synchronously if there is one ThrowExceptionIfNeeded(); return _asyncResult; } public void EndCopy(IAsyncResult ar) { if (ar != _asyncResult) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid IAsyncResult object."); if (!_asyncResult.IsCompleted) _asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); if (_closeStreamsOnEnd) { _source.Close(); _source = null; _target.Close(); _target = null; } //_logger.Info("AsyncStreamCopier {0} bytes requested. {1} bytes transferred", _bytesToRead, _totalBytesWritten); ThrowExceptionIfNeeded(); } /// /// Here we'll throw a pending exception if there is one, /// and remove it from our instance, so we know it has been consumed. /// private void ThrowExceptionIfNeeded() { if (_exception != null) { var exception = _exception; _exception = null; throw exception; } } private void BeginRead(bool completeOnError = true) { if (!_moreDataToRead) { return; } if (_asyncResult.IsCompleted) return; int bufferIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref _nextReadBuffer) % _bufferCount; try { _source.BeginRead(_buffers[bufferIndex], 0, _bufferSize, EndRead, bufferIndex); } catch (Exception exception) { _exception = exception; if (completeOnError) _asyncResult.Complete(false); } } private void BeginWrite() { if (_asyncResult.IsCompleted) return; // this method can actually be called concurrently!! // indeed, let's say we call a BeginWrite, and the thread gets interrupted // just after making the IO request. // At that moment, the thread is still in the method. And then the IO request // ends (extremely fast io, or caching...), EndWrite gets called // on another thread, and calls BeginWrite again! There we have it! // That is the reason why an Interlocked is needed here. int bufferIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref _nextWriteBuffer) % _bufferCount; try { int bytesToWrite; if (_bytesToRead > 0) { var bytesLeftToWrite = _bytesToRead - _totalBytesWritten; bytesToWrite = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Min(_sizes[bufferIndex], bytesLeftToWrite)); } else { bytesToWrite = _sizes[bufferIndex]; } _target.BeginWrite(_buffers[bufferIndex], 0, bytesToWrite, EndWrite, null); _totalBytesWritten += bytesToWrite; } catch (Exception exception) { _exception = exception; _asyncResult.Complete(false); } } private void EndRead(IAsyncResult ar) { try { int read = _source.EndRead(ar); _moreDataToRead = read > 0; var bufferIndex = (int)ar.AsyncState; _sizes[bufferIndex] = read; } catch (Exception exception) { _exception = exception; _asyncResult.Complete(false); return; } if (_moreDataToRead && !_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { int usedBuffers = Interlocked.Increment(ref _buffersToWrite); // if we incremented from zero to one, then it means we just // added the single buffer to write, so a writer could not // be busy, and we have to schedule one. if (usedBuffers == 1) BeginWrite(); // test if there is at least a free buffer, and schedule // a read, as we have read some data if (usedBuffers < _bufferCount) BeginRead(); } else { // we did not add a buffer, because no data was read, and // there is no buffer left to write so this is the end... if (Thread.VolatileRead(ref _buffersToWrite) == 0) { _asyncResult.Complete(false); } } } private void EndWrite(IAsyncResult ar) { try { _target.EndWrite(ar); } catch (Exception exception) { _exception = exception; _asyncResult.Complete(false); return; } int buffersLeftToWrite = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _buffersToWrite); // no reader could be active if all buffers were full of data waiting to be written bool noReaderIsBusy = buffersLeftToWrite == _bufferCount - 1; // note that it is possible that both a reader and // a writer see the end of the copy and call Complete // on the _asyncResult object. That race condition is handled by // Complete that ensures it is only executed fully once. long bytesLeftToWrite; if (_bytesToRead > 0) { bytesLeftToWrite = _bytesToRead - _totalBytesWritten; } else { bytesLeftToWrite = 1; } if (!_moreDataToRead || bytesLeftToWrite <= 0 || _cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { // at this point we know no reader can schedule a read or write if (Thread.VolatileRead(ref _buffersToWrite) == 0) { // nothing left to write, so it is the end _asyncResult.Complete(false); return; } } else // here, we know we have something left to read, // so schedule a read if no read is busy if (noReaderIsBusy) BeginRead(); // also schedule a write if we are sure we did not write the last buffer // note that if buffersLeftToWrite is zero and a reader has put another // buffer to write between the time we decremented _buffersToWrite // and now, that reader will also schedule another write, // as it will increment _buffersToWrite from zero to one if (buffersLeftToWrite > 0) BeginWrite(); } } internal class AsyncResult : IAsyncResult, IDisposable { // Fields set at construction which never change while // operation is pending private readonly AsyncCallback _asyncCallback; private readonly object _asyncState; // Fields set at construction which do change after // operation completes private const int StatePending = 0; private const int StateCompletedSynchronously = 1; private const int StateCompletedAsynchronously = 2; private int _completedState = StatePending; // Field that may or may not get set depending on usage private ManualResetEvent _waitHandle; internal AsyncResult( AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object state) { _asyncCallback = asyncCallback; _asyncState = state; } internal bool Complete(bool completedSynchronously) { bool result = false; // The _completedState field MUST be set prior calling the callback int prevState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _completedState, completedSynchronously ? StateCompletedSynchronously : StateCompletedAsynchronously, StatePending); if (prevState == StatePending) { // If the event exists, set it if (_waitHandle != null) _waitHandle.Set(); if (_asyncCallback != null) _asyncCallback(this); result = true; } return result; } #region Implementation of IAsyncResult public Object AsyncState { get { return _asyncState; } } public bool CompletedSynchronously { get { return Thread.VolatileRead(ref _completedState) == StateCompletedSynchronously; } } public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get { if (_waitHandle == null) { bool done = IsCompleted; var mre = new ManualResetEvent(done); if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _waitHandle, mre, null) != null) { // Another thread created this object's event; dispose // the event we just created mre.Close(); } else { if (!done && IsCompleted) { // If the operation wasn't done when we created // the event but now it is done, set the event _waitHandle.Set(); } } } return _waitHandle; } } public bool IsCompleted { get { return Thread.VolatileRead(ref _completedState) != StatePending; } } #endregion public void Dispose() { if (_waitHandle != null) { _waitHandle.Dispose(); _waitHandle = null; } } } }