using MediaBrowser.Common.Configuration;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Configuration;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers
/// Class BaseMetadataProvider
public abstract class BaseMetadataProvider : IDisposable
/// Gets the logger.
/// The logger.
protected ILogger Logger { get; set; }
protected ILogManager LogManager { get; set; }
/// Gets the configuration manager.
/// The configuration manager.
protected IServerConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager { get; private set; }
// Cache these since they will be used a lot
/// The false task result
protected static readonly Task FalseTaskResult = Task.FromResult(false);
/// The true task result
protected static readonly Task TrueTaskResult = Task.FromResult(true);
/// The _id
protected Guid _id;
/// Gets the id.
/// The id.
public virtual Guid Id
if (_id == Guid.Empty) _id = GetType().FullName.GetMD5();
return _id;
/// Supportses the specified item.
/// The item.
/// true if XXXX, false otherwise
public abstract bool Supports(BaseItem item);
/// Gets a value indicating whether [requires internet].
/// true if [requires internet]; otherwise, false.
public virtual bool RequiresInternet
return false;
/// Gets the provider version.
/// The provider version.
protected virtual string ProviderVersion
return null;
/// Gets a value indicating whether [refresh on version change].
/// true if [refresh on version change]; otherwise, false.
protected virtual bool RefreshOnVersionChange
return false;
/// Determines if this provider is relatively slow and, therefore, should be skipped
/// in certain instances. Default is whether or not it requires internet. Can be overridden
/// for explicit designation.
/// true if this instance is slow; otherwise, false.
public virtual bool IsSlow
get { return RequiresInternet; }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
protected BaseMetadataProvider(ILogManager logManager, IServerConfigurationManager configurationManager)
Logger = logManager.GetLogger(GetType().Name);
LogManager = logManager;
ConfigurationManager = configurationManager;
/// Initializes this instance.
protected virtual void Initialize()
/// Sets the persisted last refresh date on the item for this provider.
/// The item.
/// The value.
/// The provider version.
/// The status.
/// item
protected virtual void SetLastRefreshed(BaseItem item, DateTime value, string providerVersion, ProviderRefreshStatus status = ProviderRefreshStatus.Success)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
var data = item.ProviderData.GetValueOrDefault(Id, new BaseProviderInfo { ProviderId = Id });
data.LastRefreshed = value;
data.LastRefreshStatus = status;
data.ProviderVersion = providerVersion;
// Save the file system stamp for future comparisons
if (RefreshOnFileSystemStampChange)
data.FileSystemStamp = GetCurrentFileSystemStamp(item);
item.ProviderData[Id] = data;
/// Sets the last refreshed.
/// The item.
/// The value.
/// The status.
protected virtual void SetLastRefreshed(BaseItem item, DateTime value, ProviderRefreshStatus status = ProviderRefreshStatus.Success)
SetLastRefreshed(item, value, ProviderVersion, status);
/// Returns whether or not this provider should be re-fetched. Default functionality can
/// compare a provided date with a last refresh time. This can be overridden for more complex
/// determinations.
/// The item.
/// true if XXXX, false otherwise
public bool NeedsRefresh(BaseItem item)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
var providerInfo = item.ProviderData.GetValueOrDefault(Id, new BaseProviderInfo());
return NeedsRefreshInternal(item, providerInfo);
/// Needses the refresh internal.
/// The item.
/// The provider info.
/// true if XXXX, false otherwise
protected virtual bool NeedsRefreshInternal(BaseItem item, BaseProviderInfo providerInfo)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
if (providerInfo == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("providerInfo");
if (CompareDate(item) > providerInfo.LastRefreshed)
return true;
if (RefreshOnFileSystemStampChange && HasFileSystemStampChanged(item, providerInfo))
return true;
if (RefreshOnVersionChange && !string.Equals(ProviderVersion, providerInfo.ProviderVersion))
return true;
return false;
/// Determines if the item's file system stamp has changed from the last time the provider refreshed
/// The item.
/// The provider info.
/// true if [has file system stamp changed] [the specified item]; otherwise, false.
protected bool HasFileSystemStampChanged(BaseItem item, BaseProviderInfo providerInfo)
return GetCurrentFileSystemStamp(item) != providerInfo.FileSystemStamp;
/// Override this to return the date that should be compared to the last refresh date
/// to determine if this provider should be re-fetched.
/// The item.
/// DateTime.
protected virtual DateTime CompareDate(BaseItem item)
return DateTime.MinValue.AddMinutes(1); // want this to be greater than mindate so new items will refresh
/// Fetches metadata and returns true or false indicating if any work that requires persistence was done
/// The item.
/// if set to true [force].
/// The cancellation token.
/// Task{System.Boolean}.
public async Task FetchAsync(BaseItem item, bool force, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (item == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
Logger.Info("Running for {0}", item.Path ?? item.Name ?? "--Unknown--");
// This provides the ability to cancel just this one provider
var innerCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
Kernel.Instance.ProviderManager.OnProviderRefreshBeginning(this, item, innerCancellationTokenSource);
var task = FetchAsyncInternal(item, force, CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken, innerCancellationTokenSource.Token).Token);
await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
if (task.IsFaulted)
// Log the AggregateException
if (task.Exception != null)
Logger.ErrorException("AggregateException:", task.Exception);
return false;
return task.Result;
catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
Logger.Info("{0} cancelled for {1}", GetType().Name, item.Name);
// If the outer cancellation token is the one that caused the cancellation, throw it
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && ex.CancellationToken == cancellationToken)
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.ErrorException("failed refreshing {0}", ex, item.Name);
SetLastRefreshed(item, DateTime.UtcNow, ProviderRefreshStatus.Failure);
return true;
Kernel.Instance.ProviderManager.OnProviderRefreshCompleted(this, item);
/// Fetches metadata and returns true or false indicating if any work that requires persistence was done
/// The item.
/// if set to true [force].
/// The cancellation token.
/// Task{System.Boolean}.
protected abstract Task FetchAsyncInternal(BaseItem item, bool force, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
/// Gets the priority.
/// The priority.
public abstract MetadataProviderPriority Priority { get; }
/// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
public void Dispose()
/// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
/// true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool dispose)
/// Returns true or false indicating if the provider should refresh when the contents of it's directory changes
/// true if [refresh on file system stamp change]; otherwise, false.
protected virtual bool RefreshOnFileSystemStampChange
return false;
/// Determines if the parent's file system stamp should be used for comparison
/// The item.
/// true if XXXX, false otherwise
protected virtual bool UseParentFileSystemStamp(BaseItem item)
// True when the current item is just a file
return !item.ResolveArgs.IsDirectory;
/// Gets the item's current file system stamp
/// The item.
/// Guid.
private Guid GetCurrentFileSystemStamp(BaseItem item)
if (UseParentFileSystemStamp(item) && item.Parent != null)
return item.Parent.FileSystemStamp;
return item.FileSystemStamp;
/// Determines when a provider should execute, relative to others
public enum MetadataProviderPriority
// Run this provider at the beginning
/// The first
First = 1,
// Run this provider after all first priority providers
/// The second
Second = 2,
// Run this provider after all second priority providers
/// The third
Third = 3,
// Run this provider last
/// The last
Last = 4