using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; using System.Globalization; namespace SocketHttpListener.Net { // We don't use the cooked URL because http.sys unescapes all percent-encoded values. However, // we also can't just use the raw Uri, since http.sys supports not only Utf-8, but also ANSI/DBCS and // Unicode code points. System.Uri only supports Utf-8. // The purpose of this class is to convert all ANSI, DBCS, and Unicode code points into percent encoded // Utf-8 characters. internal sealed class HttpListenerRequestUriBuilder { private static readonly Encoding s_utf8Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true); private static readonly Encoding s_ansiEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(0, new EncoderExceptionFallback(), new DecoderExceptionFallback()); private readonly string _rawUri; private readonly string _cookedUriScheme; private readonly string _cookedUriHost; private readonly string _cookedUriPath; private readonly string _cookedUriQuery; // This field is used to build the final request Uri string from the Uri parts passed to the ctor. private StringBuilder _requestUriString; // The raw path is parsed by looping through all characters from left to right. 'rawOctets' // is used to store consecutive percent encoded octets as actual byte values: e.g. for path /pa%C3%84th%2F/ // rawOctets will be set to { 0xC3, 0x84 } when we reach character 't' and it will be { 0x2F } when // we reach the final '/'. I.e. after a sequence of percent encoded octets ends, we use rawOctets as // input to the encoding and percent encode the resulting string into UTF-8 octets. // // When parsing ANSI (Latin 1) encoded path '/pa%C4th/', %C4 will be added to rawOctets and when // we reach 't', the content of rawOctets { 0xC4 } will be fed into the ANSI encoding. The resulting // string 'Ä' will be percent encoded into UTF-8 octets and appended to requestUriString. The final // path will be '/pa%C3%84th/', where '%C3%84' is the UTF-8 percent encoded character 'Ä'. private List _rawOctets; private string _rawPath; // Holds the final request Uri. private Uri _requestUri; private HttpListenerRequestUriBuilder(string rawUri, string cookedUriScheme, string cookedUriHost, string cookedUriPath, string cookedUriQuery) { _rawUri = rawUri; _cookedUriScheme = cookedUriScheme; _cookedUriHost = cookedUriHost; _cookedUriPath = AddSlashToAsteriskOnlyPath(cookedUriPath); _cookedUriQuery = cookedUriQuery ?? string.Empty; } public static Uri GetRequestUri(string rawUri, string cookedUriScheme, string cookedUriHost, string cookedUriPath, string cookedUriQuery) { HttpListenerRequestUriBuilder builder = new HttpListenerRequestUriBuilder(rawUri, cookedUriScheme, cookedUriHost, cookedUriPath, cookedUriQuery); return builder.Build(); } private Uri Build() { BuildRequestUriUsingRawPath(); if (_requestUri == null) { BuildRequestUriUsingCookedPath(); } return _requestUri; } private void BuildRequestUriUsingCookedPath() { bool isValid = Uri.TryCreate(_cookedUriScheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + _cookedUriHost + _cookedUriPath + _cookedUriQuery, UriKind.Absolute, out _requestUri); // Creating a Uri from the cooked Uri should really always work: If not, we log at least. if (!isValid) { //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) // NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_create_uri, _cookedUriScheme, _cookedUriHost, _cookedUriPath, _cookedUriQuery)); } } private void BuildRequestUriUsingRawPath() { bool isValid = false; // Initialize 'rawPath' only if really needed; i.e. if we build the request Uri from the raw Uri. _rawPath = GetPath(_rawUri); // Try to check the raw path using first the primary encoding (according to http.sys settings); // if it fails try the secondary encoding. ParsingResult result = BuildRequestUriUsingRawPath(GetEncoding(EncodingType.Primary)); if (result == ParsingResult.EncodingError) { Encoding secondaryEncoding = GetEncoding(EncodingType.Secondary); result = BuildRequestUriUsingRawPath(secondaryEncoding); } isValid = (result == ParsingResult.Success) ? true : false; // Log that we weren't able to create a Uri from the raw string. if (!isValid) { //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) // NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_create_uri, _cookedUriScheme, _cookedUriHost, _rawPath, _cookedUriQuery)); } } private static Encoding GetEncoding(EncodingType type) { Debug.Assert((type == EncodingType.Primary) || (type == EncodingType.Secondary), "Unknown 'EncodingType' value: " + type.ToString()); if (type == EncodingType.Secondary) { return s_ansiEncoding; } else { return s_utf8Encoding; } } private ParsingResult BuildRequestUriUsingRawPath(Encoding encoding) { Debug.Assert(encoding != null, "'encoding' must be assigned."); Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_rawPath), "'rawPath' must have at least one character."); _rawOctets = new List(); _requestUriString = new StringBuilder(); _requestUriString.Append(_cookedUriScheme); _requestUriString.Append(Uri.SchemeDelimiter); _requestUriString.Append(_cookedUriHost); ParsingResult result = ParseRawPath(encoding); if (result == ParsingResult.Success) { _requestUriString.Append(_cookedUriQuery); Debug.Assert(_rawOctets.Count == 0, "Still raw octets left. They must be added to the result path."); if (!Uri.TryCreate(_requestUriString.ToString(), UriKind.Absolute, out _requestUri)) { // If we can't create a Uri from the string, this is an invalid string and it doesn't make // sense to try another encoding. result = ParsingResult.InvalidString; } } if (result != ParsingResult.Success) { //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) // NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_convert_raw_path, _rawPath, encoding.EncodingName)); } return result; } private ParsingResult ParseRawPath(Encoding encoding) { Debug.Assert(encoding != null, "'encoding' must be assigned."); int index = 0; char current = '\0'; while (index < _rawPath.Length) { current = _rawPath[index]; if (current == '%') { // Assert is enough, since http.sys accepted the request string already. This should never happen. Debug.Assert(index + 2 < _rawPath.Length, "Expected >=2 characters after '%' (e.g. %2F)"); index++; current = _rawPath[index]; if (current == 'u' || current == 'U') { // We found "%u" which means, we have a Unicode code point of the form "%uXXXX". Debug.Assert(index + 4 < _rawPath.Length, "Expected >=4 characters after '%u' (e.g. %u0062)"); // Decode the content of rawOctets into percent encoded UTF-8 characters and append them // to requestUriString. if (!EmptyDecodeAndAppendRawOctetsList(encoding)) { return ParsingResult.EncodingError; } if (!AppendUnicodeCodePointValuePercentEncoded(_rawPath.Substring(index + 1, 4))) { return ParsingResult.InvalidString; } index += 5; } else { // We found '%', but not followed by 'u', i.e. we have a percent encoded octed: %XX if (!AddPercentEncodedOctetToRawOctetsList(encoding, _rawPath.Substring(index, 2))) { return ParsingResult.InvalidString; } index += 2; } } else { // We found a non-'%' character: decode the content of rawOctets into percent encoded // UTF-8 characters and append it to the result. if (!EmptyDecodeAndAppendRawOctetsList(encoding)) { return ParsingResult.EncodingError; } // Append the current character to the result. _requestUriString.Append(current); index++; } } // if the raw path ends with a sequence of percent encoded octets, make sure those get added to the // result (requestUriString). if (!EmptyDecodeAndAppendRawOctetsList(encoding)) { return ParsingResult.EncodingError; } return ParsingResult.Success; } private bool AppendUnicodeCodePointValuePercentEncoded(string codePoint) { // http.sys only supports %uXXXX (4 hex-digits), even though unicode code points could have up to // 6 hex digits. Therefore we parse always 4 characters after %u and convert them to an int. int codePointValue; if (!int.TryParse(codePoint, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out codePointValue)) { //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) // NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_convert_percent_value, codePoint)); return false; } string unicodeString = null; try { unicodeString = char.ConvertFromUtf32(codePointValue); AppendOctetsPercentEncoded(_requestUriString, s_utf8Encoding.GetBytes(unicodeString)); return true; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) // NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_convert_percent_value, codePoint)); } catch (EncoderFallbackException) { // If utf8Encoding.GetBytes() fails //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_convert_to_utf8, unicodeString, e.Message)); } return false; } private bool AddPercentEncodedOctetToRawOctetsList(Encoding encoding, string escapedCharacter) { byte encodedValue; if (!byte.TryParse(escapedCharacter, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out encodedValue)) { //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_convert_percent_value, escapedCharacter)); return false; } _rawOctets.Add(encodedValue); return true; } private bool EmptyDecodeAndAppendRawOctetsList(Encoding encoding) { if (_rawOctets.Count == 0) { return true; } string decodedString = null; try { // If the encoding can get a string out of the byte array, this is a valid string in the // 'encoding' encoding. decodedString = encoding.GetString(_rawOctets.ToArray()); if (encoding == s_utf8Encoding) { AppendOctetsPercentEncoded(_requestUriString, _rawOctets.ToArray()); } else { AppendOctetsPercentEncoded(_requestUriString, s_utf8Encoding.GetBytes(decodedString)); } _rawOctets.Clear(); return true; } catch (DecoderFallbackException) { //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_convert_bytes, GetOctetsAsString(_rawOctets), e.Message)); } catch (EncoderFallbackException) { // If utf8Encoding.GetBytes() fails //if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Error(this, SR.Format(SR.net_log_listener_cant_convert_to_utf8, decodedString, e.Message)); } return false; } private static void AppendOctetsPercentEncoded(StringBuilder target, IEnumerable octets) { foreach (byte octet in octets) { target.Append('%'); target.Append(octet.ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } private static string GetOctetsAsString(IEnumerable octets) { StringBuilder octetString = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; foreach (byte octet in octets) { if (first) { first = false; } else { octetString.Append(' '); } octetString.Append(octet.ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } return octetString.ToString(); } private static string GetPath(string uriString) { Debug.Assert(uriString != null, "uriString must not be null"); Debug.Assert(uriString.Length > 0, "uriString must not be empty"); int pathStartIndex = 0; // Perf. improvement: nearly all strings are relative Uris. So just look if the // string starts with '/'. If so, we have a relative Uri and the path starts at position 0. // (http.sys already trimmed leading whitespaces) if (uriString[0] != '/') { // We can't check against cookedUriScheme, since http.sys allows for request http://myserver/ to // use a request line 'GET https://myserver/' (note http vs. https). Therefore check if the // Uri starts with either http:// or https://. int authorityStartIndex = 0; if (uriString.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { authorityStartIndex = 7; } else if (uriString.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { authorityStartIndex = 8; } if (authorityStartIndex > 0) { // we have an absolute Uri. Find out where the authority ends and the path begins. // Note that Uris like "http://server?query=value/1/2" are invalid according to RFC2616 // and http.sys behavior: If the Uri contains a query, there must be at least one '/' // between the authority and the '?' character: It's safe to just look for the first // '/' after the authority to determine the beginning of the path. pathStartIndex = uriString.IndexOf('/', authorityStartIndex); if (pathStartIndex == -1) { // e.g. for request lines like: 'GET http://myserver' (no final '/') pathStartIndex = uriString.Length; } } else { // RFC2616: Request-URI = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority // 'authority' can only be used with CONNECT which is never received by HttpListener. // I.e. if we don't have an absolute path (must start with '/') and we don't have // an absolute Uri (must start with http:// or https://), then 'uriString' must be '*'. Debug.Assert((uriString.Length == 1) && (uriString[0] == '*'), "Unknown request Uri string format", "Request Uri string is not an absolute Uri, absolute path, or '*': {0}", uriString); // Should we ever get here, be consistent with 2.0/3.5 behavior: just add an initial // slash to the string and treat it as a path: uriString = "/" + uriString; } } // Find end of path: The path is terminated by // - the first '?' character // - the first '#' character: This is never the case here, since http.sys won't accept // Uris containing fragments. Also, RFC2616 doesn't allow fragments in request Uris. // - end of Uri string int queryIndex = uriString.IndexOf('?'); if (queryIndex == -1) { queryIndex = uriString.Length; } // will always return a != null string. return AddSlashToAsteriskOnlyPath(uriString.Substring(pathStartIndex, queryIndex - pathStartIndex)); } private static string AddSlashToAsteriskOnlyPath(string path) { Debug.Assert(path != null, "'path' must not be null"); // If a request like "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1" is sent to the listener, then the request Uri // should be "http[s]://server[:port]/*" to be compatible with pre-4.0 behavior. if ((path.Length == 1) && (path[0] == '*')) { return "/*"; } return path; } private enum ParsingResult { Success, InvalidString, EncodingError } private enum EncodingType { Primary, Secondary } } }