// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library // Ported by J. Arturo // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA using System; using SharpCifs.Util; using SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen; using SharpCifs.Util.Transport; namespace SharpCifs.Smb { public abstract class ServerMessageBlock : Response { internal static LogStream Log = LogStream.GetInstance(); internal static long Ticks1601 = new DateTime(1601, 1, 1).Ticks; internal static readonly byte[] Header = { 0xFF, (byte)('S'), (byte)('M'), (byte)('B'), 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; internal static void WriteInt2(long val, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { dst[dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >> 8)); } internal static void WriteInt4(long val, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { dst[dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >>= 8)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >>= 8)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >> 8)); } internal static int ReadInt2(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { return unchecked(src[srcIndex] & 0xFF) + ((src[srcIndex + 1] & 0xFF) << 8); } internal static int ReadInt4(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { return unchecked(src[srcIndex] & 0xFF) + ((src[srcIndex + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((src[srcIndex + 2] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((src[srcIndex + 3] & 0xFF) << 24); } internal static long ReadInt8(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { return unchecked(ReadInt4(src, srcIndex) & unchecked(0xFFFFFFFFL)) + unchecked((long)(ReadInt4(src, srcIndex + 4)) << 32); } internal static void WriteInt8(long val, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { dst[dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >>= 8)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >>= 8)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >>= 8)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >>= 8)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >>= 8)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >>= 8)); dst[++dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val >> 8)); } internal static long ReadTime(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { int low = ReadInt4(src, srcIndex); int hi = ReadInt4(src, srcIndex + 4); long t = ((long)hi << (int)32L) | (low & unchecked((long)(0xFFFFFFFFL))); t = (t / 10000L - SmbConstants.MillisecondsBetween1970And1601); return t; } internal static void WriteTime(long t, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { if (t != 0L) { t = (t + SmbConstants.MillisecondsBetween1970And1601) * 10000L; } WriteInt8(t, dst, dstIndex); } internal static long ReadUTime(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex) { return ReadInt4(buffer, bufferIndex) * 1000L; } internal static void WriteUTime(long t, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { if (t == 0L || t == unchecked((long)(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL))) { WriteInt4(unchecked((int)(0xFFFFFFFF)), dst, dstIndex); return; } // t isn't in DST either WriteInt4((int)(t / 1000L), dst, dstIndex); } internal const byte SmbComCreateDirectory = 0x00; internal const byte SmbComDeleteDirectory = 0x01; internal const byte SmbComClose = 0x04; internal const byte SmbComDelete = 0x06; internal const byte SmbComRename = 0x07; internal const byte SmbComQueryInformation = 0x08; internal const byte SmbComWrite = 0x0B; internal const byte SmbComCheckDirectory = 0x10; internal const byte SmbComTransaction = 0x25; internal const byte SmbComTransactionSecondary = 0x26; internal const byte SmbComMove = 0x2A; internal const byte SmbComEcho = 0x2B; internal const byte SmbComOpenAndx = 0x2D; internal const byte SmbComReadAndx = 0x2E; internal const byte SmbComWriteAndx = 0x2F; internal const byte SmbComTransaction2 = 0x32; internal const byte SmbComFindClose2 = 0x34; internal const byte SmbComTreeDisconnect = 0x71; internal const byte SmbComNegotiate = 0x72; internal const byte SmbComSessionSetupAndx = 0x73; internal const byte SmbComLogoffAndx = 0x74; internal const byte SmbComTreeConnectAndx = 0x75; internal const byte SmbComNtTransact = 0xA0; internal const byte SmbComNtTransactSecondary = 0xA1; internal const byte SmbComNtCreateAndx = 0xA2; internal byte Command; internal byte Flags; internal int HeaderStart; internal int Length; internal int BatchLevel; internal int ErrorCode; internal int Flags2; internal int Tid; internal int Pid; internal int Uid; internal int Mid; internal int WordCount; internal int ByteCount; internal bool UseUnicode; internal bool Received; internal bool ExtendedSecurity; internal long ResponseTimeout = 1; internal int SignSeq; internal bool VerifyFailed; internal NtlmPasswordAuthentication Auth = null; internal string Path; internal SigningDigest Digest; internal ServerMessageBlock Response; public ServerMessageBlock() { Flags = unchecked( (byte)(SmbConstants.FlagsPathNamesCaseless | SmbConstants.FlagsPathNamesCanonicalized) ); Pid = SmbConstants.Pid; BatchLevel = 0; } internal virtual void Reset() { Flags = unchecked( (byte)(SmbConstants.FlagsPathNamesCaseless | SmbConstants.FlagsPathNamesCanonicalized) ); Flags2 = 0; ErrorCode = 0; Received = false; Digest = null; } internal virtual int WriteString(string str, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { return WriteString(str, dst, dstIndex, UseUnicode); } internal virtual int WriteString(string str, byte[] dst, int dstIndex, bool useUnicode) { int start = dstIndex; try { if (useUnicode) { // Unicode requires word alignment if (((dstIndex - HeaderStart) % 2) != 0) { dst[dstIndex++] = (byte)('\0'); } Array.Copy(Runtime.GetBytesForString(str, SmbConstants.UniEncoding), 0, dst, dstIndex, str.Length * 2); dstIndex += str.Length * 2; dst[dstIndex++] = (byte)('\0'); dst[dstIndex++] = (byte)('\0'); } else { byte[] b = Runtime.GetBytesForString(str, SmbConstants.OemEncoding); Array.Copy(b, 0, dst, dstIndex, b.Length); dstIndex += b.Length; dst[dstIndex++] = (byte)('\0'); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { if (Log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(uee, Log); } } return dstIndex - start; } internal virtual string ReadString(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { return ReadString(src, srcIndex, 256, UseUnicode); } internal virtual string ReadString(byte[] src, int srcIndex, int maxLen, bool useUnicode) { int len = 0; string str = null; try { if (useUnicode) { // Unicode requires word alignment if (((srcIndex - HeaderStart) % 2) != 0) { srcIndex++; } while (src[srcIndex + len] != 0x00 || src[srcIndex + len + 1] != 0x00) { len += 2; if (len > maxLen) { if (Log.Level > 0) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Console.Error, src, srcIndex, maxLen < 128 ? maxLen + 8 : 128); } throw new RuntimeException("zero termination not found"); } } str = Runtime.GetStringForBytes(src, srcIndex, len, SmbConstants.UniEncoding); } else { while (src[srcIndex + len] != 0x00) { len++; if (len > maxLen) { if (Log.Level > 0) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Console.Error, src, srcIndex, maxLen < 128 ? maxLen + 8 : 128); } throw new RuntimeException("zero termination not found"); } } str = Runtime.GetStringForBytes(src, srcIndex, len, SmbConstants.OemEncoding); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { if (Log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(uee, Log); } } return str; } internal virtual string ReadString(byte[] src, int srcIndex, int srcEnd, int maxLen, bool useUnicode) { int len = 0; string str = null; try { if (useUnicode) { // Unicode requires word alignment if (((srcIndex - HeaderStart) % 2) != 0) { srcIndex++; } for (len = 0; (srcIndex + len + 1) < srcEnd; len += 2) { if (src[srcIndex + len] == 0x00 && src[srcIndex + len + 1] == 0x00) { break; } if (len > maxLen) { if (Log.Level > 0) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Console.Error, src, srcIndex, maxLen < 128 ? maxLen + 8 : 128); } throw new RuntimeException("zero termination not found"); } } str = Runtime.GetStringForBytes(src, srcIndex, len, SmbConstants.UniEncoding); } else { for (len = 0; srcIndex < srcEnd; len++) { if (src[srcIndex + len] == 0x00) { break; } if (len > maxLen) { if (Log.Level > 0) { Hexdump.ToHexdump(Console.Error, src, srcIndex, maxLen < 128 ? maxLen + 8 : 128); } throw new RuntimeException("zero termination not found"); } } str = Runtime.GetStringForBytes(src, srcIndex, len, SmbConstants.OemEncoding); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { if (Log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(uee, Log); } } return str; } internal virtual int StringWireLength(string str, int offset) { int len = str.Length + 1; if (UseUnicode) { len = str.Length * 2 + 2; len = (offset % 2) != 0 ? len + 1 : len; } return len; } internal virtual int ReadStringLength(byte[] src, int srcIndex, int max) { int len = 0; while (src[srcIndex + len] != 0x00) { if (len++ > max) { throw new RuntimeException("zero termination not found: " + this); } } return len; } internal virtual int Encode(byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { int start = HeaderStart = dstIndex; dstIndex += WriteHeaderWireFormat(dst, dstIndex); WordCount = WriteParameterWordsWireFormat(dst, dstIndex + 1); dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked((byte)((WordCount / 2) & 0xFF)); dstIndex += WordCount; WordCount /= 2; ByteCount = WriteBytesWireFormat(dst, dstIndex + 2); dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked((byte)(ByteCount & 0xFF)); dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked((byte)((ByteCount >> 8) & 0xFF)); dstIndex += ByteCount; Length = dstIndex - start; if (Digest != null) { Digest.Sign(dst, HeaderStart, Length, this, Response); } return Length; } internal virtual int Decode(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex) { int start = HeaderStart = bufferIndex; bufferIndex += ReadHeaderWireFormat(buffer, bufferIndex); WordCount = buffer[bufferIndex++]; if (WordCount != 0) { int n; if ((n = ReadParameterWordsWireFormat(buffer, bufferIndex)) != WordCount * 2) { if (Log.Level >= 5) { Log.WriteLine("wordCount * 2=" + (WordCount * 2) + " but readParameterWordsWireFormat returned " + n); } } bufferIndex += WordCount * 2; } ByteCount = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex); bufferIndex += 2; if (ByteCount != 0) { int n; if ((n = ReadBytesWireFormat(buffer, bufferIndex)) != ByteCount) { if (Log.Level >= 5) { Log.WriteLine("byteCount=" + ByteCount + " but readBytesWireFormat returned " + n); } } // Don't think we can rely on n being correct here. Must use byteCount. // Last paragraph of section 3.13.3 eludes to this. bufferIndex += ByteCount; } Length = bufferIndex - start; return Length; } internal virtual int WriteHeaderWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { Array.Copy(Header, 0, dst, dstIndex, Header.Length); dst[dstIndex + SmbConstants.CmdOffset] = Command; dst[dstIndex + SmbConstants.FlagsOffset] = Flags; WriteInt2(Flags2, dst, dstIndex + SmbConstants.FlagsOffset + 1); dstIndex += SmbConstants.TidOffset; WriteInt2(Tid, dst, dstIndex); WriteInt2(Pid, dst, dstIndex + 2); WriteInt2(Uid, dst, dstIndex + 4); WriteInt2(Mid, dst, dstIndex + 6); return SmbConstants.HeaderLength; } internal virtual int ReadHeaderWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex) { Command = buffer[bufferIndex + SmbConstants.CmdOffset]; ErrorCode = ReadInt4(buffer, bufferIndex + SmbConstants.ErrorCodeOffset); Flags = buffer[bufferIndex + SmbConstants.FlagsOffset]; Flags2 = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex + SmbConstants.FlagsOffset + 1); Tid = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex + SmbConstants.TidOffset); Pid = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex + SmbConstants.TidOffset + 2); Uid = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex + SmbConstants.TidOffset + 4); Mid = ReadInt2(buffer, bufferIndex + SmbConstants.TidOffset + 6); return SmbConstants.HeaderLength; } internal virtual bool IsResponse() { return (Flags & SmbConstants.FlagsResponse) == SmbConstants.FlagsResponse; } internal abstract int WriteParameterWordsWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex); internal abstract int WriteBytesWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex); internal abstract int ReadParameterWordsWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex); internal abstract int ReadBytesWireFormat(byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex); public override int GetHashCode() { return Mid; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return obj is ServerMessageBlock && ((ServerMessageBlock)obj).Mid == Mid; } public override string ToString() { string c; switch (Command) { case SmbComNegotiate: { c = "SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE"; break; } case SmbComSessionSetupAndx: { c = "SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX"; break; } case SmbComTreeConnectAndx: { c = "SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX"; break; } case SmbComQueryInformation: { c = "SMB_COM_QUERY_INFORMATION"; break; } case SmbComCheckDirectory: { c = "SMB_COM_CHECK_DIRECTORY"; break; } case SmbComTransaction: { c = "SMB_COM_TRANSACTION"; break; } case SmbComTransaction2: { c = "SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2"; break; } case SmbComTransactionSecondary: { c = "SMB_COM_TRANSACTION_SECONDARY"; break; } case SmbComFindClose2: { c = "SMB_COM_FIND_CLOSE2"; break; } case SmbComTreeDisconnect: { c = "SMB_COM_TREE_DISCONNECT"; break; } case SmbComLogoffAndx: { c = "SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX"; break; } case SmbComEcho: { c = "SMB_COM_ECHO"; break; } case SmbComMove: { c = "SMB_COM_MOVE"; break; } case SmbComRename: { c = "SMB_COM_RENAME"; break; } case SmbComDelete: { c = "SMB_COM_DELETE"; break; } case SmbComDeleteDirectory: { c = "SMB_COM_DELETE_DIRECTORY"; break; } case SmbComNtCreateAndx: { c = "SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX"; break; } case SmbComOpenAndx: { c = "SMB_COM_OPEN_ANDX"; break; } case SmbComReadAndx: { c = "SMB_COM_READ_ANDX"; break; } case SmbComClose: { c = "SMB_COM_CLOSE"; break; } case SmbComWriteAndx: { c = "SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX"; break; } case SmbComCreateDirectory: { c = "SMB_COM_CREATE_DIRECTORY"; break; } case SmbComNtTransact: { c = "SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT"; break; } case SmbComNtTransactSecondary: { c = "SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT_SECONDARY"; break; } default: { c = "UNKNOWN"; break; } } string str = ErrorCode == 0 ? "0" : SmbException.GetMessageByCode(ErrorCode); return "command=" + c + ",received=" + Received + ",errorCode=" + str + ",flags=0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(Flags & 0xFF, 4) + ",flags2=0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(Flags2, 4) + ",signSeq=" + SignSeq + ",tid=" + Tid + ",pid=" + Pid + ",uid=" + Uid + ",mid=" + Mid + ",wordCount=" + WordCount + ",byteCount=" + ByteCount; } } }