// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library // Ported by J. Arturo // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA using System; using SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen; namespace SharpCifs.Smb { class SmbTree { private static int _treeConnCounter; internal int ConnectionState; internal int Tid; internal string Share; internal string Service = "?????"; internal string Service0; internal SmbSession Session; internal bool InDfs; internal bool InDomainDfs; internal int TreeNum; internal SmbTree(SmbSession session, string share, string service) { // used by SmbFile.isOpen this.Session = session; this.Share = share.ToUpper(); if (service != null && service.StartsWith("??") == false) { this.Service = service; } Service0 = this.Service; ConnectionState = 0; } internal virtual bool Matches(string share, string service) { return Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(this.Share, share) && (service == null || service.StartsWith("??") || Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(this.Service, service )); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is SmbTree) { SmbTree tree = (SmbTree)obj; return Matches(tree.Share, tree.Service); } return false; } /// internal virtual void Send(ServerMessageBlock request, ServerMessageBlock response ) { lock (Session.Transport()) { if (response != null) { response.Received = false; } TreeConnect(request, response); if (request == null || (response != null && response.Received)) { return; } if (Service.Equals("A:") == false) { switch (request.Command) { case ServerMessageBlock.SmbComOpenAndx: case ServerMessageBlock.SmbComNtCreateAndx: case ServerMessageBlock.SmbComReadAndx: case ServerMessageBlock.SmbComWriteAndx: case ServerMessageBlock.SmbComClose: case ServerMessageBlock.SmbComTreeDisconnect: { break; } case ServerMessageBlock.SmbComTransaction: case ServerMessageBlock.SmbComTransaction2: { switch (((SmbComTransaction)request).SubCommand & unchecked(0xFF)) { case SmbComTransaction.NetShareEnum: case SmbComTransaction.NetServerEnum2: case SmbComTransaction.NetServerEnum3: case SmbComTransaction.TransPeekNamedPipe: case SmbComTransaction.TransWaitNamedPipe: case SmbComTransaction.TransCallNamedPipe: case SmbComTransaction.TransTransactNamedPipe: case SmbComTransaction.Trans2GetDfsReferral: { break; } default: { throw new SmbException("Invalid operation for " + Service + " service"); } } break; } default: { throw new SmbException("Invalid operation for " + Service + " service" + request); } } } request.Tid = Tid; if (InDfs && !Service.Equals("IPC") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Path)) { request.Flags2 = SmbConstants.Flags2ResolvePathsInDfs; request.Path = '\\' + Session.Transport().TconHostName + '\\' + Share + request.Path; } try { Session.Send(request, response); } catch (SmbException se) { if (se.GetNtStatus() == NtStatus.NtStatusNetworkNameDeleted) { TreeDisconnect(true); } throw; } } } /// internal virtual void TreeConnect(ServerMessageBlock andx, ServerMessageBlock andxResponse ) { lock (Session.Transport()) { string unc; while (ConnectionState != 0) { if (ConnectionState == 2 || ConnectionState == 3) { // connected or disconnecting return; } try { Runtime.Wait(Session.transport); } catch (Exception ie) { throw new SmbException(ie.Message, ie); } } ConnectionState = 1; // trying ... try { Session.transport.Connect(); unc = "\\\\" + Session.transport.TconHostName + '\\' + Share; Service = Service0; if (Session.transport.Log.Level >= 4) { Session.transport.Log.WriteLine("treeConnect: unc=" + unc + ",service=" + Service ); } SmbComTreeConnectAndXResponse response = new SmbComTreeConnectAndXResponse(andxResponse ); SmbComTreeConnectAndX request = new SmbComTreeConnectAndX(Session, unc, Service, andx); Session.Send(request, response); Tid = response.Tid; Service = response.Service; InDfs = response.ShareIsInDfs; TreeNum = _treeConnCounter++; ConnectionState = 2; } catch (SmbException se) { // connected TreeDisconnect(true); ConnectionState = 0; throw; } } } internal virtual void TreeDisconnect(bool inError) { lock (Session.Transport()) { if (ConnectionState != 2) { // not-connected return; } ConnectionState = 3; // disconnecting if (!inError && Tid != 0) { try { Send(new SmbComTreeDisconnect(), null); } catch (SmbException se) { if (Session.transport.Log.Level > 1) { Runtime.PrintStackTrace(se, Session.transport.Log); } } } InDfs = false; InDomainDfs = false; ConnectionState = 0; Runtime.NotifyAll(Session.transport); } } public override string ToString() { return "SmbTree[share=" + Share + ",service=" + Service + ",tid=" + Tid + ",inDfs=" + InDfs + ",inDomainDfs=" + InDomainDfs + ",connectionState=" + ConnectionState + "]"; } } }