using MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Dto;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Entities;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Globalization;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Logging;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Plugins;
using MediaBrowser.Model.System;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Tasks;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Weather;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Web;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction
/// Provides api methods centered around an HttpClient
public class ApiClient : BaseApiClient
/// Gets the HTTP client.
/// The HTTP client.
protected IAsyncHttpClient HttpClient { get; private set; }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// The logger.
/// The HTTP client.
/// httpClient
public ApiClient(ILogger logger, IAsyncHttpClient httpClient)
: base(logger)
if (httpClient == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("httpClient");
HttpClient = httpClient;
/// Sets the authorization header.
/// The header.
protected override void SetAuthorizationHeader(string header)
/// Gets an image stream based on a url
/// The URL.
/// Task{Stream}.
/// url
public Task GetImageStreamAsync(string url)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
throw new ArgumentNullException("url");
return HttpClient.GetStreamAsync(url, Logger, CancellationToken.None);
/// Gets a BaseItem
/// The id.
/// The user id.
/// Task{BaseItemDto}.
/// id
public async Task GetItemAsync(string id, Guid userId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + id);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets the intros async.
/// The item id.
/// The user id.
/// Task{System.String[]}.
/// id
public async Task GetIntrosAsync(string itemId, Guid userId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Intros");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets a BaseItem
/// The user id.
/// Task{BaseItemDto}.
/// userId
public async Task GetRootFolderAsync(Guid userId)
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/Root");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets all Users
/// Task{UserDto[]}.
public async Task GetAllUsersAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("Users");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Queries for items
/// The query.
/// Task{ItemsResult}.
/// query
public async Task GetItemsAsync(ItemQuery query)
if (query == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("query");
var url = GetItemListUrl(query);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets all People
/// The user id.
/// Optional itemId, to localize the search to a specific item or folder
/// Use this to limit results to specific person types
/// Used to skip over a given number of items. Use if paging.
/// The maximum number of items to return
/// The sort order
/// if set to true items will be searched recursively.
/// Task{IbnItemsResult}.
/// userId
public async Task GetAllPeopleAsync(
Guid userId,
string itemId = null,
IEnumerable personTypes = null,
int? startIndex = null,
int? limit = null,
SortOrder? sortOrder = null,
bool recursive = false)
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var dict = new QueryStringDictionary();
dict.AddIfNotNull("startIndex", startIndex);
dict.AddIfNotNull("limit", limit);
dict.Add("recursive", recursive);
if (sortOrder.HasValue)
dict["sortOrder"] = sortOrder.Value.ToString();
dict.AddIfNotNull("personTypes", personTypes);
var url = string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId) ? "Users/" + userId + "/Items/Root/Persons" : "Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Persons";
url = GetApiUrl(url, dict);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets a studio
/// The name.
/// Task{BaseItemDto}.
/// userId
public async Task GetStudioAsync(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
var url = GetApiUrl("Library/Studios/" + name);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets a genre
/// The name.
/// Task{BaseItemDto}.
/// userId
public async Task GetGenreAsync(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
var url = GetApiUrl("Library/Genres/" + name);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Restarts the kernel or the entire server if necessary
/// If the server application is restarting this request will fail to return, even if
/// the operation is successful.
/// Task.
public Task PerformPendingRestartAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("System/Restart");
return PostAsync(url, new QueryStringDictionary());
/// Gets the system status async.
/// Task{SystemInfo}.
public async Task GetSystemInfoAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("System/Info");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets a person
/// The name.
/// Task{BaseItemDto}.
/// userId
public async Task GetPersonAsync(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
var url = GetApiUrl("Library/Persons/" + name);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets a year
/// The year.
/// Task{BaseItemDto}.
/// userId
public async Task GetYearAsync(int year)
var url = GetApiUrl("Library/Years/" + year);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets a list of plugins installed on the server
/// Task{PluginInfo[]}.
public async Task GetInstalledPluginsAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("Plugins");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets a list of plugins installed on the server
/// The plugin.
/// Task{Stream}.
/// plugin
public Task GetPluginAssemblyAsync(PluginInfo plugin)
if (plugin == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("plugin");
var url = GetApiUrl("Plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/Assembly");
return HttpClient.GetStreamAsync(url, Logger, CancellationToken.None);
/// Gets the current server configuration
/// Task{ServerConfiguration}.
public async Task GetServerConfigurationAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("System/Configuration");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets the scheduled tasks.
/// Task{TaskInfo[]}.
public async Task GetScheduledTasksAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("ScheduledTasks");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets the scheduled task async.
/// The id.
/// Task{TaskInfo}.
/// id
public async Task GetScheduledTaskAsync(Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
var url = GetApiUrl("ScheduledTasks/" + id);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets the plugin configuration file in plain text.
/// The plugin id.
/// Task{Stream}.
/// assemblyFileName
public async Task GetPluginConfigurationFileAsync(Guid pluginId)
if (pluginId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("pluginId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Plugins/" + pluginId + "/ConfigurationFile");
return await HttpClient.GetStreamAsync(url, Logger, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
/// Gets a user by id
/// The id.
/// Task{UserDto}.
/// id
public async Task GetUserAsync(Guid id)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + id);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets the parental ratings async.
/// Task{List{ParentalRating}}.
public async Task> GetParentalRatingsAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("Localization/ParentalRatings");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream>(stream);
/// Gets weather information for the default location as set in configuration
/// Task{WeatherInfo}.
public async Task GetWeatherInfoAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("Weather");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets weather information for a specific location
/// Location can be a US zipcode, or "city,state", "city,state,country", "city,country"
/// It can also be an ip address, or "latitude,longitude"
/// The location.
/// Task{WeatherInfo}.
/// location
public async Task GetWeatherInfoAsync(string location)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
throw new ArgumentNullException("location");
var dict = new QueryStringDictionary();
dict.Add("location", location);
var url = GetApiUrl("Weather", dict);
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets local trailers for an item
/// The user id.
/// The item id.
/// Task{ItemsResult}.
/// query
public async Task GetLocalTrailersAsync(Guid userId, string itemId)
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/LocalTrailers");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets special features for an item
/// The user id.
/// The item id.
/// Task{BaseItemDto[]}.
/// userId
public async Task GetSpecialFeaturesAsync(Guid userId, string itemId)
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/SpecialFeatures");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets the cultures async.
/// Task{CultureDto[]}.
public async Task GetCulturesAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("Localization/Cultures");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Gets the countries async.
/// Task{CountryInfo[]}.
public async Task GetCountriesAsync()
var url = GetApiUrl("Localization/Countries");
using (var stream = await GetSerializedStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Marks an item as played or unplayed.
/// This should not be used to update playstate following playback.
/// There are separate playstate check-in methods for that. This should be used for a
/// separate option to reset playstate.
/// The item id.
/// The user id.
/// if set to true [was played].
/// Task.
/// itemId
public Task UpdatePlayedStatusAsync(string itemId, Guid userId, bool wasPlayed)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/PlayedItems/" + itemId);
if (wasPlayed)
return PostAsync(url, new Dictionary());
return HttpClient.DeleteAsync(url, Logger, CancellationToken.None);
/// Updates the favorite status async.
/// The item id.
/// The user id.
/// if set to true [is favorite].
/// Task.
/// itemId
public Task UpdateFavoriteStatusAsync(string itemId, Guid userId, bool isFavorite)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/FavoriteItems/" + itemId);
if (isFavorite)
return PostAsync(url, new Dictionary());
return HttpClient.DeleteAsync(url, Logger, CancellationToken.None);
/// Reports to the server that the user has begun playing an item
/// The item id.
/// The user id.
/// Task{UserItemDataDto}.
/// itemId
public Task ReportPlaybackStartAsync(string itemId, Guid userId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/PlayingItems/" + itemId);
return PostAsync(url, new Dictionary());
/// Reports playback progress to the server
/// The item id.
/// The user id.
/// The position ticks.
/// Task{UserItemDataDto}.
/// itemId
public Task ReportPlaybackProgressAsync(string itemId, Guid userId, long? positionTicks)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var dict = new QueryStringDictionary();
dict.AddIfNotNull("positionTicks", positionTicks);
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/PlayingItems/" + itemId + "/Progress", dict);
return PostAsync(url, new Dictionary());
/// Reports to the server that the user has stopped playing an item
/// The item id.
/// The user id.
/// The position ticks.
/// Task{UserItemDataDto}.
/// itemId
public Task ReportPlaybackStoppedAsync(string itemId, Guid userId, long? positionTicks)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var dict = new QueryStringDictionary();
dict.AddIfNotNull("positionTicks", positionTicks);
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/PlayingItems/" + itemId, dict);
return HttpClient.DeleteAsync(url, Logger, CancellationToken.None);
/// Clears a user's rating for an item
/// The item id.
/// The user id.
/// Task{UserItemDataDto}.
/// itemId
public Task ClearUserItemRatingAsync(string itemId, Guid userId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Rating");
return HttpClient.DeleteAsync(url, Logger, CancellationToken.None);
/// Updates a user's rating for an item, based on likes or dislikes
/// The item id.
/// The user id.
/// if set to true [likes].
/// Task{UserItemDataDto}.
/// itemId
public Task UpdateUserItemRatingAsync(string itemId, Guid userId, bool likes)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var dict = new QueryStringDictionary { };
dict.Add("likes", likes);
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Rating", dict);
return PostAsync(url, new Dictionary());
/// Authenticates a user and returns the result
/// The user id.
/// The password.
/// userId
public Task AuthenticateUserAsync(Guid userId, string password)
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Authenticate");
var args = new Dictionary();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
args["password"] = password;
return PostAsync(url, args);
/// Uploads the user image async.
/// The user id.
/// Type of the image.
/// The image.
/// Task{RequestResult}.
public Task UploadUserImageAsync(Guid userId, ImageType imageType, Stream image)
// Implement when needed
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// Updates the server configuration async.
/// The configuration.
/// Task.
/// configuration
public Task UpdateServerConfigurationAsync(ServerConfiguration configuration)
if (configuration == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("configuration");
var url = GetApiUrl("System/Configuration");
return PostAsync(url, configuration);
/// Updates the scheduled task triggers.
/// The id.
/// The triggers.
/// Task{RequestResult}.
/// id
public Task UpdateScheduledTaskTriggersAsync(Guid id, TaskTriggerInfo[] triggers)
if (id == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
if (triggers == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("triggers");
var url = GetApiUrl("ScheduledTasks/" + id + "/Triggers");
return PostAsync(url, triggers);
/// Updates display preferences for a user
/// The user id.
/// The item id.
/// The display preferences.
/// Task{DisplayPreferences}.
/// userId
public Task UpdateDisplayPreferencesAsync(Guid userId, string itemId, DisplayPreferences displayPreferences)
if (userId == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentNullException("userId");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemId))
throw new ArgumentNullException("itemId");
if (displayPreferences == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("displayPreferences");
var url = GetApiUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/DisplayPreferences");
return PostAsync(url, displayPreferences);
/// Posts a set of data to a url, and deserializes the return stream into T
/// The URL.
/// The args.
/// Task{``0}.
private Task PostAsync(string url, Dictionary args)
where T : class
return PostAsync(url, args, SerializationFormat);
/// Posts a set of data to a url, and deserializes the return stream into T
/// The URL.
/// The args.
/// The serialization format.
/// Task{``0}.
private async Task PostAsync(string url, Dictionary args, SerializationFormats serializationFormat)
where T : class
url = AddDataFormat(url, serializationFormat);
// Create the post body
var strings = args.Keys.Select(key => string.Format("{0}={1}", key, args[key]));
var postContent = string.Join("&", strings.ToArray());
const string contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
using (var stream = await HttpClient.PostAsync(url, contentType, postContent, Logger, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// Posts an object of type TInputType to a given url, and deserializes the response into an object of type TOutputType
/// The type of the T input type.
/// The type of the T output type.
/// The URL.
/// The obj.
/// Task{``1}.
private Task PostAsync(string url, TInputType obj)
where TOutputType : class
return PostAsync(url, obj, SerializationFormat);
/// Posts an object of type TInputType to a given url, and deserializes the response into an object of type TOutputType
/// The type of the T input type.
/// The type of the T output type.
/// The URL.
/// The obj.
/// The serialization format.
/// Task{``1}.
private async Task PostAsync(string url, TInputType obj, SerializationFormats serializationFormat)
where TOutputType : class
url = AddDataFormat(url, serializationFormat);
const string contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var postContent = DataSerializer.SerializeToJsonString(obj);
using (var stream = await HttpClient.PostAsync(url, contentType, postContent, Logger, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false))
return DeserializeFromStream(stream);
/// This is a helper around getting a stream from the server that contains serialized data
/// The URL.
/// Task{Stream}.
public Task GetSerializedStreamAsync(string url)
return GetSerializedStreamAsync(url, SerializationFormat);
/// This is a helper around getting a stream from the server that contains serialized data
/// The URL.
/// The serialization format.
/// Task{Stream}.
public Task GetSerializedStreamAsync(string url, SerializationFormats serializationFormat)
url = AddDataFormat(url, serializationFormat);
return HttpClient.GetStreamAsync(url, Logger, CancellationToken.None);
/// Adds the data format.
/// The URL.
/// The serialization format.
/// System.String.
private string AddDataFormat(string url, SerializationFormats serializationFormat)
var format = serializationFormat == SerializationFormats.Protobuf ? "x-protobuf" : serializationFormat.ToString();
if (url.IndexOf('?') == -1)
url += "?format=" + format;
url += "&format=" + format;
return url;