// This code is derived from jcifs smb client library // Ported by J. Arturo // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA using System.Net; using SharpCifs.Util; using SharpCifs.Util.Sharpen; namespace SharpCifs.Netbios { internal abstract class NameServicePacket { internal const int Query = 0; internal const int Wack = 7; internal const int FmtErr = 0x1; internal const int SrvErr = 0x2; internal const int ImpErr = 0x4; internal const int RfsErr = 0x5; internal const int ActErr = 0x6; internal const int CftErr = 0x7; internal const int NbIn = 0x00200001; internal const int NbstatIn = 0x00210001; internal const int Nb = 0x0020; internal const int Nbstat = 0x0021; internal const int In = 0x0001; internal const int A = 0x0001; internal const int Ns = 0x0002; internal const int Null = 0x000a; internal const int HeaderLength = 12; internal const int OpcodeOffset = 2; internal const int QuestionOffset = 4; internal const int AnswerOffset = 6; internal const int AuthorityOffset = 8; internal const int AdditionalOffset = 10; // opcode // rcode // type/class // header field offsets internal static void WriteInt2(int val, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked((byte)((val >> 8) & unchecked(0xFF))); dst[dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val & unchecked(0xFF))); } internal static void WriteInt4(int val, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked((byte)((val >> 24) & unchecked(0xFF))); dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked((byte)((val >> 16) & unchecked(0xFF))); dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked((byte)((val >> 8) & unchecked(0xFF))); dst[dstIndex] = unchecked((byte)(val & unchecked(0xFF))); } internal static int ReadInt2(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { return ((src[srcIndex] & unchecked(0xFF)) << 8) + (src[srcIndex + 1] & unchecked( 0xFF)); } internal static int ReadInt4(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { return ((src[srcIndex] & unchecked(0xFF)) << 24) + ((src[srcIndex + 1] & unchecked( 0xFF)) << 16) + ((src[srcIndex + 2] & unchecked(0xFF)) << 8) + (src [srcIndex + 3] & unchecked(0xFF)); } internal static int ReadNameTrnId(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { return ReadInt2(src, srcIndex); } internal int AddrIndex; internal NbtAddress[] AddrEntry; internal int NameTrnId; internal int OpCode; internal int ResultCode; internal int QuestionCount; internal int AnswerCount; internal int AuthorityCount; internal int AdditionalCount; internal bool Received; internal bool IsResponse; internal bool IsAuthAnswer; internal bool IsTruncated; internal bool IsRecurDesired; internal bool IsRecurAvailable; internal bool IsBroadcast; internal Name QuestionName; internal Name RecordName; internal int QuestionType; internal int QuestionClass; internal int RecordType; internal int RecordClass; internal int Ttl; internal int RDataLength; internal IPAddress Addr; public NameServicePacket() { IsRecurDesired = true; IsBroadcast = true; QuestionCount = 1; QuestionClass = In; } internal virtual int WriteWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { int start = dstIndex; dstIndex += WriteHeaderWireFormat(dst, dstIndex); dstIndex += WriteBodyWireFormat(dst, dstIndex); return dstIndex - start; } internal virtual int ReadWireFormat(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { int start = srcIndex; srcIndex += ReadHeaderWireFormat(src, srcIndex); srcIndex += ReadBodyWireFormat(src, srcIndex); return srcIndex - start; } internal virtual int WriteHeaderWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { int start = dstIndex; WriteInt2(NameTrnId, dst, dstIndex); dst[dstIndex + OpcodeOffset] = unchecked((byte)((IsResponse ? unchecked(0x80) : unchecked(0x00)) + ((OpCode << 3) & unchecked(0x78)) + (IsAuthAnswer ? unchecked(0x04) : unchecked(0x00)) + (IsTruncated ? unchecked(0x02) : unchecked(0x00)) + (IsRecurDesired ? unchecked(0x01) : unchecked(0x00)))); dst[dstIndex + OpcodeOffset + 1] = unchecked((byte)((IsRecurAvailable ? unchecked( 0x80) : unchecked(0x00)) + (IsBroadcast ? unchecked(0x10) : unchecked(0x00)) + (ResultCode & unchecked(0x0F)))); WriteInt2(QuestionCount, dst, start + QuestionOffset); WriteInt2(AnswerCount, dst, start + AnswerOffset); WriteInt2(AuthorityCount, dst, start + AuthorityOffset); WriteInt2(AdditionalCount, dst, start + AdditionalOffset); return HeaderLength; } internal virtual int ReadHeaderWireFormat(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { NameTrnId = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex); IsResponse = ((src[srcIndex + OpcodeOffset] & unchecked(0x80)) == 0) ? false : true; OpCode = (src[srcIndex + OpcodeOffset] & unchecked(0x78)) >> 3; IsAuthAnswer = ((src[srcIndex + OpcodeOffset] & unchecked(0x04)) == 0) ? false : true; IsTruncated = ((src[srcIndex + OpcodeOffset] & unchecked(0x02)) == 0) ? false : true; IsRecurDesired = ((src[srcIndex + OpcodeOffset] & unchecked(0x01)) == 0) ? false : true; IsRecurAvailable = ((src[srcIndex + OpcodeOffset + 1] & unchecked(0x80)) == 0) ? false : true; IsBroadcast = ((src[srcIndex + OpcodeOffset + 1] & unchecked(0x10)) == 0) ? false : true; ResultCode = src[srcIndex + OpcodeOffset + 1] & unchecked(0x0F); QuestionCount = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex + QuestionOffset); AnswerCount = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex + AnswerOffset); AuthorityCount = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex + AuthorityOffset); AdditionalCount = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex + AdditionalOffset); return HeaderLength; } internal virtual int WriteQuestionSectionWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { int start = dstIndex; dstIndex += QuestionName.WriteWireFormat(dst, dstIndex); WriteInt2(QuestionType, dst, dstIndex); dstIndex += 2; WriteInt2(QuestionClass, dst, dstIndex); dstIndex += 2; return dstIndex - start; } internal virtual int ReadQuestionSectionWireFormat(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { int start = srcIndex; srcIndex += QuestionName.ReadWireFormat(src, srcIndex); QuestionType = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex); srcIndex += 2; QuestionClass = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex); srcIndex += 2; return srcIndex - start; } internal virtual int WriteResourceRecordWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { int start = dstIndex; if (RecordName == QuestionName) { dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked(unchecked(0xC0)); // label string pointer to dst[dstIndex++] = unchecked(unchecked(0x0C)); } else { // questionName (offset 12) dstIndex += RecordName.WriteWireFormat(dst, dstIndex); } WriteInt2(RecordType, dst, dstIndex); dstIndex += 2; WriteInt2(RecordClass, dst, dstIndex); dstIndex += 2; WriteInt4(Ttl, dst, dstIndex); dstIndex += 4; RDataLength = WriteRDataWireFormat(dst, dstIndex + 2); WriteInt2(RDataLength, dst, dstIndex); dstIndex += 2 + RDataLength; return dstIndex - start; } internal virtual int ReadResourceRecordWireFormat(byte[] src, int srcIndex) { int start = srcIndex; int end; if ((src[srcIndex] & unchecked(0xC0)) == unchecked(0xC0)) { RecordName = QuestionName; // label string pointer to questionName srcIndex += 2; } else { srcIndex += RecordName.ReadWireFormat(src, srcIndex); } RecordType = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex); srcIndex += 2; RecordClass = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex); srcIndex += 2; Ttl = ReadInt4(src, srcIndex); srcIndex += 4; RDataLength = ReadInt2(src, srcIndex); srcIndex += 2; AddrEntry = new NbtAddress[RDataLength / 6]; end = srcIndex + RDataLength; for (AddrIndex = 0; srcIndex < end; AddrIndex++) { srcIndex += ReadRDataWireFormat(src, srcIndex); } return srcIndex - start; } internal abstract int WriteBodyWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex); internal abstract int ReadBodyWireFormat(byte[] src, int srcIndex); internal abstract int WriteRDataWireFormat(byte[] dst, int dstIndex); internal abstract int ReadRDataWireFormat(byte[] src, int srcIndex); public override string ToString() { string opCodeString; string resultCodeString; string questionTypeString; string recordTypeString; switch (OpCode) { case Query: { opCodeString = "QUERY"; break; } case Wack: { opCodeString = "WACK"; break; } default: { opCodeString = Extensions.ToString(OpCode); break; } } switch (ResultCode) { case FmtErr: { resultCodeString = "FMT_ERR"; break; } case SrvErr: { resultCodeString = "SRV_ERR"; break; } case ImpErr: { resultCodeString = "IMP_ERR"; break; } case RfsErr: { resultCodeString = "RFS_ERR"; break; } case ActErr: { resultCodeString = "ACT_ERR"; break; } case CftErr: { resultCodeString = "CFT_ERR"; break; } default: { resultCodeString = "0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(ResultCode, 1); break; } } switch (QuestionType) { case Nb: { questionTypeString = "NB"; break; } case Nbstat: { questionTypeString = "NBSTAT"; break; } default: { questionTypeString = "0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(QuestionType, 4); break; } } switch (RecordType) { case A: { recordTypeString = "A"; break; } case Ns: { recordTypeString = "NS"; break; } case Null: { recordTypeString = "NULL"; break; } case Nb: { recordTypeString = "NB"; break; } case Nbstat: { recordTypeString = "NBSTAT"; break; } default: { recordTypeString = "0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(RecordType, 4); break; } } return "nameTrnId=" + NameTrnId + ",isResponse=" + IsResponse + ",opCode=" + opCodeString + ",isAuthAnswer=" + IsAuthAnswer + ",isTruncated=" + IsTruncated + ",isRecurAvailable=" + IsRecurAvailable + ",isRecurDesired=" + IsRecurDesired + ",isBroadcast=" + IsBroadcast + ",resultCode=" + ResultCode + ",questionCount=" + QuestionCount + ",answerCount=" + AnswerCount + ",authorityCount=" + AuthorityCount + ",additionalCount=" + AdditionalCount + ",questionName=" + QuestionName + ",questionType=" + questionTypeString + ",questionClass=" + (QuestionClass == In ? "IN" : "0x" + Hexdump.ToHexString(QuestionClass, 4)) + ",recordName=" + RecordName + ",recordType=" + recordTypeString + ",recordClass=" + (RecordClass == In ? "IN" : "0x" + Hexdump .ToHexString(RecordClass, 4)) + ",ttl=" + Ttl + ",rDataLength=" + RDataLength; } } }