"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to sync, premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"LabelSyncQualityHelp":"Select the desired quality. Original quality will sync the original file, regardless of whether the device is capable of playing it or not.",
"MessageConfirmResetTuner":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea reiniciar este sintonizador? Cualquier reproducci\u00f3n o grabaci\u00f3n activa se detendr\u00e1 inmediatamente.",
"ButtonCancelSeries":"Cancelar serie",
"HeaderSeriesRecordings":"Grabaciones de series",
"LabelAnytime":"A cualquier hora",
"StatusRecordingProgram":"Grabando {0}",
"StatusWatchingProgram":"Viendo {0}",
"HeaderSplitMedia":"Divisi\u00f3n de medios",
"MessageConfirmSplitMedia":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea dividir los medios en partes separadas?",
"MessagePleaseSelectOneItem":"Seleccione al menos un elemento.",
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems":"Seleccione al menos dos elementos.",
"MessageTheFollowingItemsWillBeGrouped":"Los siguientes t\u00edtulos se agrupar\u00e1n en un elemento.",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping":"Los clientes de Media Browser elegir\u00e1n autom\u00e1ticamente la mejor forma de reproduccion sobre la base de dispositivo y rendimiento de la red. \u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea continuar?",
"HeaderConfirmProfileDeletion":"Confirmar borrado del perfil",
"MessageConfirmProfileDeletion":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea eliminar este perfil?",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePath":"Seleccione la ruta para el cach\u00e9 del servidor",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPath":"Seleccione la ruta temporal del transcodificador",
"HeaderSelectImagesByNamePath":"Seleccione la ruta para im\u00e1genes",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPath":"Seleccione la ruta para Metadatos",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePathHelp":"Browse or enter the path to use for server cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPathHelp":"Busque o escriba la ruta de acceso que se utilizar\u00e1 para la transcodificaci\u00f3n de archivos temporales. La carpeta debe tener permiso de escritura.",
"HeaderSelectImagesByNamePathHelp":"Busque o escriba la ruta de sus elementos por nombre de carpeta. La carpeta debe tener permisos de escritura.",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPathHelp":"Busque o escriba la ruta donde desea almacenar los metadatos. La carpeta debe tener permiso de escritura.",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPath":"Seleccione la ruta de descargas de canal",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPathHelp":"Navege o escriba la ruta para guardar el los archivos de cach\u00e9 de canales. La carpeta debe tener permisos de escritura.",
"LabelChapterDownloaders":"Downloaders de cap\u00edtulos:",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp":"Habilitar y clasificar sus descargadores de cap\u00edtulos preferidos en orden de prioridad. Descargadores de menor prioridad s\u00f3lo se utilizar\u00e1n para completar la informaci\u00f3n que falta.",
"HeaderFavoriteAlbums":"\u00c1lbumes favoritos",
"HeaderLatestChannelMedia":"\u00dcltimos elementos de canal",
"ButtonOrganizeFile":"Organizar archivos",
"ButtonDeleteFile":"Borrar archivos",
"HeaderOrganizeFile":"Organizar archivos",
"HeaderDeleteFile":"Borrar archivos",
"MessageFileWillBeDeleted":"El siguiente archivo se eliminar\u00e1:",
"MessageSureYouWishToProceed":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea proceder?",
"MessageDuplicatesWillBeDeleted":"Adem\u00e1s se eliminar\u00e1n los siguientes duplicados:",
"MessageFollowingFileWillBeMovedFrom":"El siguiente archivo se mover\u00e1 desde:",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolder":"Seleccionar carpeta para el reloj",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolderHelp":"Navegue o introduzca la ruta para la carpeta para el reloj. La carpeta debe tener permisos de escritura.",
"OrganizePatternResult":"Resultado: {0}",
"MessageConfirmRestart":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea reiniciar Media Browser Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea apagar Media Browser Server?",
"ButtonUpdateNow":"Actualizar ahora",
"ValueItemCount":"{0} item",
"ValueItemCountPlural":"{0} items",
"NewVersionOfSomethingAvailable":"\u00a1Hay disponible una nueva versi\u00f3n de {0}!",
"VersionXIsAvailableForDownload":"La versi\u00f3n {0} est\u00e1 disponible para su descarga.",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Seleccionar la ruta para Medios",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Rutas de red pueden ser introducidas manualmente en el caso de que el bot\u00f3n de la red no pueda localizar sus dispositivos. Por ejemplo, {0} o {1}.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"Abrir en nueva pesta\u00f1a",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Mix instant\u00e1neo",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Pistas de audio",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Calidad de video",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Ha habido un error reproduciendo el video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"Aseg\u00farese que hay un sintonizador disponible.",
"ButtonDashboard":"Panel de control",
"ButtonMetadataManager":"Metadata Manager",
"HeaderAlbumArtist":"Artista del album",
"LabelAddedOnDate":"A\u00f1adido {0}",
"HeaderMediaFolders":"Carpetas de medios",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating":"Block content with no rating information:",
"OptionBlockLiveTvPrograms":"Programas de TV en vivo",
"OptionBlockLiveTvChannels":"Canales de Tv en vivo",
"OptionBlockChannelContent":"Contenido de canales de Internet",
"MessageConfirmRevokeApiKey":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro de que desea revocar esta clave api? La conexi\u00f3n de la aplicaci\u00f3n con Mediabrowser terminar\u00e1 abruptamente.",
"HeaderConfirmRevokeApiKey":"Revocar Clave Api",
"ValueContainer":"Contenedor: {0}",
"ValueAudioCodec":"Codec de audio: {0}",
"ValueVideoCodec":"Codec de video: {0}",
"ValueCodec":"Codec: {0}",
"ValueConditions":"Condiciones: {0}",
"HeaderDeleteImage":"Borrar imagen",
"MessageFileNotFound":"Archivo no encontrado.",
"MessageFileReadError":"Ha ocurrido un error leyendo este archivo.",
"OptionProductionLocations":"Localizaciones de producci\u00f3n",
"OptionBirthLocation":"Lugar de nacimiento",
"LabelAllChannels":"Todos los canales",
"LabelLiveProgram":"EN VIVO",
"HeaderChangeFolderType":"Change Content Type",
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp":"To change the type, please remove and rebuild the folder with the new type.",
"MessagePleaseRestart":"Please restart to finish updating.",
"MessagePleaseRefreshPage":"Please refresh this page to receive new updates from the server.",
"MessageSettingsSaved":"Settings saved.",
"ButtonSignOut":"Sign Out",
"ButtonMyProfile":"My Profile",
"ButtonMyPreferences":"My Preferences",
"MessageBrowserDoesNotSupportWebSockets":"This browser does not support web sockets. For a better experience, try a newer browser such as Chrome, Firefox, IE10+, Safari (iOS) or Opera.",
"LabelMetadataDownloadersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred metadata downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"LabelMetadataSavers":"Metadata savers:",
"LabelMetadataSaversHelp":"Choose the file formats to save your metadata to.",
"LabelImageFetchers":"Image fetchers:",
"LabelImageFetchersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred image fetchers in order of priority.",
"ButtonQueueAllFromHere":"Queue all from here",
"ButtonPlayAllFromHere":"Play all from here",
"LabelDynamicExternalId":"{0} Id:",
"HeaderIdentify":"Identify Item",
"LabelTitleDisplayOrder":"Title display order:",
"OptionSortName":"Sort name",
"OptionReleaseDate":"Release date",
"LabelSeasonNumber":"Temporada n\u00famero:",
"LabelDiscNumber":"Disc number",
"LabelParentNumber":"Parent number",
"LabelEpisodeNumber":"Episodio n\u00famero:",
"LabelTrackNumber":"Track number:",
"LabelReleaseDate":"Release date:",
"LabelEndDate":"End date:",
"LabelDateOfBirth":"Date of birth:",
"LabelBirthYear":"Birth year:",
"LabelBirthDate":"Birth date:",
"LabelDeathDate":"Death date:",
"HeaderRemoveMediaLocation":"Remove Media Location",
"MessageConfirmRemoveMediaLocation":"Are you sure you wish to remove this location?",
"MessageTheFollowingLocationWillBeRemovedFromLibrary":"The following media locations will be removed from your library:",
"MessageAreYouSureYouWishToRemoveMediaFolder":"Are you sure you wish to remove this media folder?",
"ButtonChangeType":"Change type",
"HeaderMediaLocations":"Media Locations",
"LabelContentTypeValue":"Content type: {0}",
"LabelPathSubstitutionHelp":"Optional: Path substitution can map server paths to network shares that clients can access for direct playback.",
"FolderTypeUnset":"Unset (mixed content)",
"FolderTypeAdultVideos":"Adult videos",
"FolderTypeMusicVideos":"Music videos",
"FolderTypeHomeVideos":"Home videos",
"TabMusicVideos":"Videos Musicales",
"BirthPlaceValue":"Birth place: {0}",
"DeathDateValue":"Died: {0}",
"BirthDateValue":"Born: {0}",
"HeaderLatestReviews":"Latest Reviews",
"HeaderPluginInstallation":"Plugin Installation",
"MessageAlreadyInstalled":"This version is already installed.",
"ValueReviewCount":"{0} Reviews",
"MessageYouHaveVersionInstalled":"You currently have version {0} installed.",
"MessageTrialExpired":"The trial period for this feature has expired",
"MessageTrialWillExpireIn":"The trial period for this feature will expire in {0} day(s)",
"MessageInstallPluginFromApp":"This plugin must be installed from with in the app you intend to use it in.",
"ValuePriceUSD":"Price: {0} (USD)",
"MessageFeatureIncludedWithSupporter":"You are registered for this feature, and will be able to continue using it with an active supporter membership.",
"MessageChangeRecurringPlanConfirm":"After completing this transaction you will need to cancel your previous recurring donation from within your PayPal account. Thank you for supporting Media Browser.",
"MessageSupporterMembershipExpiredOn":"Your supporter membership expired on {0}.",
"MessageYouHaveALifetimeMembership":"You have a lifetime supporter membership. You can provide additional donations on a one-time or recurring basis using the options below. Thank you for supporting Media Browser.",
"MessageYouHaveAnActiveRecurringMembership":"You have an active {0} membership. You can upgrade your plan using the options below.",
"MessageMediaBrowserAccountAdded":"The Media Browser account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingMediaBrowserAccountAdded":"The Media Browser account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"OptionIRecommendThisItem":"I recommend this item",
"WebClientTourContent":"View your recently added media, next episodes, and more. The green circles indicate how many unplayed items you have.",
"WebClientTourMovies":"Play movies, trailers and more from any device with a web browser",
"WebClientTourMouseOver":"Hold the mouse over any poster for quick access to important information",
"WebClientTourTapHold":"Tap and hold or right click any poster for a context menu",
"WebClientTourMetadataManager":"Click edit to open the metadata manager",
"WebClientTourPlaylists":"Easily create playlists and instant mixes, and play them on any device",
"WebClientTourCollections":"Create movie collections to group box sets together",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1":"User preferences allow you to customize the way your library is presented in all of your Media Browser apps",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2":"Configure your audio and subtitle language settings once, for every Media Browser app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences3":"Design the web client home page to your liking",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences4":"Configure backdrops, theme songs and external players",
"WebClientTourMobile1":"The web client works great on smartphones and tablets...",
"WebClientTourMobile2":"and easily controls other devices and Media Browser apps",
"WebClientTourMySync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageEnjoyYourStay":"Enjoy your stay",
"DashboardTourDashboard":"The server dashboard allows you to monitor your server and your users. You'll always know who is doing what and where they are.",
"DashboardTourHelp":"In-app help provides easy buttons to open wiki pages relating to the on-screen content.",
"DashboardTourUsers":"Easily create user accounts for your friends and family, each with their own permissions, library access, parental controls and more.",
"DashboardTourCinemaMode":"Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"DashboardTourChapters":"Enable chapter image generation for your videos for a more pleasing presentation while viewing.",
"DashboardTourSubtitles":"Automatically download subtitles for your videos in any language.",
"DashboardTourPlugins":"Install plugins such as internet video channels, live tv, metadata scanners, and more.",
"DashboardTourNotifications":"Automatically send notifications of server events to your mobile device, email and more.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks":"Easily manage long running operations with scheduled tasks. Decide when they run, and how often.",
"DashboardTourMobile":"The Media Browser dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere.",
"DashboardTourSync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageRefreshQueued":"Refresh queued",
"DeviceLastUsedByUserName":"Last used by {0}",
"HeaderDeleteDevice":"Delete Device",
"DeleteDeviceConfirmation":"Are you sure you wish to delete this device? It will reappear the next time a user signs in with it.",
"LabelEnableCameraUploadFor":"Enable camera upload for:",
"HeaderSelectUploadPath":"Select Upload Path",
"LabelEnableCameraUploadForHelp":"Uploads will occur automatically in the background when signed into Media Browser.",
"ErrorMessageStartHourGreaterThanEnd":"End time must be greater than the start time.",
"ButtonLibraryAccess":"Library access",
"ButtonParentalControl":"Parental control",
"HeaderInvitationSent":"Invitation Sent",
"MessageInvitationSentToUser":"An email has been sent to {0}, inviting them to accept your sharing invitation.",
"MessageInvitationSentToNewUser":"An email has been sent to {0} inviting them to sign up with Media Browser.",
"HeaderConnectionFailure":"Connection Failure",
"MessageUnableToConnectToServer":"We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again.",
"ButtonSelectServer":"Select server",
"MessagePluginConfigurationRequiresLocalAccess":"To configure this plugin please sign in to your local server directly.",
"MessageLoggedOutParentalControl":"Access is currently restricted. Please try again later.",
"DefaultErrorMessage":"There was an error processing the request. Please try again later.",
"HeaderForgotPassword":"Forgot Password",
"MessageContactAdminToResetPassword":"Please contact your system administrator to reset your password.",
"MessageForgotPasswordInNetworkRequired":"Please try again within your home network to initiate the password reset process.",
"MessageForgotPasswordFileCreated":"The following file has been created on your server and contains instructions on how to proceed:",
"MessageForgotPasswordFileExpiration":"The reset pin will expire at {0}.",
"MessageInvalidForgotPasswordPin":"An invalid or expired pin was entered. Please try again.",
"MessagePasswordResetForUsers":"Passwords have been removed for the following users:",
"HeaderInviteGuest":"Invite Guest",
"ButtonLinkMyMediaBrowserAccount":"Link my account now",
"MessageConnectAccountRequiredToInviteGuest":"In order to invite guests you need to first link your Media Browser account to this server.",
"CancelSyncJobConfirmation":"Cancelling the sync job will remove synced media from the device during the next sync process. Are you sure you wish to proceed?",
"OptionSyncUnwatchedVideosOnlyHelp":"Only unwatched videos will be synced, and videos will be removed from the device as they are watched.",
"LabelItemLimit":"Item limit:",
"LabelItemLimitHelp":"Optional. Set a limit to the number of items that will be synced.",
"MessageBookPluginRequired":"Requires installation of the Bookshelf plugin",
"MessageGamePluginRequired":"Requires installation of the GameBrowser plugin",
"MessageUnsetContentHelp":"Content will be displayed as plain folders. For best results use the metadata manager to set the content types of sub-folders.",
"SyncJobItemStatusRemovedFromDevice":"Removed from device",