40 lines
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40 lines
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using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers
public static class NameParser
static readonly Regex[] NameMatches = new[] {
new Regex(@"(?<name>.*)\((?<year>\d{4})\)"), // matches "My Movie (2001)" and gives us the name and the year
new Regex(@"(?<name>.*)(\.(?<year>\d{4})(\.|$)).*$"),
new Regex(@"(?<name>.*)") // last resort matches the whole string as the name
/// <summary>
/// Parses the name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name.</param>
/// <param name="justName">Name of the just.</param>
/// <param name="year">The year.</param>
public static void ParseName(string name, out string justName, out int? year)
justName = null;
year = null;
foreach (var re in NameMatches)
Match m = re.Match(name);
if (m.Success)
justName = m.Groups["name"].Value.Trim();
string y = m.Groups["year"] != null ? m.Groups["year"].Value : null;
int temp;
year = Int32.TryParse(y, out temp) ? temp : (int?)null;