# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Citadel and contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # yaml-language-server: $schema=../../app-standard-v1.json version: 1 metadata: category: Explorers name: BTC RPC Explorer version: 3.3.0 tagline: Database-free, self-hosted Bitcoin explorer description: >- This is a self-hosted explorer for the Bitcoin blockchain, driven by RPC calls to your own Bitcoin node. It is easy to run and can be connected to other tools (like Electrum servers) to achieve a full-featured explorer. Whatever reasons you may have for running a full node (trustlessness, technical curiosity, supporting the network, etc) it's valuable to appreciate the fullness of your node. With this explorer, you can explore not just the blockchain database, but also explore all of the functional capabilities of your own node. developer: Dan Janosik website: https://explorer.btc21.org dependencies: - electrum - bitcoind repo: https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer support: https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer/discussions gallery: - 1.jpg - 2.jpg - 3.jpg defaultPassword: $APP_SEED containers: - name: main image: ghcr.io/runcitadel/btc-rpc-explorer:v3.3.0@sha256:01ecdf20d75cfe758c2c0908492ed938f89da55dd6ee98e61cacc4c73ef8cef1 permissions: - electrum - bitcoind port: 3002 environment: BTCEXP_HOST: BTCEXP_BITCOIND_HOST: $BITCOIN_IP BTCEXP_BITCOIND_PORT: $BITCOIN_RPC_PORT BTCEXP_BITCOIND_USER: $BITCOIN_RPC_USER BTCEXP_BITCOIND_PASS: $BITCOIN_RPC_PASS BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API: electrum BTCEXP_ELECTRUM_SERVERS: tcp://$ELECTRUM_IP:$ELECTRUM_PORT DEBUG: btcexp:*,electrumClient BTCEXP_SLOW_DEVICE_MODE: "true" BTCEXP_NO_INMEMORY_RPC_CACHE: "true" BTCEXP_PRIVACY_MODE: "true" BTCEXP_NO_RATES: "true" BTCEXP_RPC_ALLOWALL: "true" BTCEXP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: $APP_SEED