# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Bastien Guillaumat # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # yaml-language-server: $schema=../../app-standard-v3.yml version: 3 metadata: category: Explorers name: Mempool version: 2.4.0 tagline: A mempool visualizer, explorer and fee estimator description: >- Mempool is the official self-hosted version of the fully featured explorer, visualizer, fee estimator, and API service running on mempool.space, an open source project developed and operated for the benefit of the Bitcoin community, with a focus on the emerging transaction fee market to help our transition into a multi-layer ecosystem. Features: - Live dashboard visualizing the mempool and blockchain - Live transaction tracking - Search any transaction, block or address - Fee estimations - Mempool historical data - TV View for larger displays as a TV in a cafe or bar - View transaction scripts and op_return messages - Audio notifications on transaction confirmed and address balance change - Multiple languages support - JSON APIs developers: mempool.space: https://mempool.space/about dependencies: - electrum - bitcoind repo: https://github.com/mempool/mempool support: https://t.me/mempoolspace gallery: - 1.jpg - 2.jpg - 3.jpg containers: - name: main image: mempool/frontend:v2.4.0@sha256:f71722f1e3abfb3d8a3df6f2a32e384d39434e311bb83d810629077b4fa6ffaf user: 1000:1000 init: true command: ./wait-for mariadb:3306 --timeout=720 -- nginx -g 'daemon off;' environment: FRONTEND_HTTP_PORT: $APP_MEMPOOL_MAIN_PORT BACKEND_MAINNET_HTTP_HOST: $APP_MEMPOOL_API_IP - name: api image: mempool/backend:v2.4.0@sha256:6036cc6866b782efadc765e8189958940202b3fa1770eb35c35210c86efd2f47 user: 1000:1000 init: true command: ./wait-for-it.sh mariadb:3306 --timeout=720 --strict -- ./start.sh environment: CORE_RPC_HOST: $BITCOIN_IP CORE_RPC_PORT: $BITCOIN_RPC_PORT CORE_RPC_USERNAME: $BITCOIN_RPC_USER CORE_RPC_PASSWORD: $BITCOIN_RPC_PASS ELECTRUM_HOST: $ELECTRUM_IP ELECTRUM_PORT: $ELECTRUM_PORT ELECTRUM_TLS: "false" DATABASE_HOST: $APP_MEMPOOL_MARIADB_IP DATABASE_PORT: "3306" DATABASE_DATABASE: mempool DATABASE_USER: mempool DATABASE_PASS: mempool MEMPOOL_HTTP_PORT: "8999" MEMPOOL_CACHE_DIR: /backend/cache MEMPOOL_CLEAR_PROTECTION_MINUTES: "20" data: - data:/backend/cache - name: mariadb image: mariadb:10.7.1@sha256:a469ba5edc9267eb3f32f5a6773376677274b09d36bbe742b448fc4c787e6b37 user: 1000:1000 environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: mempool MYSQL_USER: mempool MYSQL_PASSWORD: mempool MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: moneyprintergobrrr data: - mysql/db-scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d - mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql