# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Citadel and contributors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # yaml-language-server: $schema=../../app-standard-v1.json version: 1 metadata: category: Lightning Node Management name: Lightning Shell version: 0.1.4 tagline: Web shell with a selection of LN node management utilities description: >- This app allows you to access a lot of terminal apps directly on the web. The default username for this app is "citadel". developer: Ioan Bizău website: https://ibz.me dependencies: - lnd repo: https://ibz.github.io/lightning-shell/ support: https://github.com/ibz/lightning-shell/issues gallery: - 1.jpg - 2.jpg - 3.jpg defaultPassword: $APP_SEED containers: - name: web image: ghcr.io/ibz/lightning-shell:v0.1.4@sha256:e0431e087382016d558554474b92ccdd826d0f2e6d2718a099e85b6c4fffad74 restart: on-failure stop_grace_period: 1m port: 7681 data: - data:/data permissions: - lnd environment: APP_PASSWORD: "${APP_SEED}" USERNAME: citadel LND_IP: "${LND_IP}" LND_GRPC_PORT: ${LND_GRPC_PORT}