2020-02-22 20:47:00 -08:00

55 lines
1.5 KiB

sub init()
m.title = m.top.findNode("title")
m.title.text = "Loading..."
end sub
function itemContentChanged() as void
item = m.top.itemContent
itemData = item.json
m.top.findNode("title").text = item.title
m.top.findNode("poster").uri = item.posterURL
m.top.findNode("overview").text = item.overview
if type(itemData.RunTimeTicks) = "LongInteger"
m.top.findNode("runtime").text = stri(getRuntime()) + " mins"
m.top.findNode("endtime").text = "Ends at " + getEndTime()
end if
if itemData.communityRating <> invalid then
m.top.findNode("communityRating").text = str(int(itemData.communityRating*10)/10)
end if
end function
function getRuntime() as integer
itemData = m.top.itemContent.json
' A tick is .1ms, so 1/10,000,000 for ticks to seconds,
' then 1/60 for seconds to minutess... 1/600,000,000
return int(itemData.RunTimeTicks / 600000000.0)
end function
function getEndTime() as string
itemData = m.top.itemContent.json
date = CreateObject("roDateTime")
duration_s = int(itemData.RunTimeTicks / 10000000.0)
date.fromSeconds(date.asSeconds() + duration_s)
hours = date.getHours()
meridian = "AM"
if hours = 0
hours = 12
meridian = "AM"
else if hours = 12
hours = 12
meridian = "PM"
else if hours > 12
hours = hours - 12
meridian = "PM"
end if
minutes = stri(date.getMinutes()).trim()
if val(minutes) > 10
minutes= "0" + minutes
end if
return Substitute("{0}:{1} {2}", stri(hours).trim(), stri(date.getMinutes()).trim(), meridian)
end function