Jinho Kim ec1bc7e0a0 Fix playerState
JFVideo updates playerState for captionTask

Moved pkg:/fonts to pkg:/components/fonts
2023-01-26 21:36:11 -05:00

83 lines
2.5 KiB

sub init()
m.top.observeField("url", "fetchCaption")
m.top.currentCaption = []
m.top.currentPos = 0
m.captionTimer = m.top.findNode("captionTimer")
m.captionTimer.ObserveField("fire", "updateCaption")
m.captionList = []
m.reader = createObject("roUrlTransfer")
m.font = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Font")
m.font.uri = "pkg:/components/fonts/noto.otf"
m.font.size = 50
' m.font = "font:LargeSystemFont"
end sub
sub fetchCaption()
re = CreateObject("roRegex", "(http.*?\.vtt)", "s")
url = re.match(m.top.url)[0]
if url <> invalid then
text = m.reader.GetToString()
m.captionList = parseVTT(text)
m.captionTimer.control = "start"
m.captionTimer.control = "stop"
end if
end sub
sub updateCaption ()
' Stop updating captions if the video isn't playing
if m.top.playerState = "playing" then
m.top.currentPos = m.top.currentPos + 100
tmp = []
for each entry in m.captionList
if entry["start"] <= m.top.currentPos and m.top.currentPos <= entry["end"] then
label = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Label")
label.text = entry["text"]
label.font = m.font
end if
end for
m.top.currentCaption = tmp
end if
' end if
end sub
function ms(t) as integer
r = CreateObject("roRegex", ":|\.", "")
l = r.split(t)
return 3600000 * val(l[0]) + 60000 * val(l[1]) + 1000 * val(l[2]) + val(l[3])
end function
function splitLines(text)
r = CreateObject("roRegex", chr(10), "")
return r.split(text)
end function
function strip(text) as string
leading = CreateObject("roRegex", "^\s+", "")
trailing = CreateObject("roRegex", "\s+$", "")
text = leading.replaceall(text, "")
text = trailing.replaceall(text, "")
return text
end function
function parseVTT(text)
timestamp = "(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d) --> (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d)"
re = CreateObject("roRegex", timestamp + " region.*", "")
timeList = re.matchall (text)
textList = re.split(text)
captionList = []
for i = 0 to textList.count() - 1
textLines = splitLines(strip (textList[i]))
for each line in textLines
entry = { "start": ms(timeList[i][1]), "end": ms(timeList[i][2]), "text": strip(line), "color": "" }
end for
end for
return captionList
end function