171 lines
4.7 KiB
171 lines
4.7 KiB
sub init()
m.top.optionsAvailable = false
m.playAlbum = m.top.findNode("playAlbum")
m.instantMix = m.top.findNode("instantMix")
m.albumCover = m.top.findNode("albumCover")
m.songList = m.top.findNode("songList")
m.infoGroup = m.top.FindNode("infoGroup")
m.songListRect = m.top.FindNode("songListRect")
m.spinner = m.top.findNode("spinner")
m.spinner.visible = true
m.dscr = m.top.findNode("overview")
end sub
sub setupMainNode()
main = m.top.findNode("toplevel")
main.translation = [96, 175]
end sub
' Set values for displayed values on screen
sub pageContentChanged()
item = m.top.pageContent
m.spinner.visible = false
' Only 1 song shown, so hide Play Album button
if item.json.ChildCount = 1
m.playAlbum.visible = false
end if
end sub
' Set poster image on screen
sub setPosterImage(posterURL)
if isValid(posterURL)
m.albumCover.uri = posterURL
end if
end sub
' Set screen's title text
sub setScreenTitle(json)
newTitle = ""
if isValid(json)
if isValid(json.AlbumArtist)
newTitle = json.AlbumArtist
end if
if isValid(json.AlbumArtist) and isValid(json.name)
newTitle = newTitle + " / "
end if
if isValid(json.name)
newTitle = newTitle + json.name
end if
end if
m.top.overhangTitle = newTitle
end sub
' Adjust scene by removing overview node and showing more songs
sub adjustScreenForNoOverview()
m.songListRect.height = 800
m.songList.numRows = 12
end sub
' Populate on screen text variables
sub setOnScreenTextValues(json)
if isValid(json)
if isValid(json.overview) and json.overview <> ""
' We have overview text
setFieldTextValue("overview", json.overview)
' We don't have overview text
end if
setFieldTextValue("numberofsongs", stri(json.ChildCount) + " Tracks")
if type(json.ProductionYear) = "roInt"
setFieldTextValue("released", "Released " + stri(json.ProductionYear))
end if
if json.genres.count() > 0
setFieldTextValue("genres", json.genres.join(", "))
end if
if type(json.RunTimeTicks) = "LongInteger"
setFieldTextValue("runtime", stri(getMinutes(json.RunTimeTicks)) + " mins")
end if
end if
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if not press then return false
if m.spinner.visible then return false
if key = "options"
if m.dscr.isTextEllipsized
return true
end if
return false
end if
if key = "right"
if m.playAlbum.hasFocus() or m.instantMix.hasFocus()
return true
end if
else if key = "left" and m.songList.hasFocus()
if m.playAlbum.visible
else if m.instantMix.visible
return false
end if
return true
else if key = "down" and m.playAlbum.hasFocus()
return true
else if key = "up" and m.instantMix.hasFocus()
return true
end if
return false
end function
sub createFullDscrDlg()
dlg = CreateObject("roSGNode", "OverviewDialog")
dlg.Title = tr("Press 'Back' to Close")
dlg.width = 1290
dlg.palette = m.dlgPalette
dlg.overview = [m.dscr.text]
m.fullDscrDlg = dlg
m.top.getScene().dialog = dlg
border = createObject("roSGNode", "Poster")
border.uri = "pkg:/images/hd_focul_9.png"
border.blendColor = "#c9c9c9ff"
border.width = dlg.width + 6
border.height = dlg.height + 6
border.translation = [dlg.translation[0] - 3, dlg.translation[1] - 3]
border.visible = true
end sub
sub createDialogPallete()
m.dlgPalette = createObject("roSGNode", "RSGPalette")
m.dlgPalette.colors = {
DialogBackgroundColor: "0x262828FF",
DialogItemColor: "0x00EF00FF",
DialogTextColor: "0xb0b0b0FF",
DialogFocusColor: "0xcececeFF",
DialogFocusItemColor: "0x202020FF",
DialogSecondaryTextColor: "0xf8f8f8ff",
DialogSecondaryItemColor: "0xcc7ecc4D",
DialogInputFieldColor: "0x80FF8080",
DialogKeyboardColor: "0x80FF804D",
DialogFootprintColor: "0x80FF804D"
end sub
sub OnScreenHidden()
m.spinner.visible = false
end sub