146 lines
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146 lines
3.8 KiB
sub init()
m.top.optionsAvailable = false
end sub
sub setupMainNode()
main = m.top.findNode("toplevel")
main.translation = [96, 175]
end sub
sub setupAudioNode()
m.top.audio = createObject("RoSGNode", "Audio")
m.top.audio.observeField("contentIndex", "audioIndexChanged")
end sub
sub setupButtons()
m.buttons = m.top.findNode("buttons")
m.buttons.buttons = [tr("Previous"), tr("Play/Pause"), tr("Next")]
m.buttons.selectedIndex = 1
m.buttons.focusedIndex = 1
end sub
sub audioIndexChanged()
end sub
function playAction() as boolean
if m.top.audio.state = "playing"
m.top.audio.control = "pause"
else if m.top.audio.state = "paused"
m.top.audio.control = "resume"
end if
return true
end function
function previousClicked() as boolean
if m.top.audio.contentIndex > 0
m.top.audio.nextContentIndex = m.top.audio.contentIndex - 1
m.top.audio.control = "skipcontent"
end if
return true
end function
function nextClicked() as boolean
if m.top.audio.contentIsPlaylist
m.top.audio.control = "skipcontent"
end if
return true
end function
' Update values on screen when page content changes
sub pageContentChanged()
' If audio isn't playing yet, skip because we have nothing to update
if m.top.audio.contentIndex = -1 then return
item = m.top.pageContent[m.top.audio.contentIndex]
end sub
' Set poster image on screen
sub setPosterImage(posterURL)
if isValid(posterURL)
m.top.findNode("albumCover").uri = posterURL
end if
end sub
' Set screen's title text
sub setScreenTitle(json)
newTitle = ""
if isValid(json)
if isValid(json.AlbumArtist)
newTitle = json.AlbumArtist
end if
if isValid(json.AlbumArtist) and isValid(json.name)
newTitle = newTitle + " / "
end if
if isValid(json.name)
newTitle = newTitle + json.name
end if
end if
m.top.overhangTitle = newTitle
end sub
' Populate on screen text variables
sub setOnScreenTextValues(json)
if isValid(json)
setFieldTextValue("numberofsongs", "Track " + stri(m.top.audio.contentIndex + 1) + "/" + stri(m.top.pageContent.count()))
setFieldTextValue("artist", json.Artists[0])
setFieldTextValue("album", json.album)
setFieldTextValue("song", json.name)
end if
end sub
' Add backdrop image to screen
sub setBackdropImage()
if isValid(m.top.backgroundContent[m.top.audio.contentIndex])
m.top.findNode("backdrop").uri = m.top.backgroundContent[m.top.audio.contentIndex]
end if
end sub
' Process key press events
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
' Key bindings for remote control buttons
if press
if key = "play"
return playAction()
else if key = "back"
m.top.audio.control = "stop"
else if key = "rewind"
return previousClicked()
else if key = "fastforward"
return nextClicked()
end if
return false
end if
' Key bindings for button group
if m.top.findNode("buttons").hasFocus()
if key = "OK"
if m.buttons.buttons[m.buttons.focusedIndex] = tr("Play/Pause")
return playAction()
else if m.buttons.buttons[m.buttons.focusedIndex] = tr("Previous")
return previousClicked()
else if m.buttons.buttons[m.buttons.focusedIndex] = tr("Next")
return nextClicked()
end if
end if
end if
return false
end function