293 lines
9.1 KiB
293 lines
9.1 KiB
sub init()
m.itemText = m.top.findNode("itemText")
m.itemPoster = m.top.findNode("itemPoster")
m.itemProgress = m.top.findNode("progress")
m.itemProgressBackground = m.top.findNode("progressBackground")
m.itemIcon = m.top.findNode("itemIcon")
m.itemTextExtra = m.top.findNode("itemTextExtra")
m.itemPoster.observeField("loadStatus", "onPosterLoadStatusChanged")
m.unplayedCount = m.top.findNode("unplayedCount")
m.unplayedEpisodeCount = m.top.findNode("unplayedEpisodeCount")
m.playedIndicator = m.top.findNode("playedIndicator")
m.showProgressBarAnimation = m.top.findNode("showProgressBar")
m.showProgressBarField = m.top.findNode("showProgressBarField")
' Randomize the background colors
m.backdrop = m.top.findNode("backdrop")
posterBackgrounds = m.global.constants.poster_bg_pallet
m.backdrop.color = posterBackgrounds[rnd(posterBackgrounds.count()) - 1]
end sub
sub itemContentChanged()
itemData = m.top.itemContent
if itemData = invalid then return
itemData.Title = itemData.name ' Temporarily required while we move from "HomeItem" to "JFContentItem"
m.itemPoster.width = itemData.imageWidth
m.itemText.maxWidth = itemData.imageWidth
m.itemTextExtra.width = itemData.imageWidth
m.itemTextExtra.visible = true
m.backdrop.width = itemData.imageWidth
if isValid(itemData.iconUrl)
m.itemIcon.uri = itemData.iconUrl
end if
if itemData.isWatched
m.playedIndicator.visible = true
m.unplayedCount.visible = false
m.playedIndicator.visible = false
if LCase(itemData.type) = "series"
if get_user_setting("ui.tvshows.disableUnwatchedEpisodeCount", "false") = "false"
if isValid(itemData.json.UserData) and isValid(itemData.json.UserData.UnplayedItemCount)
if itemData.json.UserData.UnplayedItemCount > 0
m.unplayedCount.visible = true
m.unplayedEpisodeCount.text = itemData.json.UserData.UnplayedItemCount
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
' Format the Data based on the type of Home Data
if itemData.type = "CollectionFolder" or itemData.type = "UserView" or itemData.type = "Channel"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.widePosterURL
end if
if itemData.type = "UserView"
m.itemPoster.width = "96"
m.itemPoster.height = "96"
m.itemPoster.translation = "[192, 88]"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.widePosterURL
end if
playedIndicatorLeftPosition = m.itemPoster.width - 60
m.playedIndicator.translation = [playedIndicatorLeftPosition, 0]
m.itemText.height = 34
m.itemText.font.size = 25
m.itemText.horizAlign = "left"
m.itemText.vertAlign = "bottom"
m.itemTextExtra.visible = true
m.itemTextExtra.font.size = 22
' "Program" is from clicking on an "On Now" item on the Home Screen
if itemData.type = "Program"
m.itemText.Text = itemData.json.name
m.itemTextExtra.Text = itemData.json.ChannelName
if itemData.widePosterURL <> ""
m.itemPoster.uri = ImageURL(itemData.widePosterURL)
m.itemPoster.uri = ImageURL(itemData.json.ChannelId)
m.itemPoster.loadDisplayMode = "scaleToFill"
end if
' Set Episode title if available
if isValid(itemData.json.EpisodeTitle)
m.itemTextExtra.text = itemData.json.EpisodeTitle
end if
end if
if itemData.type = "Episode"
m.itemText.text = itemData.json.SeriesName
if itemData.PlayedPercentage > 0
end if
if itemData.usePoster = true
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.widePosterURL
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.thumbnailURL
end if
' Set Series and Episode Number for Extra Text
extraPrefix = ""
if isValid(itemData.json.ParentIndexNumber)
extraPrefix = "S" + StrI(itemData.json.ParentIndexNumber).trim()
end if
if isValid(itemData.json.IndexNumber)
extraPrefix = extraPrefix + "E" + StrI(itemData.json.IndexNumber).trim()
end if
if extraPrefix.len() > 0
extraPrefix = extraPrefix + " - "
end if
m.itemTextExtra.text = extraPrefix + itemData.name
end if
if itemData.type = "Movie"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
if itemData.PlayedPercentage > 0
end if
' Use best image, but fallback to secondary if it's empty
if (itemData.imageWidth = 180 and itemData.posterURL <> "") or itemData.thumbnailURL = ""
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.posterURL
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.thumbnailURL
end if
' Set Release Year and Age Rating for Extra Text
textExtra = ""
if isValid(itemData.json.ProductionYear)
textExtra = StrI(itemData.json.ProductionYear).trim()
end if
if isValid(itemData.json.OfficialRating)
if textExtra <> ""
textExtra = textExtra + " - " + itemData.json.OfficialRating
textExtra = itemData.json.OfficialRating
end if
end if
m.itemTextExtra.text = textExtra
end if
if itemData.type = "Video"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
if itemData.PlayedPercentage > 0
end if
if itemData.imageWidth = 180
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.posterURL
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.thumbnailURL
end if
end if
if itemData.type = "BoxSet"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.posterURL
' Set small text to number of items in the collection
if isValid(itemData.json) and isValid(itemData.json.ChildCount)
m.itemTextExtra.text = StrI(itemData.json.ChildCount).trim() + " item"
if itemData.json.ChildCount > 1
m.itemTextExtra.text += "s"
end if
end if
end if
if itemData.type = "Series"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
if itemData.usePoster = true
if itemData.imageWidth = 180
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.posterURL
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.widePosterURL
end if
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.thumbnailURL
end if
textExtra = ""
if isValid(itemData.json.ProductionYear)
textExtra = StrI(itemData.json.ProductionYear).trim()
end if
' Set Years Run for Extra Text
if itemData.json.Status = "Continuing"
textExtra = textExtra + " - Present"
else if itemData.json.Status = "Ended" and isValid(itemData.json.EndDate)
textExtra = textExtra + " - " + LEFT(itemData.json.EndDate, 4)
end if
m.itemTextExtra.text = textExtra
end if
if itemData.type = "MusicAlbum"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
m.itemTextExtra.text = itemData.json.AlbumArtist
m.itemPoster.uri = itemData.posterURL
end if
if itemData.type = "MusicArtist"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
m.itemTextExtra.text = itemData.json.AlbumArtist
m.itemPoster.uri = ImageURL(itemData.id)
end if
if itemData.type = "Audio"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
m.itemTextExtra.text = itemData.json.AlbumArtist
m.itemPoster.uri = ImageURL(itemData.id)
end if
if itemData.type = "TvChannel"
m.itemText.text = itemData.name
m.itemTextExtra.text = itemData.json.AlbumArtist
m.itemPoster.uri = ImageURL(itemData.id)
end if
if itemData.type = "Season"
m.itemText.text = itemData.json.SeriesName
m.itemTextExtra.text = itemData.name
m.itemPoster.uri = ImageURL(itemData.id)
end if
print "Unhandled Home Item Type: " + itemData.type
end sub
' Draws and animates item progress bar
sub drawProgressBar(itemData)
m.itemProgressBackground.width = itemData.imageWidth
m.itemProgressBackground.visible = true
m.showProgressBarField.keyValue = [0, m.itemPoster.width * (itemData.PlayedPercentage / 100)]
m.showProgressBarAnimation.control = "Start"
end sub
' Enable title scrolling based on item Focus
sub focusChanged()
if m.top.itemHasFocus = true
m.itemText.repeatCount = -1
m.itemText.repeatCount = 0
end if
end sub
'Hide backdrop and icon when poster loaded
sub onPosterLoadStatusChanged()
if m.itemPoster.loadStatus = "ready" and m.itemPoster.uri <> ""
m.backdrop.visible = false
m.itemIcon.visible = false
m.backdrop.visible = true
m.itemIcon.visible = true
end if
end sub