2216 lines
83 KiB
2216 lines
83 KiB
' * rooibos - simple, flexible, fun brightscript test framework for roku scenegraph apps
' * @version v2.3.0
' * @link https://github.com/georgejecook/rooibos#readme
' * @license MIT
' */
function Rooibos__Init(preTestSetup = invalid, testUtilsDecoratorMethodName = invalid, testSceneName = invalid, nodeContext = invalid) as void
args = {}
if createObject("roAPPInfo").IsDev() <> true then
? " not running in dev mode! - rooibos tests only support sideloaded builds - aborting"
end if
args.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName = testUtilsDecoratorMethodName
args.nodeContext = nodeContext
screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
m.port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
if testSceneName = invalid
testSceneName = "TestsScene"
end if
? "Starting test using test scene with name TestsScene" ; testSceneName
scene = screen.CreateScene(testSceneName)
scene.id = "ROOT"
m.global = screen.getGlobalNode()
m.global.addFields({"testsScene": scene})
if (preTestSetup <> invalid)
end if
testId = args.TestId
if (testId = invalid)
end if
? "#########################################################################"
? "#TEST START : ###" ; testId ; "###"
args.testScene = scene
args.global = m.global
runner = RBS_TR_TestRunner(args)
msg = wait(0, m.port)
msgType = type(msg)
if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed()
end if
end if
end while
end function
function BaseTestSuite() as object
this = {}
this.Name = "BaseTestSuite"
this.invalidValue = "#ROIBOS#INVALID_VALUE" ' special value used in mock arguments
this.ignoreValue = "#ROIBOS#IGNORE_VALUE" ' special value used in mock arguments
this.allowNonExistingMethodsOnMocks = true
this.isAutoAssertingMocks = true
this.TestCases = []
this.AddTest = RBS_BTS_AddTest
this.CreateTest = RBS_BTS_CreateTest
this.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue = RBS_BTS_GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue
this.Fail = RBS_BTS_Fail
this.AssertFalse = RBS_BTS_AssertFalse
this.AssertTrue = RBS_BTS_AssertTrue
this.AssertEqual = RBS_BTS_AssertEqual
this.AssertLike = RBS_BTS_AssertLike
this.AssertNotEqual = RBS_BTS_AssertNotEqual
this.AssertInvalid = RBS_BTS_AssertInvalid
this.AssertNotInvalid = RBS_BTS_AssertNotInvalid
this.AssertAAHasKey = RBS_BTS_AssertAAHasKey
this.AssertAANotHasKey = RBS_BTS_AssertAANotHasKey
this.AssertAAHasKeys = RBS_BTS_AssertAAHasKeys
this.AssertAANotHasKeys = RBS_BTS_AssertAANotHasKeys
this.AssertArrayContains = RBS_BTS_AssertArrayContains
this.AssertArrayNotContains = RBS_BTS_AssertArrayNotContains
this.AssertArrayContainsSubset = RBS_BTS_AssertArrayContainsSubset
this.AssertArrayContainsAAs = RBS_BTS_AssertArrayContainsAAs
this.AssertArrayNotContainsSubset = RBS_BTS_AssertArrayNotContainsSubset
this.AssertArrayCount = RBS_BTS_AssertArrayCount
this.AssertArrayNotCount = RBS_BTS_AssertArrayNotCount
this.AssertEmpty = RBS_BTS_AssertEmpty
this.AssertNotEmpty = RBS_BTS_AssertNotEmpty
this.AssertArrayContainsOnlyValuesOfType = RBS_BTS_AssertArrayContainsOnlyValuesOfType
this.AssertType = RBS_BTS_AssertType
this.AssertSubType = RBS_BTS_AssertSubType
this.AssertNodeCount = RBS_BTS_AssertNodeCount
this.AssertNodeNotCount = RBS_BTS_AssertNodeNotCount
this.AssertNodeEmpty = RBS_BTS_AssertNodeEmpty
this.AssertNodeNotEmpty = RBS_BTS_AssertNodenotEmpty
this.AssertNodeContains = RBS_BTS_AssertNodeContains
this.AssertNodeNotContains = RBS_BTS_AssertNodeNotContains
this.AssertNodeContainsFields = RBS_BTS_AssertNodeContainsFields
this.AssertNodeNotContainsFields = RBS_BTS_AssertNodeNotContainsFields
this.AssertAAContainsSubset = RBS_BTS_AssertAAContainsSubset
this.EqValues = RBS_BTS_EqValues
this.EqAssocArrays = RBS_BTS_EqAssocArray
this.EqArray = RBS_BTS_EqArray
this.Stub = RBS_BTS_Stub
this.Mock = RBS_BTS_Mock
this.AssertMocks = RBS_BTS_AssertMocks
this.CreateFake = RBS_BTS_CreateFake
this.CombineFakes = RBS_BTS_CombineFakes
this.MockFail = RBS_BTS_MockFail
this.CleanMocks = RBS_BTS_CleanMocks
this.CleanStubs = RBS_BTS_CleanStubs
this.ExpectOnce = RBS_BTS_ExpectOnce
this.ExpectNone = RBS_BTS_ExpectNone
this.Expect = RBS_BTS_Expect
this.ExpectOnceOrNone = RBS_BTS_ExpectOnceOrNone
this.MockCallback0 = RBS_BTS_MockCallback0
this.MockCallback1 = RBS_BTS_MockCallback1
this.MockCallback2 = RBS_BTS_MockCallback2
this.MockCallback3 = RBS_BTS_MockCallback3
this.MockCallback4 = RBS_BTS_MockCallback4
this.MockCallback5 = RBS_BTS_MockCallback5
this.StubCallback0 = RBS_BTS_StubCallback0
this.StubCallback1 = RBS_BTS_StubCallback1
this.StubCallback2 = RBS_BTS_StubCallback2
this.StubCallback3 = RBS_BTS_StubCallback3
this.StubCallback4 = RBS_BTS_StubCallback4
this.StubCallback5 = RBS_BTS_StubCallback5
this.pathAsArray_ = RBS_BTS_rodash_pathsAsArray_
this.g = RBS_BTS_rodash_get_
return this
end function
sub RBS_BTS_AddTest(name, func,funcName, setup = invalid, teardown = invalid)
m.testCases.Push(m.createTest(name, func, setup, teardown))
end sub
function RBS_BTS_CreateTest(name, func, funcName, setup = invalid, teardown = invalid ) as object
if (func = invalid)
end if
return {
Name: name
Func: func
FuncName: funcName
SetUp: setup
TearDown: teardown
end function
function RBS_BTS_Fail(msg = "Error" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end function
function RBS_BTS_GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(value) as object
if (value = true)
if (m.isLegacy = true)
return ""
return true
end if
if (m.isLegacy = true)
return "ERROR"
return false
end if
end if
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertFalse(expr , msg = "Expression evaluates to true" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if not RBS_CMN_IsBoolean(expr) or expr
return m.fail(msg)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertTrue(expr , msg = "Expression evaluates to false" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if not RBS_CMN_IsBoolean(expr) or not expr then
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertEqual(first , second , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if not m.eqValues(first, second)
if msg = ""
first_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(first)
second_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(second)
msg = first_as_string + " != " + second_as_string
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertLike(first , second , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if first <> second
if msg = ""
first_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(first)
second_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(second)
msg = first_as_string + " != " + second_as_string
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNotEqual(first , second , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if m.eqValues(first, second)
if msg = ""
first_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(first)
second_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(second)
msg = first_as_string + " == " + second_as_string
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertInvalid(value , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if value <> invalid
if msg = ""
expr_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(value)
msg = expr_as_string + " <> Invalid"
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNotInvalid(value , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if value = invalid
if msg = ""
expr_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(value)
msg = expr_as_string + " = Invalid"
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertAAHasKey(array , key , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array)
if not array.DoesExist(key)
if msg = ""
msg = "Array doesn't have the '" + key + "' key."
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Associative Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertAANotHasKey(array , key , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array)
if array.DoesExist(key)
if msg = ""
msg = "Array has the '" + key + "' key."
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Associative Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertAAHasKeys(array , keys , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) and RBS_CMN_IsArray(keys)
for each key in keys
if not array.DoesExist(key)
if msg = ""
msg = "Array doesn't have the '" + key + "' key."
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Associative Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertAANotHasKeys(array , keys , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) and RBS_CMN_IsArray(keys)
for each key in keys
if array.DoesExist(key)
if msg = ""
msg = "Array has the '" + key + "' key."
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Associative Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertArrayContains(array , value , key = invalid , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) or RBS_CMN_IsArray(array)
if not RBS_CMN_ArrayContains(array, value, key)
msg = "Array doesn't have the '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "' value."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertArrayContainsAAs(array , values , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if not RBS_CMN_IsArray(values)
msg = "values to search for are not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
if RBS_CMN_IsArray(array)
for each value in values
isMatched = false
if not RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(value)
msg = "Value to search for was not associativeArray "+ RBS_CMN_AsString(value)
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
for each item in array
if (RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(item))
isValueMatched = true
for each key in value
fieldValue = value[key]
itemValue = item[key]
if (not m.EqValues(fieldValue, itemValue))
isValueMatched = false
exit for
end if
end for
if (isValueMatched)
isMatched = true
exit for
end if
end if
end for ' items in array
if not isMatched
msg = "array missing value: "+ RBS_CMN_AsString(value)
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end for 'values to match
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertArrayNotContains(array , value , key = invalid , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) or RBS_CMN_IsArray(array)
if RBS_CMN_ArrayContains(array, value, key)
msg = "Array has the '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "' value."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertArrayContainsSubset(array , subset , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if (RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) and RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)) or (RBS_CMN_IsArray(array) and RBS_CMN_IsArray(subset))
isAA = RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)
for each item in subset
key = invalid
value = item
if isAA
key = item
value = subset[key]
end if
if not RBS_CMN_ArrayContains(array, value, key)
msg = "Array doesn't have the '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "' value."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertArrayNotContainsSubset(array , subset , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if (RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) and RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)) or (RBS_CMN_IsArray(array) and RBS_CMN_IsArray(subset))
isAA = RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)
for each item in subset
key = invalid
value = item
if isAA
key = item
value = item[key]
end if
if RBS_CMN_ArrayContains(array, value, key)
msg = "Array has the '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "' value."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertArrayCount(array , count , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) or RBS_CMN_IsArray(array)
if array.Count() <> count
msg = "Array items count " + RBS_CMN_AsString(array.Count()) + " <> " + RBS_CMN_AsString(count) + "."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertArrayNotCount(array , count , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) or RBS_CMN_IsArray(array)
if array.Count() = count
msg = "Array items count = " + RBS_CMN_AsString(count) + "."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertEmpty(item , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(item) or RBS_CMN_IsArray(item)
if item.Count() > 0
msg = "Array is not empty."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
else if (RBS_CMN_IsString(item))
if (RBS_CMN_AsString(item) <> "")
msg = "Input value is not empty."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "AssertEmpty: Input value was not an array or a string"
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNotEmpty(item , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(item) or RBS_CMN_IsArray(item)
if item.Count() = 0
msg = "Array is empty."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
else if RBS_CMN_IsString(item)
if (item = "")
msg = "Input value is empty."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not a string or array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertArrayContainsOnlyValuesOfType(array , typeStr , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if typeStr <> "String" and typeStr <> "Integer" and typeStr <> "Boolean" and typeStr <> "Array" and typeStr <> "AssociativeArray"
msg = "Type must be Boolean, String, Array, Integer, or AssociativeArray"
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) or RBS_CMN_IsArray(array)
methodName = "RBS_CMN_Is" + typeStr
typeCheckFunction = RBS_CMN_GetIsTypeFunction(methodName)
if (typeCheckFunction <> invalid)
for each item in array
if not typeCheckFunction(item)
msg = RBS_CMN_AsString(item) + "is not a '" + typeStr + "' type."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end for
msg = "could not find comparator for type '" + typeStr + "' type."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_CMN_GetIsTypeFunction(name)
if name = "RBS_CMN_IsFunction"
return RBS_CMN_IsFunction
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsXmlElement"
return RBS_CMN_IsXmlElement
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsInteger"
return RBS_CMN_IsInteger
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsBoolean"
return RBS_CMN_IsBoolean
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsFloat"
return RBS_CMN_IsFloat
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsDouble"
return RBS_CMN_IsDouble
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger"
return RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsNumber"
return RBS_CMN_IsNumber
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsList"
return RBS_CMN_IsList
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsArray"
return RBS_CMN_IsArray
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray"
return RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsSGNode"
return RBS_CMN_IsSGNode
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsString"
return RBS_CMN_IsString
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsDateTime"
return RBS_CMN_IsDateTime
else if name = "RBS_CMN_IsUndefined"
return RBS_CMN_IsUndefined
return invalid
end if
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertType(value , typeStr , msg ="" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(value) <> typeStr
if msg = ""
expr_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(value)
msg = expr_as_string + " was not expected type " + typeStr
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertSubType(value , typeStr , msg ="" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(value) <> "roSGNode"
if msg = ""
expr_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(value)
msg = expr_as_string + " was not a node, so could not match subtype " + typeStr
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
else if (value.subType() <> typeStr)
if msg = ""
expr_as_string = RBS_CMN_AsString(value)
msg = expr_as_string + "( type : " + value.subType() +") was not of subType " + typeStr
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_EqValues(Value1 , Value2 ) as dynamic
val1Type = type(Value1)
val2Type = type(Value2)
if val1Type = "<uninitialized>" or val2Type = "<uninitialized>" or val1Type = "" or val2Type = ""
? "ERROR!!!! - undefined value passed"
return false
end if
if val1Type = "roString" or val1Type = "String"
Value1 = RBS_CMN_AsString(Value1)
Value1 = box(Value1)
end if
if val2Type = "roString" or val2Type = "String"
Value2 = RBS_CMN_AsString(Value2)
Value2 = box(Value2)
end if
val1Type = type(Value1)
val2Type = type(Value2)
if val1Type = "roFloat" and val2Type = "roInt"
Value2 = box(Cdbl(Value2))
else if val2Type = "roFloat" and val1Type = "roInt"
Value1 = box(Cdbl(Value1))
end if
if val1Type <> val2Type
return false
valtype = val1Type
if valtype = "roList"
return RBS_BTS_EqArray(Value1, Value2)
else if valtype = "roAssociativeArray"
return RBS_BTS_EqAssocArray(Value1, Value2)
else if valtype = "roArray"
return RBS_BTS_EqArray(Value1, Value2)
else if (valtype = "roSGNode")
if (val2Type <> "roSGNode")
return false
return Value1.isSameNode(Value2)
end if
return Value1 = Value2
end if
end if
end function
function RBS_BTS_EqAssocArray(Value1 , Value2 ) as dynamic
l1 = Value1.Count()
l2 = Value2.Count()
if not l1 = l2
return false
for each k in Value1
if not Value2.DoesExist(k)
return false
v1 = Value1[k]
v2 = Value2[k]
if not RBS_BTS_EqValues(v1, v2)
return false
end if
end if
end for
return true
end if
end function
function RBS_BTS_EqArray(Value1 , Value2 ) as dynamic
if not (RBS_CMN_IsArray(Value1)) or not RBS_CMN_IsArray(Value2) then return false
l1 = Value1.Count()
l2 = Value2.Count()
if not l1 = l2
return false
for i = 0 to l1 - 1
v1 = Value1[i]
v2 = Value2[i]
if not RBS_BTS_EqValues(v1, v2) then
return false
end if
end for
return true
end if
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeCount(node , count , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(node) = "roSGNode"
if node.getChildCount() <> count
msg = "node items count <> " + RBS_CMN_AsString(count) + ". Received " + RBS_CMN_AsString(node.getChildCount())
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an node."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeNotCount(node , count , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(node) = "roSGNode"
if node.getChildCount() = count
msg = "node items count = " + RBS_CMN_AsString(count) + "."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an node."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeEmpty(node , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(node) = "roSGNode"
if node.getChildCount() > 0
msg = "node is not empty."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeNotEmpty(node , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(node) = "roSGNode"
if node.Count() = 0
msg = "Array is empty."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeContains(node , value , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(node) = "roSGNode"
if not RBS_CMN_NodeContains(node, value)
msg = "Node doesn't have the '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "' value."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Node."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeContainsOnly(node , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(node) = "roSGNode"
if not RBS_CMN_NodeContains(node, value)
msg = "Node doesn't have the '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "' value."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
else if node.getChildCount() <> 1
msg = "Node Contains speicified value; but other values as well"
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Node."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeNotContains(node , value , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if type(node) = "roSGNode"
if RBS_CMN_NodeContains(node, value)
msg = "Node has the '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "' value."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
msg = "Input value is not an Node."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeContainsFields(node , subset , ignoredFields=invalid, msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if ( type(node) = "roSGNode" and RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)) or ( type(node) = "roSGNode" and RBS_CMN_IsArray(subset))
isAA = RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)
isIgnoredFields = RBS_CMN_IsArray(ignoredFields)
for each key in subset
if (key <> "")
if (not isIgnoredFields or not RBS_CMN_ArrayContains(ignoredFields, key))
subsetValue = subset[key]
nodeValue = node[key]
if not m.eqValues(nodeValue, subsetValue)
msg = key + ": Expected '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(subsetValue) + "', got '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(nodeValue) + "'"
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end if
? "Found empty key!"
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Node."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertNodeNotContainsFields(node , subset , msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if ( type(node) = "roSGNode" and RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)) or ( type(node) = "roSGNode" and RBS_CMN_IsArray(subset))
isAA = RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)
for each item in subset
key = invalid
value = item
if isAA
key = item
value = item[key]
end if
if RBS_CMN_NodeContains(node, value, key)
msg = "Node has the '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "' value."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end for
msg = "Input value is not an Node."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertAAContainsSubset(array , subset , ignoredFields = invalid, msg = "" ) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
if (RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(array) and RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset))
isAA = RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(subset)
isIgnoredFields = RBS_CMN_IsArray(ignoredFields)
for each key in subset
if (key <> "")
if (not isIgnoredFields or not RBS_CMN_ArrayContains(ignoredFields, key))
subsetValue = subset[key]
arrayValue = array[key]
if not m.eqValues(arrayValue, subsetValue)
msg = key + ": Expected '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(subsetValue) + "', got '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(arrayValue) + "'"
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
end if
? "Found empty key!"
end if
end for
msg = "Input values are not an Associative Array."
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end if
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(true)
end function
function RBS_BTS_Stub(target, methodName, returnValue = invalid, allowNonExistingMethods = false) as object
if (type(target) <> "roAssociativeArray")
m.Fail("could not create Stub provided target was null")
return {}
end if
if (m.stubs =invalid)
m.__stubId = -1
m.stubs = {}
end if
if (m.__stubId > 5)
return invalid
end if
id = stri(m.__stubId).trim()
fake = m.CreateFake(id, target, methodName, 1, invalid, returnValue)
m.stubs[id] = fake
allowNonExisting = m.allowNonExistingMethodsOnMocks = true or allowNonExistingMethods
isMethodPresent = type(target[methodName]) = "Function" or type(target[methodName]) = "roFunction"
if (isMethodPresent or allowNonExisting)
target[methodName] = m["StubCallback" + id]
target.__stubs = m.stubs
if (not isMethodPresent)
? "WARNING - stubbing call " ; methodName; " which did not exist on target object"
end if
? "ERROR - could not create Stub : method not found "; target ; "." ; methodName
end if
return fake
end function
function RBS_BTS_ExpectOnce(target, methodName, expectedArgs = invalid, returnValue = invalid, allowNonExistingMethods = false) as object
return m.Mock(target, methodName, 1, expectedArgs, returnValue, allowNonExistingMethods)
end function
function RBS_BTS_ExpectOnceOrNone(target, methodName, isExpected, expectedArgs = invalid, returnValue = invalid, allowNonExistingMethods = false) as object
if isExpected
return m.ExpectOnce(target, methodName, expectedArgs, returnValue, allowNonExistingMethods)
return m.ExpectNone(target, methodName, allowNonExistingMethods)
end if
end function
function RBS_BTS_ExpectNone(target, methodName, allowNonExistingMethods = false) as object
return m.Mock(target, methodName, 0, invalid, invalid, allowNonExistingMethods)
end function
function RBS_BTS_Expect(target, methodName, expectedInvocations = 1, expectedArgs = invalid, returnValue = invalid, allowNonExistingMethods = false) as object
return m.Mock(target, methodName, expectedInvocations, expectedArgs, returnValue, allowNonExistingMethods)
end function
function RBS_BTS_Mock(target, methodName, expectedInvocations = 1, expectedArgs = invalid, returnValue = invalid, allowNonExistingMethods = false) as object
if not RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(target)
m.Fail("mock args: target was not an AA")
else if not RBS_CMN_IsString(methodName)
m.Fail("mock args: methodName was not a string")
else if not RBS_CMN_IsNumber(expectedInvocations)
m.Fail("mock args: expectedInvocations was not an int")
else if not RBS_CMN_IsArray(expectedArgs) and RBS_CMN_IsValid(expectedArgs)
m.Fail("mock args: expectedArgs was not invalid or an array of args")
else if RBS_CMN_IsUndefined(expectedArgs)
m.Fail("mock args: expectedArgs undefined")
end if
if m.currentResult.isFail
? "ERROR: "; m.currentResult.messages[m.currentResult.currentAssertIndex - 1]
return {}
end if
if (m.mocks = invalid)
m.__mockId = -1
m.__mockTargetId = -1
m.mocks = {}
end if
fake = invalid
if not target.doesExist("__rooibosTargetId")
target["__rooibosTargetId"] = m.__mockTargetId
end if
for i = 0 to m.__mockId
id = stri(i).trim()
mock = m.mocks[id]
if mock <> invalid and mock.methodName = methodName and mock.target.__rooibosTargetId = target.__rooibosTargetId
fake = mock
exit for
end if
end for
if fake = invalid
id = stri(m.__mockId).trim()
if (m.__mockId > 6)
? "ERROR ONLY 6 MOCKS PER TEST ARE SUPPORTED!! you're on # " ; m.__mockId
? " Method was " ; methodName
return invalid
end if
fake = m.CreateFake(id, target, methodName, expectedInvocations, expectedArgs, returnValue)
m.mocks[id] = fake 'this will bind it to m
allowNonExisting = m.allowNonExistingMethodsOnMocks = true or allowNonExistingMethods
isMethodPresent = type(target[methodName]) = "Function" or type(target[methodName]) = "roFunction"
if (isMethodPresent or allowNonExisting)
target[methodName] = m["MockCallback" + id]
target.__mocks = m.mocks
if (not isMethodPresent)
? "WARNING - mocking call " ; methodName; " which did not exist on target object"
end if
? "ERROR - could not create Mock : method not found "; target ; "." ; methodName
end if
m.CombineFakes(fake, m.CreateFake(id, target, methodName, expectedInvocations, expectedArgs, returnValue))
end if
return fake
end function
function RBS_BTS_CreateFake(id, target, methodName, expectedInvocations = 1, expectedArgs =invalid, returnValue=invalid ) as object
expectedArgsValues = []
hasArgs = RBS_CMN_IsArray(expectedArgs)
if (hasArgs)
defaultValue = m.invalidValue
defaultValue = m.ignoreValue
expectedArgs = []
end if
for i = 0 to 9
if (hasArgs and expectedArgs.count() > i)
value = expectedArgs[i]
if not RBS_CMN_IsUndefined(value)
end if
end if
end for
fake = {
id : id,
target: target,
methodName: methodName,
returnValue: returnValue,
isCalled: false,
invocations: 0,
invokedArgs: [invalid, invalid, invalid, invalid, invalid, invalid, invalid, invalid, invalid],
expectedArgs: expectedArgsValues,
expectedInvocations: expectedInvocations,
callback: function (arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
if (m.allInvokedArgs = invalid)
m.allInvokedArgs = []
end if
m.invokedArgs = [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 ]
m.allInvokedArgs.push ([arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9 ])
m.isCalled = true
if (type(m.returnValue) = "roAssociativeArray" and m.returnValue.doesExist("multiResult"))
returnValues = m.returnValue["multiResult"]
returnIndex = m.invocations -1
if (type(returnValues) = "roArray" and returnValues.count() > 0)
if returnValues.count() <= m.invocations
returnIndex = returnValues.count() -1
print "Multi return values all used up - repeating last value"
end if
return returnValues[returnIndex]
? "Multi return value was specified; but no array of results were found"
return invalid
end if
return m.returnValue
end if
end function
return fake
end function
function RBS_BTS_CombineFakes(fake, otherFake)
if type(fake.expectedArgs) <> "roAssociativeArray" or not fake.expectedArgs.doesExist("multiInvoke")
currentExpectedArgsArgs = fake.expectedArgs
fake.expectedArgs = {
"multiInvoke": [currentExpectedArgsArgs]
end if
if type(fake.returnValue) <> "roAssociativeArray" or not fake.returnValue.doesExist("multiResult")
currentReturnValue = fake.returnValue
fake.returnValue = {
"multiResult": [currentReturnValue]
end if
end function
function RBS_BTS_AssertMocks() as void
if (m.__mockId = invalid or not RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(m.mocks))
end if
lastId = int(m.__mockId)
for each id in m.mocks
mock = m.mocks[id]
methodName = mock.methodName
if (mock.expectedInvocations <> mock.invocations)
m.MockFail(methodName, "Wrong number of calls. (" + stri(mock.invocations).trim() + " / " + stri(mock.expectedInvocations).trim() + ")")
else if mock.expectedInvocations > 0 and (RBS_CMN_IsArray(mock.expectedArgs) or (type(mock.expectedArgs) = "roAssociativeArray" and RBS_CMN_IsArray(mock.expectedArgs.multiInvoke)))
isMultiArgsSupported = type(mock.expectedArgs) = "roAssociativeArray" and RBS_CMN_IsArray(mock.expectedArgs.multiInvoke)
for invocationIndex = 0 to mock.invocations - 1
invokedArgs = mock.allInvokedArgs[invocationIndex]
if isMultiArgsSupported
expectedArgs = mock.expectedArgs.multiInvoke[invocationIndex]
expectedArgs = mock.expectedArgs
end if
for i = 0 to expectedArgs.count() -1
value = invokedArgs[i]
expected = expectedArgs[i]
didNotExpectArg = RBS_CMN_IsString(expected) and expected = m.invalidValue
if (didNotExpectArg)
expected = invalid
end if
if (not (RBS_CMN_IsString(expected) and expected = m.ignoreValue) and not m.eqValues(value, expected))
if (expected = invalid)
expected = "[INVALID]"
end if
m.MockFail(methodName, "on Invocation #" + stri(invocationIndex).trim() + ", expected arg #" + stri(i).trim() + " to be '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(expected) + "' got '" + RBS_CMN_AsString(value) + "')")
end if
end for
end for
end if
end for
end function
function RBS_BTS_CleanMocks() as void
if m.mocks = invalid return
for each id in m.mocks
mock = m.mocks[id]
mock.target.__mocks = invalid
end for
m.mocks = invalid
end function
function RBS_BTS_CleanStubs() as void
if m.stubs = invalid return
for each id in m.stubs
stub = m.stubs[id]
stub.target.__stubs = invalid
end for
m.stubs = invalid
end function
function RBS_BTS_MockFail(methodName, message) as dynamic
if (m.currentResult.isFail) then return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false) ' skip test we already failed
m.currentResult.AddResult("mock failure on '" + methodName + "' : " + message)
return m.GetLegacyCompatibleReturnValue(false)
end function
function RBS_BTS_StubCallback0(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__Stubs["0"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_StubCallback1(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__Stubs["1"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_StubCallback2(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__Stubs["2"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_StubCallback3(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__Stubs["3"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_StubCallback4(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__Stubs["4"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_StubCallback5(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__Stubs["5"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_MockCallback0(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__mocks["0"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_MockCallback1(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__mocks["1"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_MockCallback2(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__mocks["2"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_MockCallback3(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__mocks["3"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_MockCallback4(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__mocks["4"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_MockCallback5(arg1=invalid, arg2=invalid, arg3=invalid, arg4=invalid, arg5=invalid, arg6=invalid, arg7=invalid, arg8=invalid, arg9 =invalid)as dynamic
fake = m.__mocks["5"]
return fake.callback(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
end function
function RBS_BTS_rodash_pathsAsArray_(path)
pathRE = CreateObject("roRegex", "\[([0-9]+)\]", "i")
segments = []
if type(path) = "String" or type(path) = "roString"
dottedPath = pathRE.replaceAll(path, ".\1")
stringSegments = dottedPath.tokenize(".")
for each s in stringSegments
if (Asc(s) >= 48) and (Asc(s) <= 57)
end if
end for
else if type(path) = "roList" or type(path) = "roArray"
stringPath = ""
for each s in path
stringPath = stringPath + "." + Box(s).toStr()
end for
segments = m.pathAsArray_(stringPath)
segments = invalid
end if
return segments
end function
function RBS_BTS_rodash_get_(aa, path, default=invalid)
if type(aa) <> "roAssociativeArray" and type(aa) <> "roArray" and type(aa) <> "roSGNode" then return default
segments = m.pathAsArray_(path)
if (Type(path) = "roInt" or Type(path) = "roInteger" or Type(path) = "Integer")
path = stri(path).trim()
end if
if segments = invalid then return default
result = invalid
while segments.count() > 0
key = segments.shift()
if (type(key) = "roInteger") 'it's a valid index
if (aa <> invalid and GetInterface(aa, "ifArray") <> invalid)
value = aa[key]
else if (aa <> invalid and GetInterface(aa, "ifSGNodeChildren") <> invalid)
value = aa.getChild(key)
else if (aa <> invalid and GetInterface(aa, "ifAssociativeArray") <> invalid)
key = tostr(key)
if not aa.doesExist(key)
exit while
end if
value = aa.lookup(key)
value = invalid
end if
if not aa.doesExist(key)
exit while
end if
value = aa.lookup(key)
end if
if segments.count() = 0
result = value
exit while
end if
if type(value) <> "roAssociativeArray" and type(value) <> "roArray" and type(value) <> "roSGNode"
exit while
end if
aa = value
end while
if result = invalid then return default
return result
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsXmlElement(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifXMLElement") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsFunction(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifFunction") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_GetFunction(filename, functionName) as object
if (not RBS_CMN_IsNotEmptyString(functionName)) then return invalid
if (not RBS_CMN_IsNotEmptyString(filename)) then return invalid
mapFunction = RBSFM_getFunctionsForFile(filename)
if mapFunction <> invalid
map = mapFunction()
if (type(map) ="roAssociativeArray")
functionPointer = map[functionName]
return functionPointer
return invalid
end if
end if
return invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_GetFunctionBruteForce(functionName) as object
if (not RBS_CMN_IsNotEmptyString(functionName)) then return invalid
filenames = RBSFM_getFilenames()
for i = 0 to filenames.count() - 1
filename = filenames[i]
mapFunction = RBSFM_getFunctionsForFile(filename)
if mapFunction <> invalid
map = mapFunction()
if (type(map) ="roAssociativeArray")
functionPointer = map[functionName]
if functionPointer <> invalid
return functionPointer
end if
end if
end if
end for
return invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsBoolean(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifBoolean") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsInteger(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifInt") <> invalid and (Type(value) = "roInt" or Type(value) = "roInteger" or Type(value) = "Integer")
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsFloat(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifFloat") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsDouble(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifDouble") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifLongInt") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsNumber(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger(value) or RBS_CMN_IsDouble(value) or RBS_CMN_IsInteger(value) or RBS_CMN_IsFloat(value)
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsList(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifList") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsArray(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifArray") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifAssociativeArray") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsSGNode(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifSGNodeChildren") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsString(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and GetInterface(value, "ifString") <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsNotEmptyString(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsString(value) and len(value) > 0
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsDateTime(value ) as boolean
return RBS_CMN_IsValid(value) and (GetInterface(value, "ifDateTime") <> invalid or Type(value) = "roDateTime")
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsValid(value ) as boolean
return not RBS_CMN_IsUndefined(value) and value <> invalid
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsUndefined(value ) as boolean
return type(value) = "" or Type(value) = "<uninitialized>"
end function
function RBS_CMN_ValidStr(obj ) as string
if obj <> invalid and GetInterface(obj, "ifString") <> invalid
return obj
return ""
end if
end function
function RBS_CMN_AsString(input ) as string
if RBS_CMN_IsValid(input) = false
return ""
else if RBS_CMN_IsString(input)
return input
else if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(input) or RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger(input) or RBS_CMN_IsBoolean(input)
return input.ToStr()
else if RBS_CMN_IsFloat(input) or RBS_CMN_IsDouble(input)
return Str(input).Trim()
else if type(input) = "roSGNode"
return "Node(" + input.subType() +")"
else if type(input) = "roAssociativeArray"
isFirst = true
text = "{"
if (not isFirst)
text += ","
isFirst = false
end if
for each key in input
text += key + ":" + RBS_CMN_AsString(input[key])
end for
text += "}"
return text
return ""
end if
end function
function RBS_CMN_AsInteger(input ) as integer
if RBS_CMN_IsValid(input) = false
return 0
else if RBS_CMN_IsString(input)
return input.ToInt()
else if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(input)
return input
else if RBS_CMN_IsFloat(input) or RBS_CMN_IsDouble(input) or RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger(input)
return Int(input)
return 0
end if
end function
function RBS_CMN_AsLongInteger(input ) as longinteger
if RBS_CMN_IsValid(input) = false
return 0
else if RBS_CMN_IsString(input)
return RBS_CMN_AsInteger(input)
else if RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger(input) or RBS_CMN_IsFloat(input) or RBS_CMN_IsDouble(input) or RBS_CMN_IsInteger(input)
return input
return 0
end if
end function
function RBS_CMN_AsFloat(input ) as float
if RBS_CMN_IsValid(input) = false
return 0.0
else if RBS_CMN_IsString(input)
return input.ToFloat()
else if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(input)
return (input / 1)
else if RBS_CMN_IsFloat(input) or RBS_CMN_IsDouble(input) or RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger(input)
return input
return 0.0
end if
end function
function RBS_CMN_AsDouble(input ) as double
if RBS_CMN_IsValid(input) = false
return 0.0
else if RBS_CMN_IsString(input)
return RBS_CMN_AsFloat(input)
else if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(input) or RBS_CMN_IsLongInteger(input) or RBS_CMN_IsFloat(input) or RBS_CMN_IsDouble(input)
return input
return 0.0
end if
end function
function RBS_CMN_AsBoolean(input ) as boolean
if RBS_CMN_IsValid(input) = false
return false
else if RBS_CMN_IsString(input)
return LCase(input) = "true"
else if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(input) or RBS_CMN_IsFloat(input)
return input <> 0
else if RBS_CMN_IsBoolean(input)
return input
return false
end if
end function
function RBS_CMN_AsArray(value ) as object
if RBS_CMN_IsValid(value)
if not RBS_CMN_IsArray(value)
return [value]
return value
end if
end if
return []
end function
function RBS_CMN_IsNullOrEmpty(value ) as boolean
if RBS_CMN_IsString(value)
return Len(value) = 0
return not RBS_CMN_IsValid(value)
end if
end function
function RBS_CMN_FindElementIndexInArray(array , value , compareAttribute = invalid , caseSensitive = false ) as integer
if RBS_CMN_IsArray(array)
for i = 0 to RBS_CMN_AsArray(array).Count() - 1
compareValue = array[i]
if compareAttribute <> invalid and RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(compareValue)
compareValue = compareValue.LookupCI(compareAttribute)
end if
if RBS_BTS_EqValues(compareValue, value)
return i
end if
item = array[i]
end if
return -1
end function
function RBS_CMN_ArrayContains(array , value , compareAttribute = invalid ) as boolean
return (RBS_CMN_FindElementIndexInArray(array, value, compareAttribute) > -1)
end function
function RBS_CMN_FindElementIndexInNode(node , value ) as integer
if type(node) = "roSGNode"
for i = 0 to node.getChildCount() - 1
compareValue = node.getChild(i)
if type(compareValue) = "roSGNode" and compareValue.isSameNode(value)
return i
end if
end if
return -1
end function
function RBS_CMN_NodeContains(node , value ) as boolean
return (RBS_CMN_FindElementIndexInNode(node, value) > -1)
end function
function RBS_ItG_GetTestCases(group) as object
if (group.hasSoloTests = true)
return group.soloTestCases
return group.testCases
end if
end function
function RBS_ItG_GetRunnableTestSuite(group) as object
testCases = RBS_ItG_GetTestCases(group)
runnableSuite = BaseTestSuite()
runnableSuite.name = group.name
runnableSuite.isLegacy = group.isLegacy = true
if group.testCaseLookup = invalid
group.testCaseLookup = {}
end if
for each testCase in testCases
name = testCase.name
if (testCase.isSolo = true)
name += " [SOLO] "
end if
testFunction = RBS_CMN_GetFunction(group.filename, testCase.funcName)
runnableSuite.addTest(name, testFunction, testCase.funcName)
group.testCaseLookup[name] = testCase
end for
runnableSuite.SetUp = RBS_CMN_GetFunction(group.filename, group.setupFunctionName)
runnableSuite.TearDown = RBS_CMN_GetFunction(group.filename, group.teardownFunctionName)
runnableSuite.BeforeEach = RBS_CMN_GetFunction(group.filename, group.beforeEachFunctionName)
runnableSuite.AfterEach = RBS_CMN_GetFunction(group.filename, group.afterEachFunctionName)
return runnableSuite
end function
function ItemGenerator(scheme as object) as object
this = {}
this.getItem = RBS_IG_GetItem
this.getAssocArray = RBS_IG_GetAssocArray
this.getArray = RBS_IG_GetArray
this.getSimpleType = RBS_IG_GetSimpleType
this.getInteger = RBS_IG_GetInteger
this.getFloat = RBS_IG_GetFloat
this.getString = RBS_IG_GetString
this.getBoolean = RBS_IG_GetBoolean
if not RBS_CMN_IsValid(scheme)
return invalid
end if
return this.getItem(scheme)
end function
function RBS_IG_GetItem(scheme as object) as object
item = invalid
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(scheme)
item = m.getAssocArray(scheme)
else if RBS_CMN_IsArray(scheme)
item = m.getArray(scheme)
else if RBS_CMN_IsString(scheme)
item = m.getSimpleType(lCase(scheme))
end if
return item
end function
function RBS_IG_GetAssocArray(scheme as object) as object
item = {}
for each key in scheme
if not item.DoesExist(key)
item[key] = m.getItem(scheme[key])
end if
end for
return item
end function
function RBS_IG_GetArray(scheme as object) as object
item = []
for each key in scheme
end for
return item
end function
function RBS_IG_GetSimpleType(typeStr as string) as object
item = invalid
if typeStr = "integer" or typeStr = "int" or typeStr = "roint"
item = m.getInteger()
else if typeStr = "float" or typeStr = "rofloat"
item = m.getFloat()
else if typeStr = "string" or typeStr = "rostring"
item = m.getString(10)
else if typeStr = "boolean" or typeStr = "roboolean"
item = m.getBoolean()
end if
return item
end function
function RBS_IG_GetBoolean() as boolean
return RBS_CMN_AsBoolean(Rnd(2) \ Rnd(2))
end function
function RBS_IG_GetInteger(seed = 100 as integer) as integer
return Rnd(seed)
end function
function RBS_IG_GetFloat() as float
return Rnd(0)
end function
function RBS_IG_GetString(seed as integer) as string
item = ""
if seed > 0
stringLength = Rnd(seed)
for i = 0 to stringLength
chType = Rnd(3)
if chType = 1 'Chr(48-57) - numbers
chNumber = 47 + Rnd(10)
else if chType = 2 'Chr(65-90) - Uppercase Letters
chNumber = 64 + Rnd(26)
else 'Chr(97-122) - Lowercase Letters
chNumber = 96 + Rnd(26)
end if
item = item + Chr(chNumber)
end for
end if
return item
end function
function UnitTestRuntimeConfig()
this = {}
this.CreateSuites = RBS_CreateSuites
this.hasSoloSuites = false
this.hasSoloGroups = false
this.hasSoloTests = false
this.suites = this.CreateSuites()
return this
end function
function RBS_CreateSuites()
suites = RBSFM_getTestSuitesForProject()
includedSuites = []
for i = 0 to suites.count() -1
suite = suites[i]
if (suite.valid)
if (suite.isSolo)
m.hasSoloSuites = true
end if
if (suite.hasSoloTests = true)
m.hasSoloTests = true
end if
if (suite.hasSoloGroups = true)
m.hasSoloGroups = true
end if
? "ERROR! suite was not valid - ignoring"
end if
end for
return includedSuites
end function
function RBS_STATS_CreateTotalStatistic() as object
statTotalItem = {
Suites : []
Time : 0
Total : 0
Correct : 0
Fail : 0
Ignored : 0
Crash : 0
IgnoredTestNames: []
return statTotalItem
end function
function RBS_STATS_MergeTotalStatistic(stat1, stat2) as void
for each suite in stat2.Suites
end for
stat1.Time += stat2.Time
stat1.Total += stat2.Total
stat1.Correct += stat2.Correct
stat1.Fail += stat2.Fail
stat1.Crash += stat2.Crash
stat1.Ignored += stat2.Ignored
end function
function RBS_STATS_CreateSuiteStatistic(name as string) as object
statSuiteItem = {
Name : name
Tests : []
Time : 0
Total : 0
Correct : 0
Fail : 0
Crash : 0
Ignored : 0
return statSuiteItem
end function
function RBS_STATS_CreateTestStatistic(name as string, result = "Success" as string, time = 0 as integer, errorCode = 0 as integer, errorMessage = "" as string) as object
statTestItem = {
Name : name
Result : result
Time : time
Error : {
Code : errorCode
Message : errorMessage
return statTestItem
end function
sub RBS_STATS_AppendTestStatistic(statSuiteObj as object, statTestObj as object)
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(statSuiteObj) and RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(statTestObj)
if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(statTestObj.time)
statSuiteObj.Time = statSuiteObj.Time + statTestObj.Time
end if
statSuiteObj.Total = statSuiteObj.Total + 1
if lCase(statTestObj.Result) = "success"
statSuiteObj.Correct = statSuiteObj.Correct + 1
else if lCase(statTestObj.result) = "fail"
statSuiteObj.Fail = statSuiteObj.Fail + 1
statSuiteObj.crash = statSuiteObj.crash + 1
end if
end if
end sub
sub RBS_STATS_AppendSuiteStatistic(statTotalObj as object, statSuiteObj as object)
if RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(statTotalObj) and RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(statSuiteObj)
statTotalObj.Time = statTotalObj.Time + statSuiteObj.Time
if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(statSuiteObj.Total)
statTotalObj.Total = statTotalObj.Total + statSuiteObj.Total
end if
if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(statSuiteObj.Correct)
statTotalObj.Correct = statTotalObj.Correct + statSuiteObj.Correct
end if
if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(statSuiteObj.Fail)
statTotalObj.Fail = statTotalObj.Fail + statSuiteObj.Fail
end if
if RBS_CMN_IsInteger(statSuiteObj.Crash)
statTotalObj.Crash = statTotalObj.Crash + statSuiteObj.Crash
end if
end if
end sub
function UnitTestCase(name as string, func as dynamic, funcName as string, isSolo as boolean, isIgnored as boolean, lineNumber as integer, params = invalid, paramTestIndex =0, paramLineNumber = 0)
this = {}
this.isSolo = isSolo
this.func = func
this.funcName = funcName
this.isIgnored = isIgnored
this.name = name
this.lineNumber = lineNumber
this.paramLineNumber = paramLineNumber
this.assertIndex = 0
this.assertLineNumberMap = {}
this.AddAssertLine = RBS_TC_AddAssertLine
this.getTestLineIndex = 0
this.rawParams = params
this.paramTestIndex = paramTestIndex
this.isParamTest = false
this.time = 0
if (params <> invalid)
this.name += stri(this.paramTestIndex)
end if
return this
end function
function RBS_TC_AddAssertLine(lineNumber as integer)
m.assertLineNumberMap[stri(m.assertIndex).trim()] = lineNumber
end function
function RBS_TC_GetAssertLine(testCase, index)
if (testCase.assertLineNumberMap.doesExist(stri(index).trim()))
return testCase.assertLineNumberMap[stri(index).trim()]
return testCase.lineNumber
end if
end function
function Logger(config) as object
this = {}
this.config = config
this.verbosityLevel = {
basic : 0
normal : 1
verbose : 2
this.verbosity = this.config.logLevel
this.PrintStatistic = RBS_LOGGER_PrintStatistic
this.PrintMetaSuiteStart = RBS_LOGGER_PrintMetaSuiteStart
this.PrintSuiteStatistic = RBS_LOGGER_PrintSuiteStatistic
this.PrintTestStatistic = RBS_LOGGER_PrintTestStatistic
this.PrintStart = RBS_LOGGER_PrintStart
this.PrintEnd = RBS_LOGGER_PrintEnd
this.PrintSuiteStart = RBS_LOGGER_PrintSuiteStart
return this
end function
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintStatistic(statObj as object)
previousfile = invalid
for each testSuite in statObj.Suites
if (not statObj.testRunHasFailures or ((not m.config.showOnlyFailures) or testSuite.fail > 0 or testSuite.crash > 0))
if (testSuite.metaTestSuite.filePath <> previousfile)
previousfile = testSuite.metaTestSuite.filePath
end if
m.PrintSuiteStatistic(testSuite, statObj.testRunHasFailures)
end if
end for
? ""
? "Total = "; RBS_CMN_AsString(statObj.Total); " ; Passed = "; statObj.Correct; " ; Failed = "; statObj.Fail; " ; Ignored = "; statObj.Ignored
? " Time spent: "; statObj.Time; "ms"
? ""
? ""
if (statObj.ignored > 0)
for each ignoredItemName in statObj.IgnoredTestNames
print ignoredItemName
end for
end if
if (statObj.Total = statObj.Correct)
overrallResult = "Success"
overrallResult = "Fail"
end if
? "RESULT: "; overrallResult
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintSuiteStatistic(statSuiteObj as object, hasFailures)
for each testCase in statSuiteObj.Tests
if (not hasFailures or ((not m.config.showOnlyFailures) or testCase.Result <> "Success"))
end if
end for
? " |"
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintTestStatistic(testCase as object)
metaTestCase = testCase.metaTestCase
if (LCase(testCase.Result) <> "success")
testChar = "-"
assertIndex = metaTestCase.testResult.failedAssertIndex
locationLine = StrI(RBS_TC_GetAssertLine(metaTestCase,assertIndex)).trim()
testChar = "|"
locationLine = StrI(metaTestCase.lineNumber).trim()
end if
locationText = testCase.filePath.trim() + "(" + locationLine + ")"
insetText = ""
if (metaTestcase.isParamTest <> true)
messageLine = RBS_LOGGER_FillText(" " + testChar + " |--" + metaTestCase.Name + " : ", ".", 80)
? messageLine ; testCase.Result ; " (" + stri(metaTestCase.time).trim() +"ms)"
else if ( metaTestcase.paramTestIndex = 0)
name = metaTestCase.Name
if (len(name) > 1 and right(name, 1) = "0")
name = left(name, len(name) - 1)
end if
? " " + testChar + " |--" + name+ " : "
end if
if (metaTestcase.isParamTest = true)
insetText = " "
messageLine = RBS_LOGGER_FillText(" " + testChar + insetText + " |--" + formatJson(metaTestCase.rawParams) + " : ", ".", 80)
? messageLine ; testCase.Result ; " (" + stri(metaTestCase.time).trim() +"ms)"
end if
if LCase(testCase.Result) <> "success"
? " | "; insettext ;" |--Location: "; locationText
if (metaTestcase.isParamTest = true)
? " | "; insettext ;" |--Param Line: "; StrI(metaTestCase.paramlineNumber).trim()
end if
? " | "; insettext ;" |--Error Message: "; testCase.Error.Message
end if
end sub
function RBS_LOGGER_FillText(text as string, fillChar = " ", numChars = 40) as string
if (len(text) >= numChars)
text = left(text, numChars - 5) + "..." + fillChar + fillChar
numToFill= numChars - len(text) -1
for i = 0 to numToFill
text += fillChar
end for
end if
return text
end function
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintStart()
? ""
? ""
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintEnd()
? ""
? ""
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintSuiteSetUp(sName as string)
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
? "================================================================="
? "=== SetUp "; sName; " suite."
? "================================================================="
end if
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintMetaSuiteStart(metaTestSuite)
? metaTestSuite.name; " (" ; metaTestSuite.filePath + "(1))"
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintSuiteStart(sName as string)
? " |-" ; sName
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintSuiteTearDown(sName as string)
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
? "================================================================="
? "=== TearDown "; sName; " suite."
? "================================================================="
end if
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintTestSetUp(tName as string)
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
? "--- SetUp "; tName; " test."
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
end if
end sub
sub RBS_LOGGER_PrintTestTearDown(tName as string)
if m.verbosity = m.verbosityLevel.verbose
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
? "--- TearDown "; tName; " test."
? "----------------------------------------------------------------"
end if
end sub
function UnitTestResult() as object
this = {}
this.messages = CreateObject("roArray", 0, true)
this.isFail = false
this.currentAssertIndex = 0
this.failedAssertIndex = 0
this.Reset = RBS_TRes_Reset
this.AddResult = RBS_TRes_AddResult
this.GetResult = RBS_TRes_GetResult
return this
end function
function RBS_TRes_Reset() as void
m.isFail = false
m.messages = CreateObject("roArray", 0, true)
end function
function RBS_TRes_AddResult(message as string) as string
if (message <> "")
if (not m.isFail)
m.failedAssertIndex = m.currentAssertIndex
end if
m.isFail = true
end if
return message
end function
function RBS_TRes_GetResult() as string
if (m.isFail)
msg = m.messages.peek()
if (msg <> invalid)
return msg
return "unknown test failure"
end if
return ""
end if
end function
function RBS_TR_TestRunner(args = {}) as object
this = {}
this.testScene = args.testScene
this.nodeContext = args.nodeContext
fs = CreateObject("roFileSystem")
defaultConfig = {
logLevel : 1,
testsDirectory: "pkg:/source/Tests",
testFilePrefix: "Test__",
failFast: false,
showOnlyFailures: false,
maxLinesWithoutSuiteDirective: 100
rawConfig = invalid
config = invalid
if (args.testConfigPath <> invalid and fs.Exists(args.testConfigPath))
? "Loading test config from " ; args.testConfigPath
rawConfig = ReadAsciiFile(args.testConfigPath)
else if (fs.Exists("pkg:/source/tests/testconfig.json"))
? "Loading test config from default location : pkg:/source/tests/testconfig.json"
rawConfig = ReadAsciiFile("pkg:/source/tests/testconfig.json")
? "None of the testConfig.json locations existed"
end if
if (rawConfig <> invalid)
config = ParseJson(rawConfig)
end if
if (config = invalid or not RBS_CMN_IsAssociativeArray(config) or RBS_CMN_IsNotEmptyString(config.rawtestsDirectory))
? "WARNING : specified config is invalid - using default"
config = defaultConfig
end if
if (args.showOnlyFailures <> invalid)
config.showOnlyFailures = args.showOnlyFailures = "true"
end if
if (args.failFast <> invalid)
config.failFast = args.failFast = "true"
end if
this.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName = args.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName
this.config = config
this.config.testsDirectory = config.testsDirectory
this.logger = Logger(this.config)
this.global = args.global
this.Run = RBS_TR_Run
return this
end function
sub RBS_TR_Run()
if type(RBSFM_getTestSuitesForProject) <> "Function"
? " ERROR! RBSFM_getTestSuitesForProject is not found! That looks like you didn't run the preprocessor as part of your test process. Please refer to the docs."
end if
totalStatObj = RBS_STATS_CreateTotalStatistic()
m.runtimeConfig = UnitTestRuntimeConfig()
m.runtimeConfig.global = m.global
totalStatObj.testRunHasFailures = false
for each metaTestSuite in m.runtimeConfig.suites
if (m.runtimeConfig.hasSoloTests = true)
if (metaTestSuite.hasSoloTests <> true)
if (m.config.logLevel = 2)
? "TestSuite " ; metaTestSuite.name ; " Is filtered because it has no solo tests"
end if
goto skipSuite
end if
else if (m.runtimeConfig.hasSoloSuites)
if (metaTestSuite.isSolo <> true)
if (m.config.logLevel = 2)
? "TestSuite " ; metaTestSuite.name ; " Is filtered due to solo flag"
end if
goto skipSuite
end if
end if
if (metaTestSuite.isIgnored = true)
if (m.config.logLevel = 2)
? "Ignoring TestSuite " ; metaTestSuite.name ; " Due to Ignore flag"
end if
totalstatobj.ignored ++
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push("|-" + metaTestSuite.name + " [WHOLE SUITE]")
goto skipSuite
end if
if (metaTestSuite.isNodeTest = true and metaTestSuite.nodeTestFileName <> "")
nodeType = metaTestSuite.nodeTestFileName
? " node type is " ; nodeType
node = m.testScene.CallFunc("Rooibos_CreateTestNode", nodeType)
if (type(node) = "roSGNode" and node.subType() = nodeType)
args = {
"metaTestSuite": metaTestSuite
"testUtilsDecoratorMethodName": m.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName
"config": m.config
"runtimeConfig": m.runtimeConfig
nodeStatResults = node.callFunc("Rooibos_RunNodeTests", args)
RBS_STATS_MergeTotalStatistic(totalStatObj, nodeStatResults)
? " ERROR!! - could not create node required to execute tests for " ; metaTestSuite.name
? " Node of type " ; nodeType ; " was not found/could not be instantiated"
end if
if (metaTestSuite.hasIgnoredTests)
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push("|-" + metaTestSuite.name)
end if
RBS_RT_RunItGroups(metaTestSuite, totalStatObj, m.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName, m.config, m.runtimeConfig, m.nodeContext)
end if
end for
end sub
sub RBS_RT_RunItGroups(metaTestSuite, totalStatObj, testUtilsDecoratorMethodName, config, runtimeConfig, nodeContext = invalid)
if (testUtilsDecoratorMethodName <> invalid)
testUtilsDecorator = RBS_CMN_GetFunctionBruteForce(testUtilsDecoratorMethodName)
if (not RBS_CMN_IsFunction(testUtilsDecorator))
? "[ERROR] Test utils decorator method `" ; testUtilsDecoratorMethodName ;"` was not in scope! for testSuite: " + metaTestSuite.name
end if
end if
for each itGroup in metaTestSuite.itGroups
testSuite = RBS_ItG_GetRunnableTestSuite(itGroup)
if (nodeContext <> invalid)
testSuite.node = nodeContext
testSuite.global = nodeContext.global
testSuite.top = nodeContext.top
end if
if (RBS_CMN_IsFunction(testUtilsDecorator))
end if
totalStatObj.Ignored += itGroup.ignoredTestCases.count()
if (itGroup.isIgnored = true)
if (config.logLevel = 2)
? "Ignoring itGroup " ; itGroup.name ; " Due to Ignore flag"
end if
totalStatObj.ignored += itGroup.testCases.count()
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push(" |-" + itGroup.name + " [WHOLE GROUP]")
goto skipItGroup
if (itGroup.ignoredTestCases.count() > 0)
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push(" |-" + itGroup.name)
totalStatObj.ignored += itGroup.ignoredTestCases.count()
for each testCase in itGroup.ignoredTestCases
if (testcase.isParamTest <> true)
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push(" | |--" + testCase.name)
else if (testcase.paramTestIndex = 0)
testCaseName = testCase.Name
if (len(testCaseName) > 1 and right(testCaseName, 1) = "0")
testCaseName = left(testCaseName, len(testCaseName) - 1)
end if
totalStatObj.IgnoredTestNames.push(" | |--" + testCaseName)
end if
end for
end if
end if
if (runtimeConfig.hasSoloTests)
if (itGroup.hasSoloTests <> true)
if (config.logLevel = 2)
? "Ignoring itGroup " ; itGroup.name ; " Because it has no solo tests"
end if
goto skipItGroup
end if
else if (runtimeConfig.hasSoloGroups)
if (itGroup.isSolo <> true)
goto skipItGroup
end if
end if
if (testSuite.testCases.Count() = 0)
if (config.logLevel = 2)
? "Ignoring TestSuite " ; itGroup.name ; " - NO TEST CASES"
end if
goto skipItGroup
end if
if RBS_CMN_IsFunction(testSuite.SetUp)
end if
RBS_RT_RunTestCases(metaTestSuite, itGroup, testSuite, totalStatObj, config, runtimeConfig)
if RBS_CMN_IsFunction(testSuite.TearDown)
end if
if (totalStatObj.testRunHasFailures = true and config.failFast = true)
exit for
end if
end for
end sub
sub RBS_RT_RunTestCases(metaTestSuite, itGroup, testSuite, totalStatObj, config, runtimeConfig)
suiteStatObj = RBS_STATS_CreateSuiteStatistic(itGroup.Name)
testSuite.global = runtimeConfig.global
for each testCase in testSuite.testCases
metaTestCase = itGroup.testCaseLookup[testCase.Name]
if (runtimeConfig.hasSoloTests and not metaTestCase.isSolo)
goto skipTestCase
end if
if RBS_CMN_IsFunction(testSuite.beforeEach)
end if
testTimer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
testCaseTimer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
testStatObj = RBS_STATS_CreateTestStatistic(testCase.Name)
testSuite.testCase = testCase.Func
testStatObj.filePath = metaTestSuite.filePath
testStatObj.metaTestCase = metaTestCase
testSuite.currentResult = UnitTestResult()
testStatObj.metaTestCase.testResult = testSuite.currentResult
if (metaTestCase.isParamsValid)
if (metaTestCase.isParamTest)
testCaseParams = []
for paramIndex = 0 to metaTestCase.rawParams.count()
paramValue = metaTestCase.rawParams[paramIndex]
if type(paramValue) = "roString" and len(paramValue) >= 8 and left(paramValue, 8) = "#RBSNode"
nodeType = "ContentNode"
paramDirectiveArgs = paramValue.split("|")
if paramDirectiveArgs.count() > 1
nodeType = paramDirectiveArgs[1]
end if
paramValue = createObject("roSGNode", nodeType)
end if
end for
if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 1)
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 2)
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 3)
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 4)
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 5)
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4])
else if (metaTestCase.expectedNumberOfParams = 6)
testSuite.testCase(testCaseParams[0], testCaseParams[1], testCaseParams[2], testCaseParams[3], testCaseParams[4], testCaseParams[5])
end if
metaTestCase.time = testCaseTimer.totalMilliseconds()
metaTestCase.time = testCaseTimer.totalMilliseconds()
end if
testSuite.Fail("Could not parse args for test ")
end if
if testSuite.isAutoAssertingMocks = true
end if
runResult = testSuite.currentResult.GetResult()
if runResult <> ""
testStatObj.Result = "Fail"
testStatObj.Error.Code = 1
testStatObj.Error.Message = runResult
testStatObj.Result = "Success"
end if
testStatObj.Time = testTimer.TotalMilliseconds()
RBS_STATS_AppendTestStatistic(suiteStatObj, testStatObj)
if RBS_CMN_IsFunction(testSuite.afterEach)
end if
if testStatObj.Result <> "Success"
totalStatObj.testRunHasFailures = true
end if
if testStatObj.Result = "Fail" and config.failFast = true
exit for
end if
end for
suiteStatObj.metaTestSuite = metaTestSuite
RBS_STATS_AppendSuiteStatistic(totalStatObj, suiteStatObj)
end sub
sub RBS_TR_SendHomeKeypress()
ut = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
end sub
function Rooibos_RunNodeTests(args) as object
totalStatObj = RBS_STATS_CreateTotalStatistic()
RBS_RT_RunItGroups(args.metaTestSuite, totalStatObj, args.testUtilsDecoratorMethodName, args.config, args.runtimeConfig, m)
return totalStatObj
end function
function Rooibos_CreateTestNode(nodeType) as object
node = createObject("roSGNode", nodeType)
if (type(node) = "roSGNode" and node.subType() = nodeType)
return node
? " Error creating test node of type " ; nodeType
return invalid
end if
end function |