92 lines
2.4 KiB
92 lines
2.4 KiB
sub init()
m.title = m.top.findNode("title")
m.staticTitle = m.top.findNode("staticTitle")
m.poster = m.top.findNode("poster")
m.backdrop = m.top.findNode("backdrop")
' Randmomise the background colors
posterBackgrounds = m.global.constants.poster_bg_pallet
m.backdrop.color = posterBackgrounds[rnd(posterBackgrounds.count()) - 1]
end sub
sub updateSize()
image = invalid
if m.top.itemContent <> invalid and m.top.itemContent.image <> invalid
image = m.top.itemContent.image
end if
if image = invalid
m.backdrop.visible = true
m.backdrop.visible = false
end if
' TODO - abstract this in case the parent doesnt have itemSize
maxSize = m.top.getParent().itemSize
' Always reserve the bottom for the Poster Title
m.title.maxWidth = maxSize[0]
m.title.height = 80
m.title.translation = [0, int(maxSize[1]) - m.title.height]
m.staticTitle.width = maxSize[0]
m.staticTitle.height = 80
m.staticTitle.translation = [0, int(maxSize[1]) - m.title.height]
ratio = 1.5
if image <> invalid and image.width <> 0 and image.height <> 0
ratio = image.height / image.width
end if
m.poster.width = int(maxSize[0]) - 4
m.poster.height = m.poster.width * ratio
posterVertSpace = int(maxSize[1]) - m.title.height - 20
if m.poster.height > posterVertSpace
' Do a thing to shrink the image if it is too tall
end if
m.poster.translation = [2, (posterVertSpace - m.poster.height) / 2]
m.backdrop.translation = [2, (posterVertSpace - m.poster.height) / 2]
m.backdrop.width = m.poster.width
m.backdrop.height = m.poster.height
end sub
sub itemContentChanged() as void
m.poster = m.top.findNode("poster")
itemData = m.top.itemContent
m.title.text = itemData.title
if itemData.json.lookup("Type") = "Episode" and itemData.json.IndexNumber <> invalid
m.title.text = StrI(itemData.json.IndexNumber) + ". " + m.title.text
end if
m.staticTitle.text = m.title.text
m.poster.uri = itemData.posterUrl
end sub
' Enable title scrolling based on item Focus
sub focusChanged()
if m.top.itemHasFocus = true
m.title.repeatCount = -1
m.staticTitle.visible = false
m.title.visible = true
m.title.repeatCount = 0
m.staticTitle.visible = true
m.title.visible = false
end if
end sub