2021-06-12 16:03:47 +01:00

177 lines
5.4 KiB

function selectSubtitleTrack(tracks, current = -1) as integer
video = m.scene.focusedChild
trackSelected = selectSubtitleTrackDialog(video.Subtitles, video.SelectedSubtitle)
if trackSelected = invalid or trackSelected = -1 then
return invalid
return trackSelected - 1
end if
end function
' Present Dialog to user to select subtitle track
function selectSubtitleTrackDialog(tracks, currentTrack = -1)
iso6392 = getSubtitleLanguages()
options = ["None"]
for each item in tracks
forced = ""
default = ""
if item.IsForced then forced = " [Forced]"
if item.IsDefault then default = " - Default"
if item.Track.Language <> invalid then
language = iso6392.lookup(item.Track.Language)
if language = invalid then language = item.Track.Language
language = "Undefined"
end if
options.push(language + forced + default)
end for
return option_dialog(options, "Select a subtitle track", currentTrack + 1)
end function
sub changeSubtitleDuringPlayback(newid)
' If no subtitles set
if newid = invalid or newid = -1 then
end if
video = m.scene.focusedChild
' If no change of subtitle track, return
if newId = video.SelectedSubtitle then return
currentSubtitles = video.Subtitles[video.SelectedSubtitle]
newSubtitles = video.Subtitles[newid]
if newSubtitles.IsEncoded then
' Switching to Encoded Subtitle stream
video.control = "stop"
AddVideoContent(video, video.audioIndex, newSubtitles.Index, video.position * 10000000)
video.control = "play"
video.globalCaptionMode = "Off" ' Using encoded subtitles - so turn off text subtitles
else if (currentSubtitles <> invalid AND currentSubtitles.IsEncoded) then
' Switching from an Encoded stream to a text stream
video.control = "stop"
AddVideoContent(video, video.audioIndex, -1, video.position * 10000000)
video.control = "play"
video.globalCaptionMode = "On"
video.subtitleTrack = video.availableSubtitleTracks[newSubtitles.TextIndex].TrackName
' Switch to Text Subtitle Track
video.globalCaptionMode = "On"
video.subtitleTrack = video.availableSubtitleTracks[newSubtitles.TextIndex].TrackName
end if
video.SelectedSubtitle = newId
end sub
function turnoffSubtitles()
video = m.scene.focusedChild
current = video.SelectedSubtitle
video.SelectedSubtitle = -1
video.globalCaptionMode = "Off"
' Check if Enoded subtitles are being displayed, and turn off
if current > -1 and video.Subtitles[current].IsEncoded then
video.control = "stop"
AddVideoContent(video, video.audioIndex, -1, video.position * 10000000)
video.control = "play"
end if
end function
function systemOverlayClosed()
video = m.scene.focusedChild
if video.globalCaptionMode <> video.captionMode then
video.captionMode = video.globalCaptionMode
end if
end function
function reviewSubtitleDisplay()
'TODO handle changing subtitles tracks during playback
displayed = areSubtitlesDisplayed()
needed = areSubtitlesNeeded()
print "displayed: " displayed " needed: " needed
if areSubtitlesNeeded() and (not areSubtitlesDisplayed()) then
else if areSubtitlesDisplayed() and (not areSubtitlesNeeded()) then
end if
end function
function areSubtitlesDisplayed()
index = m.scene.focusedChild.transcodeParams.lookup("SubtitleStreamIndex")
if index <> invalid and index <> -1 then
return true
return false
end if
end function
function areSubtitlesNeeded()
captions = m.scene.focusedChild.globalCaptionMode
if captions = "On"
return true
else if captions = "Off"
return false
else if captions = "When mute"
return m.mute
else if captions = "Instant replay"
'Unsupported. Do we want to do this? Is it worth transcoding for rewinded content and then untranscoding?
return false
end if
end function
sub rebuildURL(captions as boolean)
playBackBuffer = -5
video = m.scene.focusedChild
video.control = "pause"
tmpParams = video.transcodeParams
if captions = false then
if video.Subtitles[video.SelectedSubtitle] <> invalid then
tmpParams.addreplace("SubtitleStreamIndex", int(video.Subtitles[video.SelectedSubtitle].Index))
end if
end if
if video.isTranscoded then
end if
video.PlaySessionId = ItemGetPlaybackInfo(video.id, int(video.position) + playBackBuffer).PlaySessionId
tmpParams.PlaySessionId = video.PlaySessionId
video.transcodeParams = tmpParams
if video.directPlaySupported and video.decodeAudioSupported and not captions then
'Captions are off and we do not need to transcode video or audo
base = Substitute("Videos/{0}/stream", video.id)
params = {
"Static": "true",
"Container": video.container
"PlaySessionId": video.PlaySessionId
video.isTranscoded = false
video.content.streamformat = video.container
'Captions are on or we need to transcode for any other reason
video.content.streamformat = "hls"
base = Substitute("Videos/{0}/master.m3u8", video.id)
video.isTranscoded = true
params = video.transcodeParams
end if
video.content.url = buildURL(base, params)
video.content.PlayStart = int(video.position + playBackBuffer)
video.control = "play"
end sub