
83 lines
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function isNodeEvent(msg, field as string) as boolean
return type(msg) = "roSGNodeEvent" and msg.getField() = field
end function
function getMsgPicker(msg, subnode = "" as string) as object
node = msg.getRoSGNode()
' Subnode allows for handling alias messages
if subnode <> ""
node = node.findNode(subnode)
end if
coords = node.rowItemSelected
target = node.content.getChild(coords[0]).getChild(coords[1])
return target
end function
function getButton(msg, subnode = "buttons" as string) as object
buttons = msg.getRoSGNode().findNode(subnode)
active_button = buttons.focusedChild
return active_button
end function
sub themeScene()
' Takes a scene and applies a consisten UI Theme
m.scene.backgroundColor = "#101010"
m.scene.backgroundURI = ""
m.scene.insertChild(m.overhang, 0)
end sub
function leftPad(base as string, fill as string, length as integer) as string
while len(base) < length
base = fill + base
end while
return base
end function
function ticksToHuman(ticks as longinteger) as string
totalSeconds = int(ticks / 10000000)
hours = stri(int(totalSeconds / 3600)).trim()
minutes = stri(int((totalSeconds - (val(hours)*3600))/60)).trim()
seconds = stri(totalSeconds - (val(hours)*3600) - (val(minutes)*60)).trim()
if val(hours) > 0 and val(minutes) < 10 then minutes = "0" + minutes
if val(seconds) < 10 then seconds = "0" + seconds
if val(hours) > 0 then r = stri(hours).trim() + ":"
r = r + minutes + ":" + seconds
return r
end function
function div_ceiling(a as integer, b as integer) as integer
if a < b then return 1
if int(a/b) = a/b then
return a/b
end if
return a/b + 1
end function
function message_dialog(message = "" as string)
' Takes a string and returns an object for dialog popup
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "JFMessageDialog")
dialog.id = "popup"
dialog.buttons = ["OK"]
dialog.message = message
m.scene.dialog = dialog
end function
function option_dialog(options) as integer
dialog = CreateObject("roSGNode", "JFMessageDialog")
dialog.backExitsDialog = false
dialog.buttons = options
m.scene.dialog = dialog
while m.scene.dialog <> invalid
end while
return dialog.buttonSelected
end function