1hitsong 5efbc92b05
Merge pull request #1522 from 1hitsong/selectAudio
Add audio track selection to video player OSD
2024-01-27 12:09:45 -05:00

785 lines
25 KiB

import "pkg:/source/utils/misc.bs"
import "pkg:/source/utils/config.bs"
sub init()
' Hide the overhang on init to prevent showing 2 clocks
m.top.getScene().findNode("overhang").visible = false
m.currentItem = m.global.queueManager.callFunc("getCurrentItem")
m.top.id = m.currentItem.id
m.top.seekMode = "accurate"
m.playbackEnum = {
null: -10
' Load meta data
m.LoadMetaDataTask = CreateObject("roSGNode", "LoadVideoContentTask")
m.LoadMetaDataTask.itemId = m.currentItem.id
m.LoadMetaDataTask.itemType = m.currentItem.type
m.LoadMetaDataTask.selectedAudioStreamIndex = m.currentItem.selectedAudioStreamIndex
m.LoadMetaDataTask.observeField("content", "onVideoContentLoaded")
m.LoadMetaDataTask.control = "RUN"
m.chapterList = m.top.findNode("chapterList")
m.chapterMenu = m.top.findNode("chapterMenu")
m.chapterContent = m.top.findNode("chapterContent")
m.osd = m.top.findNode("osd")
m.osd.observeField("action", "onOSDAction")
m.playbackTimer = m.top.findNode("playbackTimer")
m.bufferCheckTimer = m.top.findNode("bufferCheckTimer")
m.top.observeField("state", "onState")
m.top.observeField("content", "onContentChange")
m.top.observeField("selectedSubtitle", "onSubtitleChange")
m.top.observeField("audioIndex", "onAudioIndexChange")
' Custom Caption Function
m.top.observeField("allowCaptions", "onAllowCaptionsChange")
m.playbackTimer.observeField("fire", "ReportPlayback")
m.bufferPercentage = 0 ' Track whether content is being loaded
m.playReported = false
m.top.transcodeReasons = []
m.bufferCheckTimer.duration = 30
if m.global.session.user.settings["ui.design.hideclock"] = true
clockNode = findNodeBySubtype(m.top, "clock")
if clockNode[0] <> invalid then clockNode[0].parent.removeChild(clockNode[0].node)
end if
'Play Next Episode button
m.nextEpisodeButton = m.top.findNode("nextEpisode")
m.nextEpisodeButton.text = tr("Next Episode")
m.nextupbuttonseconds = m.global.session.user.settings["playback.nextupbuttonseconds"].ToInt()
m.showNextEpisodeButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("showNextEpisodeButton")
m.hideNextEpisodeButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("hideNextEpisodeButton")
m.checkedForNextEpisode = false
m.getNextEpisodeTask = createObject("roSGNode", "GetNextEpisodeTask")
m.getNextEpisodeTask.observeField("nextEpisodeData", "onNextEpisodeDataLoaded")
m.top.retrievingBar.filledBarBlendColor = m.global.constants.colors.blue
m.top.bufferingBar.filledBarBlendColor = m.global.constants.colors.blue
m.top.trickPlayBar.filledBarBlendColor = m.global.constants.colors.blue
end sub
' handleChapterSkipAction: Handles user command to skip chapters in playing video
sub handleChapterSkipAction(action as string)
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(m.chapters) then return
currentChapter = getCurrentChapterIndex()
if action = "chapternext"
gotoChapter = currentChapter + 1
' If there is no next chapter, exit
if gotoChapter > m.chapters.count() - 1 then return
m.top.seek = m.chapters[gotoChapter].StartPositionTicks / 10000000#
end if
if action = "chapterback"
gotoChapter = currentChapter - 1
' If there is no previous chapter, restart current chapter
if gotoChapter < 0 then gotoChapter = 0
m.top.seek = m.chapters[gotoChapter].StartPositionTicks / 10000000#
end if
end sub
' handleHideAction: Handles action to hide OSD menu
' @param {boolean} resume - controls whether or not to resume video playback when sub is called
sub handleHideAction(resume as boolean)
m.osd.visible = false
m.chapterList.visible = false
m.osd.showChapterList = false
m.osd.hasFocus = false
if resume
m.top.control = "resume"
end if
end sub
' handleChapterListAction: Handles action to show chapter list
sub handleChapterListAction()
m.chapterList.visible = m.osd.showChapterList
if not m.chapterList.visible then return
m.chapterMenu.jumpToItem = getCurrentChapterIndex()
m.osd.hasFocus = false
end sub
' getCurrentChapterIndex: Finds current chapter index
' @return {integer} indicating index of current chapter within chapter data or 0 if chapter lookup fails
function getCurrentChapterIndex() as integer
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(m.chapters) then return 0
' Give a 15 second buffer to compensate for user expectation and roku video position inaccuracy
' Web client uses 10 seconds, but this wasn't enough for Roku in testing
currentPosition = m.top.position + 15
currentChapter = 0
for i = m.chapters.count() - 1 to 0 step -1
if currentPosition >= (m.chapters[i].StartPositionTicks / 10000000#)
currentChapter = i
exit for
end if
end for
return currentChapter
end function
' handleVideoPlayPauseAction: Handles action to either play or pause the video content
sub handleVideoPlayPauseAction()
' If video is paused, resume it
if m.top.state = "paused"
end if
' Pause video
m.top.control = "pause"
end sub
' handleShowSubtitleMenuAction: Handles action to show subtitle selection menu
sub handleShowSubtitleMenuAction()
m.top.selectSubtitlePressed = true
end sub
' handleShowAudioMenuAction: Handles action to show audio selection menu
sub handleShowAudioMenuAction()
m.top.selectAudioPressed = true
end sub
' handleShowVideoInfoPopupAction: Handles action to show video info popup
sub handleShowVideoInfoPopupAction()
m.top.selectPlaybackInfoPressed = true
end sub
' onOSDAction: Process action events from OSD to their respective handlers
sub onOSDAction()
action = LCase(m.osd.action)
if action = "hide"
end if
if action = "play"
end if
if action = "chapterback" or action = "chapternext"
end if
if action = "chapterlist"
end if
if action = "videoplaypause"
end if
if action = "showsubtitlemenu"
end if
if action = "showaudiomenu"
end if
if action = "showvideoinfopopup"
end if
end sub
' Only setup caption items if captions are allowed
sub onAllowCaptionsChange()
if not m.top.allowCaptions then return
m.captionGroup = m.top.findNode("captionGroup")
m.captionGroup.createchildren(9, "LayoutGroup")
m.captionTask = createObject("roSGNode", "captionTask")
m.captionTask.observeField("currentCaption", "updateCaption")
m.captionTask.observeField("useThis", "checkCaptionMode")
m.top.observeField("subtitleTrack", "loadCaption")
m.top.observeField("globalCaptionMode", "toggleCaption")
if m.global.session.user.settings["playback.subs.custom"]
m.top.suppressCaptions = true
m.top.suppressCaptions = false
end if
end sub
' Set caption url to server subtitle track
sub loadCaption()
if m.top.suppressCaptions
m.captionTask.url = m.top.subtitleTrack
end if
end sub
' Toggles visibility of custom subtitles and sets captionTask's player state
sub toggleCaption()
m.captionTask.playerState = m.top.state + m.top.globalCaptionMode
if LCase(m.top.globalCaptionMode) = "on"
m.captionTask.playerState = m.top.state + m.top.globalCaptionMode + "w"
m.captionGroup.visible = true
m.captionGroup.visible = false
end if
end sub
' Removes old subtitle lines and adds new subtitle lines
sub updateCaption()
m.captionGroup.removeChildrenIndex(m.captionGroup.getChildCount(), 0)
end sub
' Event handler for when selectedSubtitle changes
sub onSubtitleChange()
switchWithoutRefresh = true
if m.top.SelectedSubtitle <> -1
' If the global caption mode is off, then Roku can't display the subtitles natively and needs a video stop/start
if LCase(m.top.globalCaptionMode) <> "on" then switchWithoutRefresh = false
end if
' If previous sustitle was encoded, then we need to a video stop/start to change subtitle content
if m.top.previousSubtitleWasEncoded then switchWithoutRefresh = false
if switchWithoutRefresh then return
' Save the current video position
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("setTopStartingPoint", int(m.top.position) * 10000000&)
m.top.control = "stop"
m.LoadMetaDataTask.selectedSubtitleIndex = m.top.SelectedSubtitle
m.LoadMetaDataTask.selectedAudioStreamIndex = m.top.audioIndex
m.LoadMetaDataTask.itemId = m.currentItem.id
m.LoadMetaDataTask.observeField("content", "onVideoContentLoaded")
m.LoadMetaDataTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
' Event handler for when audioIndex changes
sub onAudioIndexChange()
' Skip initial audio index setting
if m.top.position = 0 then return
' Save the current video position
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("setTopStartingPoint", int(m.top.position) * 10000000&)
m.top.control = "stop"
m.LoadMetaDataTask.selectedSubtitleIndex = m.top.SelectedSubtitle
m.LoadMetaDataTask.selectedAudioStreamIndex = m.top.audioIndex
m.LoadMetaDataTask.itemId = m.currentItem.id
m.LoadMetaDataTask.observeField("content", "onVideoContentLoaded")
m.LoadMetaDataTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
sub onPlaybackErrorDialogClosed(msg)
sourceNode = msg.getRoSGNode()
end sub
sub onPlaybackErrorButtonSelected(msg)
sourceNode = msg.getRoSGNode()
sourceNode.close = true
end sub
sub showPlaybackErrorDialog(errorMessage as string)
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "Dialog")
dialog.title = tr("Error During Playback")
dialog.buttons = [tr("OK")]
dialog.message = errorMessage
dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "onPlaybackErrorButtonSelected")
dialog.observeField("wasClosed", "onPlaybackErrorDialogClosed")
m.top.getScene().dialog = dialog
end sub
sub onVideoContentLoaded()
m.LoadMetaDataTask.control = "STOP"
videoContent = m.LoadMetaDataTask.content
m.LoadMetaDataTask.content = []
' If we have nothing to play, return to previous screen
if not isValid(videoContent)
showPlaybackErrorDialog(tr("There was an error retrieving the data for this item from the server."))
end if
if not isValid(videoContent[0])
showPlaybackErrorDialog(tr("There was an error retrieving the data for this item from the server."))
end if
m.top.content = videoContent[0].content
m.top.PlaySessionId = videoContent[0].PlaySessionId
m.top.videoId = videoContent[0].id
m.top.container = videoContent[0].container
m.top.mediaSourceId = videoContent[0].mediaSourceId
m.top.fullSubtitleData = videoContent[0].fullSubtitleData
m.top.fullAudioData = videoContent[0].fullAudioData
m.top.audioIndex = videoContent[0].audioIndex
m.top.transcodeParams = videoContent[0].transcodeparams
m.chapters = videoContent[0].chapters
m.osd.itemTitleText = m.top.content.title
if m.LoadMetaDataTask.isIntro
' Disable trackplay bar for intro videos
m.top.enableTrickPlay = false
' Allow custom captions for non intro videos
m.top.allowCaptions = true
end if
' Allow default subtitles
' Set subtitleTrack property if subs are natively supported by Roku
selectedSubtitle = invalid
for each subtitle in m.top.fullSubtitleData
if subtitle.Index = videoContent[0].selectedSubtitle
selectedSubtitle = subtitle
exit for
end if
end for
if isValid(selectedSubtitle)
availableSubtitleTrackIndex = availSubtitleTrackIdx(selectedSubtitle.Track.TrackName)
if availableSubtitleTrackIndex <> -1
if not selectedSubtitle.IsEncoded
m.top.globalCaptionMode = "On"
m.top.subtitleTrack = m.top.availableSubtitleTracks[availableSubtitleTrackIndex].TrackName
end if
end if
end if
m.top.selectedSubtitle = videoContent[0].selectedSubtitle
m.top.observeField("selectedSubtitle", "onSubtitleChange")
if isValid(m.top.audioIndex)
m.top.audioTrack = (m.top.audioIndex + 1).toStr()
m.top.audioTrack = "2"
end if
m.top.control = "play"
end sub
' populateChapterMenu: ' Parse chapter data from API and appeand to chapter list menu
sub populateChapterMenu()
' Clear any existing chapter list data
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(m.chapters)
chapterItem = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
chapterItem.title = tr("No Chapter Data Found")
chapterItem.playstart = m.playbackEnum.null
end if
for each chapter in m.chapters
chapterItem = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
chapterItem.title = chapter.Name
chapterItem.playstart = chapter.StartPositionTicks / 10000000#
end for
end sub
' Event handler for when video content field changes
sub onContentChange()
if not isValid(m.top.content) then return
m.top.observeField("position", "onPositionChanged")
end sub
sub onNextEpisodeDataLoaded()
m.checkedForNextEpisode = true
m.top.observeField("position", "onPositionChanged")
end sub
' Runs Next Episode button animation and sets focus to button
sub showNextEpisodeButton()
if m.osd.visible then return
if m.top.content.contenttype <> 4 then return ' only display when content is type "Episode"
if m.nextupbuttonseconds = 0 then return ' is the button disabled?
if m.nextEpisodeButton.opacity = 0 and m.global.session.user.configuration.EnableNextEpisodeAutoPlay
m.nextEpisodeButton.visible = true
m.showNextEpisodeButtonAnimation.control = "start"
end if
end sub
'Update count down text
sub updateCount()
nextEpisodeCountdown = Int(m.top.duration - m.top.position)
if nextEpisodeCountdown < 0
nextEpisodeCountdown = 0
end if
m.nextEpisodeButton.text = tr("Next Episode") + " " + nextEpisodeCountdown.toStr()
end sub
' Runs hide Next Episode button animation and sets focus back to video
sub hideNextEpisodeButton()
m.hideNextEpisodeButtonAnimation.control = "start"
end sub
' Checks if we need to display the Next Episode button
sub checkTimeToDisplayNextEpisode()
if m.top.content.contenttype <> 4 then return ' only display when content is type "Episode"
if m.nextupbuttonseconds = 0 then return ' is the button disabled?
' Don't show Next Episode button if trickPlayBar is visible
if m.top.trickPlayBar.visible then return
if isValid(m.top.duration) and isValid(m.top.position)
nextEpisodeCountdown = Int(m.top.duration - m.top.position)
if nextEpisodeCountdown < 0 and m.nextEpisodeButton.opacity = 0.9
else if nextEpisodeCountdown > 1 and int(m.top.position) >= (m.top.duration - m.nextupbuttonseconds - 1)
if m.nextEpisodeButton.opacity = 0
end if
end if
end if
if m.nextEpisodeButton.visible or m.nextEpisodeButton.hasFocus()
m.nextEpisodeButton.visible = false
end if
end sub
' When Video Player state changes
sub onPositionChanged()
' Pass video position data into OSD
m.osd.progressPercentage = m.top.position / m.top.duration
m.osd.positionTime = m.top.position
m.osd.remainingPositionTime = m.top.duration - m.top.position
if isValid(m.captionTask)
m.captionTask.currentPos = Int(m.top.position * 1000)
end if
' Check if dialog is open
m.dialog = m.top.getScene().findNode("dialogBackground")
if not isValid(m.dialog)
' Do not show Next Episode button for intro videos
if not m.LoadMetaDataTask.isIntro
end if
end if
end sub
' When Video Player state changes
sub onState(msg)
if isValid(m.captionTask)
m.captionTask.playerState = m.top.state + m.top.globalCaptionMode
end if
' Pass video state into OSD
m.osd.playbackState = m.top.state
' When buffering, start timer to monitor buffering process
if m.top.state = "buffering" and m.bufferCheckTimer <> invalid
' start timer
m.bufferCheckTimer.control = "start"
m.bufferCheckTimer.ObserveField("fire", "bufferCheck")
else if m.top.state = "error"
if not m.playReported and m.top.transcodeAvailable
m.top.retryWithTranscoding = true ' If playback was not reported, retry with transcoding
' If an error was encountered, Display dialog
showPlaybackErrorDialog(tr("Error During Playback"))
end if
' Stop playback and exit player
m.top.control = "stop"
m.top.backPressed = true
else if m.top.state = "playing"
' Check if next episde is available
if isValid(m.top.showID)
if m.top.showID <> "" and not m.checkedForNextEpisode and m.top.content.contenttype = 4
m.getNextEpisodeTask.showID = m.top.showID
m.getNextEpisodeTask.videoID = m.top.id
m.getNextEpisodeTask.control = "RUN"
end if
end if
if m.playReported = false
m.playReported = true
end if
m.playbackTimer.control = "start"
else if m.top.state = "paused"
m.playbackTimer.control = "stop"
else if m.top.state = "stopped"
m.playbackTimer.control = "stop"
m.playReported = false
end if
end sub
' Report playback to server
sub ReportPlayback(state = "update" as string)
if m.top.position = invalid then return
params = {
"ItemId": m.top.id,
"PlaySessionId": m.top.PlaySessionId,
"PositionTicks": int(m.top.position) * 10000000&, 'Ensure a LongInteger is used
"IsPaused": (m.top.state = "paused")
if m.top.content.live
"MediaSourceId": m.top.transcodeParams.MediaSourceId,
"LiveStreamId": m.top.transcodeParams.LiveStreamId
m.bufferCheckTimer.duration = 30
end if
' Report playstate via worker task
playstateTask = m.global.playstateTask
playstateTask.setFields({ status: state, params: params })
playstateTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
' Check the the buffering has not hung
sub bufferCheck(msg)
if m.top.state <> "buffering"
' If video is not buffering, stop timer
m.bufferCheckTimer.control = "stop"
end if
if m.top.bufferingStatus <> invalid
' Check that the buffering percentage is increasing
if m.top.bufferingStatus["percentage"] > m.bufferPercentage
m.bufferPercentage = m.top.bufferingStatus["percentage"]
else if m.top.content.live = true
' If buffering has stopped Display dialog
showPlaybackErrorDialog(tr("There was an error retrieving the data for this item from the server."))
' Stop playback and exit player
m.top.control = "stop"
m.top.backPressed = true
end if
end if
end sub
' stateAllowsOSD: Check if current video state allows showing the OSD
' @return {boolean} indicating if video state allows the OSD to show
function stateAllowsOSD() as boolean
validStates = ["playing", "paused", "stopped"]
return inArray(validStates, m.top.state)
end function
' availSubtitleTrackIdx: Returns Roku's index for requested subtitle track
' @param {string} tracknameToFind - TrackName for subtitle we're looking to match
' @return {integer} indicating Roku's index for requested subtitle track. Returns -1 if not found
function availSubtitleTrackIdx(tracknameToFind as string) as integer
idx = 0
for each availTrack in m.top.availableSubtitleTracks
' The TrackName must contain the URL we supplied originally, though
' Roku mangles the name a bit, so we check if the URL is a substring, rather
' than strict equality
if Instr(1, availTrack.TrackName, tracknameToFind)
return idx
end if
idx = idx + 1
end for
return -1
end function
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
' Keypress handler while user is inside the chapter menu
if m.chapterMenu.hasFocus()
if not press then return false
if key = "OK"
focusedChapter = m.chapterMenu.itemFocused
selectedChapter = m.chapterMenu.content.getChild(focusedChapter)
seekTime = selectedChapter.playstart
' Don't seek if user clicked on No Chapter Data
if seekTime = m.playbackEnum.null then return true
m.top.seek = seekTime
return true
end if
if key = "back" or key = "replay"
m.chapterList.visible = false
m.osd.showChapterList = false
m.osd.hasFocus = true
return true
end if
if key = "play"
end if
return true
end if
if key = "OK" and m.nextEpisodeButton.hasfocus() and not m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
m.top.control = "stop"
m.top.state = "finished"
return true
'Hide Next Episode Button
if m.nextEpisodeButton.opacity > 0 or m.nextEpisodeButton.hasFocus()
m.nextEpisodeButton.opacity = 0
end if
end if
if not press then return false
if key = "down" and not m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
if not m.LoadMetaDataTask.isIntro
' Don't allow user to open menu prior to video loading
if not stateAllowsOSD() then return true
m.osd.visible = true
m.osd.hasFocus = true
return true
end if
else if key = "up" and not m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
if not m.LoadMetaDataTask.isIntro
' Don't allow user to open menu prior to video loading
if not stateAllowsOSD() then return true
m.osd.visible = true
m.osd.hasFocus = true
return true
end if
else if key = "OK" and not m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
if not m.LoadMetaDataTask.isIntro
' Don't allow user to open menu prior to video loading
if not stateAllowsOSD() then return true
' Show OSD, but don't pause video
m.osd.visible = true
m.osd.hasFocus = true
return true
end if
return false
end if
' Disable OSD for intro videos
if not m.LoadMetaDataTask.isIntro
if key = "play" and not m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
' Don't allow user to open menu prior to video loading
if not stateAllowsOSD() then return true
' If video is paused, resume it and don't show OSD
if m.top.state = "paused"
m.top.control = "resume"
return true
end if
' Pause video and show OSD
m.top.control = "pause"
m.osd.visible = true
m.osd.hasFocus = true
return true
end if
end if
if key = "back"
m.top.control = "stop"
end if
return false
end function