2020-12-05 23:59:32 -05:00

328 lines
9.3 KiB

sub init()
m.top.itemComponentName = "HomeItem"
' how many rows are visible on the screen
m.top.numRows = 2
m.top.rowFocusAnimationStyle = "fixedFocusWrap"
m.top.vertFocusAnimationStyle = "fixedFocus"
m.top.showRowLabel = [true]
m.top.rowLabelOffset = [0, 20]
m.top.showRowCounter = [true]
m.libariesToLoad = 0
m.top.observeField("rowItemSelected", "itemSelected")
' Load the Libraries from API via task
m.LoadLibrariesTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadLibrariesTask.observeField("content", "onLibrariesLoaded")
m.LoadLibrariesTask.control = "RUN"
' set up tesk nodes for other rows
m.LoadContinueTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadContinueTask.itemsToLoad = "continue"
m.LoadNextUpTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadNextUpTask.itemsToLoad = "nextUp"
end sub
sub updateSize()
sideborder = 100
m.top.translation = [111, 180]
itemWidth = 480
itemHeight = 330
'Set width of Rows to cut off at edge of Safe Zone
m.top.itemSize = [1703, itemHeight]
' spacing between rows
m.top.itemSpacing = [0, 105]
' spacing between items in a row
m.top.rowItemSpacing = [20, 0]
m.top.visible = true
end sub
sub onLibrariesLoaded()
' save data for other functions
m.libraryData = m.LoadLibrariesTask.content
' create My Media, Continue Watching, and Next Up rows
content = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
mediaRow = content.CreateChild("HomeRow")
mediaRow.title = tr("My Media")
continueRow = content.CreateChild("HomeRow")
continueRow.title = tr("Continue Watching")
nextUpRow = content.CreateChild("HomeRow")
nextUpRow.title = tr("Next Up >")
sizeArray = [
[464, 311], ' My Media
[464, 311], ' Continue Watching
[464, 311] ' Next Up
' validate library data
if (m.libraryData <> invalid and m.libraryData.count() > 0) then
userConfig = m.top.userConfig
' populate My Media row
filteredMedia = filterNodeArray(m.libraryData, "id", userConfig.MyMediaExcludes)
for each item in filteredMedia
end for
' create a "Latest In" row for each library
filteredLatest = filterNodeArray(m.libraryData, "id", userConfig.LatestItemsExcludes)
for each lib in filteredLatest
if lib.collectionType <> "boxsets" and lib.collectionType <> "livetv" then
latestInRow = content.CreateChild("HomeRow")
latestInRow.title = tr("Latest in") + " " + lib.name + " >"
sizeArray.Push([464, 331])
end if
end for
end if
m.top.rowItemSize = sizeArray
m.top.content = content
' Load the Continue Watching Data
m.LoadContinueTask.observeField("content", "updateContinueItems")
m.LoadContinueTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
function updateHomeRows()
m.LoadContinueTask.observeField("content", "updateContinueItems")
m.LoadContinueTask.control = "RUN"
end function
function updateContinueItems()
itemData = m.LoadContinueTask.content
if itemData = invalid then return false
homeRows = m.top.content
continueRowIndex = getRowIndex("Continue Watching")
if itemData.count() < 1 then
if continueRowIndex <> invalid then
' remove the row
end if
' remake row using the new data
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = tr("Continue Watching")
itemSize = [464, 331]
for each item in itemData
item.usePoster = row.usePoster
item.imageWidth = row.imageWidth
end for
if continueRowIndex = invalid then
' insert new row under "My Media"
updateSizeArray(itemSize, 1)
homeRows.insertChild(row, 1)
' replace the old row
homeRows.replaceChild(row, continueRowIndex)
end if
end if
m.LoadNextUpTask.observeField("content", "updateNextUpItems")
m.LoadNextUpTask.control = "RUN"
end function
function updateNextUpItems()
itemData = m.LoadNextUpTask.content
if itemData = invalid then return false
homeRows = m.top.content
nextUpRowIndex = getRowIndex("Next Up >")
if itemData.count() < 1 then
if nextUpRowIndex <> invalid then
' remove the row
end if
' remake row using the new data
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = tr("Next Up") + " >"
itemSize = [464, 331]
for each item in itemData
item.usePoster = row.usePoster
item.imageWidth = row.imageWidth
end for
if nextUpRowIndex = invalid then
' insert new row under "Continue Watching"
continueRowIndex = getRowIndex("Continue Watching")
if continueRowIndex <> invalid then
updateSizeArray(itemSize, continueRowIndex + 1)
homeRows.insertChild(row, continueRowIndex + 1)
' insert it under My Media
updateSizeArray(itemSize, 1)
homeRows.insertChild(row, 1)
end if
' replace the old row
homeRows.replaceChild(row, nextUpRowIndex)
end if
end if
' create task nodes for "Latest In" rows
userConfig = m.top.userConfig
filteredLatest = filterNodeArray(m.libraryData, "id", userConfig.LatestItemsExcludes)
for each lib in filteredLatest
if lib.collectionType <> "livetv" and lib.collectionType <> "boxsets" then
loadLatest = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
loadLatest.itemsToLoad = "latest"
loadLatest.itemId = lib.id
metadata = { "title" : lib.name }
metadata.Append({ "contentType" : lib.json.CollectionType })
loadLatest.metadata = metadata
loadLatest.observeField("content", "updateLatestItems")
loadLatest.control = "RUN"
m.libariesToLoad += 1
end if
end for
end function
function updateLatestItems(msg)
itemData = msg.GetData()
data = msg.getField()
node = msg.getRoSGNode()
if itemData = invalid then return false
homeRows = m.top.content
rowIndex = getRowIndex(tr("Latest in") + " " + node.metadata.title + " >")
if itemData.count() < 1 then
' remove row
if rowIndex <> invalid then
end if
' remake row using new data
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = tr("Latest in") + " " + node.metadata.title + " >"
row.usePoster = true
' Handle specific types with different item widths
if node.metadata.contentType = "movies" then
row.imageWidth = 180
itemSize = [188, 331]
else if node.metadata.contentType = "music" then
row.imageWidth = 261
itemSize = [261, 331]
row.imageWidth = 464
itemSize = [464, 331]
end if
for each item in itemData
item.usePoster = row.usePoster
item.imageWidth = row.imageWidth
end for
if rowIndex = invalid then
' append new row
' replace the old row
updateSizeArray(itemSize, rowIndex, "replace")
homeRows.replaceChild(row, rowIndex)
end if
end if
m.libariesToLoad -= 1
if m.libariesToLoad = 0 and m.global.app_loaded = false then
m.top.signalBeacon("AppLaunchComplete") ' Roku Performance monitoring
m.global.app_loaded = true
end if
end function
function getRowIndex(rowTitle as string)
rowIndex = invalid
for i = 1 to m.top.content.getChildCount() - 1
' skip row 0 since it's always "My Media"
tmpRow = m.top.content.getChild(i)
if tmpRow.title = rowTitle then
rowIndex = i
exit for
end if
end for
return rowIndex
end function
sub updateSizeArray(rowItemSize, rowIndex = invalid, action = "insert")
sizeArray = m.top.rowItemSize
' append by default
if rowIndex = invalid then
rowIndex = sizeArray.count()
end if
newSizeArray = []
for i = 0 to sizeArray.count()
if rowIndex = i then
if action = "replace" then
else if action = "insert" then
if sizeArray[i] <> invalid then
end if
end if
else if sizeArray[i] <> invalid then
end if
end for
m.top.rowItemSize = newSizeArray
end sub
sub deleteFromSizeArray(rowIndex)
updateSizeArray([0, 0], rowIndex, "delete")
end sub
function itemSelected()
m.top.selectedItem = m.top.content.getChild(m.top.rowItemSelected[0]).getChild(m.top.rowItemSelected[1])
end function
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
return false
end function
function filterNodeArray(nodeArray as object, nodeKey as string, excludeArray as object) as object
if excludeArray.IsEmpty() then return nodeArray
newNodeArray = []
for each node in nodeArray
excludeThisNode = false
for each exclude in excludeArray
if node[nodeKey] = exclude then
excludeThisNode = true
end if
end for
if excludeThisNode = false then
end if
end for
return newNodeArray
end function