Charles Ewert bdfcac74e6
Implement global session var (#1224)
Co-authored-by: Jimi <jimi@thedodgefamily.com>
2023-06-01 08:43:27 -04:00

230 lines
7.0 KiB

import "pkg:/source/utils/misc.brs"
import "pkg:/source/utils/config.brs"
sub init()
m.top.optionsAvailable = false
main = m.top.findNode("toplevel")
main.translation = [96, 175]
m.extrasSlider = m.top.findNode("tvSeasonExtras")
m.unplayedCount = m.top.findNode("unplayedCount")
m.unplayedEpisodeCount = m.top.findNode("unplayedEpisodeCount")
m.getShuffleEpisodesTask = createObject("roSGNode", "getShuffleEpisodesTask")
m.Shuffle = m.top.findNode("Shuffle")
m.extrasSlider.visible = true
end sub
sub itemContentChanged()
' Updates video metadata
' TODO - make things use item rather than itemData
item = m.top.itemContent
itemData = item.json
if m.global.session.user.settings["ui.tvshows.disableUnwatchedEpisodeCount"] = false
if isValid(itemData.UserData) and isValid(itemData.UserData.UnplayedItemCount)
if itemData.UserData.UnplayedItemCount > 0
m.unplayedCount.visible = true
m.unplayedEpisodeCount.text = itemData.UserData.UnplayedItemCount
end if
end if
end if
m.top.findNode("tvshowPoster").uri = m.top.itemContent.posterURL
' Handle all "As Is" fields
m.top.overhangTitle = itemData.name
'Check production year, if invalid remove label
if isValid(itemData.productionYear)
setFieldText("releaseYear", itemData.productionYear)
end if
'Check officialRating, if invalid remove label
if isValid(itemData.officialRating)
setFieldText("officialRating", itemData.officialRating)
end if
'Check communityRating, if invalid remove label
if isValid(itemData.communityRating)
m.top.findNode("star").visible = true
setFieldText("communityRating", int(itemData.communityRating * 10) / 10)
m.top.findNode("star").visible = false
end if
setFieldText("overview", itemData.overview)
m.Shuffle.visible = true
if type(itemData.RunTimeTicks) = "LongInteger"
setFieldText("runtime", stri(getRuntime()) + " mins")
end if
'History feild is set via the function getHistory()
setFieldText("history", getHistory())
'Check genres, if invalid remove label
if itemData.genres.count() > 0
setFieldText("genres", itemData.genres.join(", "))
end if
'We don't display Directors in the show page. Might want to remove this.
for each person in itemData.people
if person.type = "Director"
exit for
end if
end for
if itemData.taglines.count() > 0
setFieldText("tagline", itemData.taglines[0])
end if
end sub
sub setFieldText(field, value)
node = m.top.findNode(field)
if node = invalid or value = invalid then return
' Handle non strings... Which _shouldn't_ happen, but hey
if type(value) = "roInt" or type(value) = "Integer"
value = str(value).trim()
else if type(value) = "roFloat" or type(value) = "Float"
value = str(value).trim()
else if type(value) <> "roString" and type(value) <> "String"
value = ""
end if
node.text = value
end sub
function getRuntime() as integer
itemData = m.top.itemContent.json
' A tick is .1ms, so 1/10,000,000 for ticks to seconds,
' then 1/60 for seconds to minutess... 1/600,000,000
return round(itemData.RunTimeTicks / 600000000.0)
end function
function getEndTime() as string
itemData = m.top.itemContent.json
date = CreateObject("roDateTime")
duration_s = int(itemData.RunTimeTicks / 10000000.0)
date.fromSeconds(date.asSeconds() + duration_s)
return formatTime(date)
end function
function getHistory() as string
itemData = m.top.itemContent.json
' Aired Fridays at 9:30 PM on ABC (US)
airwords = invalid
studio = invalid
if itemData.status = "Ended"
verb = "Aired"
verb = "Airs"
end if
airdays = itemData.airdays
airtime = itemData.airtime
if isValid(airtime) and airdays.count() = 1
airwords = airdays[0] + " at " + airtime
end if
if itemData.studios.count() > 0
studio = itemData.studios[0].name
end if
if studio = invalid and airwords = invalid
return ""
end if
words = verb
if isValid(airwords)
words = words + " " + airwords
end if
if isValid(studio)
words = words + " on " + studio
end if
return words
end function
function round(f as float) as integer
' BrightScript only has a "floor" round
' This compares floor to floor + 1 to find which is closer
m = int(f)
n = m + 1
x = abs(f - m)
y = abs(f - n)
if y > x
return m
return n
end if
end function
sub onShuffleEpisodeDataLoaded()
m.global.queueManager.callFunc("set", m.getShuffleEpisodesTask.data.items)
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if key = "OK" or key = "play"
if m.Shuffle.hasFocus()
m.getShuffleEpisodesTask.showID = m.top.itemContent.id
m.getShuffleEpisodesTask.observeField("data", "onShuffleEpisodeDataLoaded")
m.getShuffleEpisodesTask.control = "RUN"
return true
end if
end if
if not press then return false
overview = m.top.findNode("overview")
topGrp = m.top.findNode("seasons")
bottomGrp = m.top.findNode("extrasGrid")
if key = "down" and overview.hasFocus()
return true
else if key = "down" and m.Shuffle.hasFocus()
return true
else if key = "down" and topGrp.hasFocus()
m.top.findNode("VertSlider").reverse = false
m.top.findNode("extrasFader").reverse = false
m.top.findNode("pplAnime").control = "start"
return true
else if key = "up" and bottomGrp.hasFocus()
if bottomGrp.itemFocused = 0
m.top.findNode("VertSlider").reverse = true
m.top.findNode("extrasFader").reverse = true
m.top.findNode("pplAnime").control = "start"
return true
end if
else if key = "up" and topGrp.hasFocus()
return true
else if key = "up" and m.Shuffle.hasFocus()
return true
end if
return false
end function