Co-authored-by: Jimi <>
256 lines
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256 lines
12 KiB
' these are needed for ServerInfo() inside session.server.Populate()
import "pkg:/source/api/userauth.brs"
import "pkg:/source/api/baserequest.brs"
namespace session
' Initialize the global session array
sub Init()
session: {
server: {},
user: {
Configuration: {},
Policy: {},
settings: {}
end sub
' Empty the global session array
sub Delete()
end sub
' Update one value from the global session array (
sub Update(key as string, value = {} as object)
' validate parameters
if key = "" or (key <> "user" and key <> "server") or value = invalid
print "Error in session.Update(): Invalid parameters provided"
end if
' make copy of global session array
tmpSession =
' update the temp session array
tmpSession.AddReplace(key, value)
' use the temp session array to update the global node
|{ session: tmpSession })
' print "" + key + " = ",[key]
end sub
namespace server
' Empty the global server session array
sub Delete()
end sub
' Add or update one value from the global server session array (
sub Update(key as string, value as dynamic)
' validate parameters
if key = "" or value = invalid then return
' make copy of global server session array
tmpSessionServer =
' update the temp server array
tmpSessionServer[key] = value
session.Update("server", tmpSessionServer)
end sub
' Add or update the jellyfin server URL from the global server session array (
sub UpdateURL(value as string)
' validate parameters
if value = "" then return
session.server.Update("url", value)
end sub
' Use the saved server url to populate the global server session array (
sub Populate()
' validate server url
if = invalid or = "" then return
' get server info using API
myServerInfo = ServerInfo()
' validate data returned from API
if = invalid then return
' make copy of global server session
tmpSessionServer =
' update the temp array
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("id", myServerInfo.Id)
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("name", myServerInfo.ServerName)
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("localURL", myServerInfo.LocalAddress)
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("os", myServerInfo.OperatingSystem)
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("startupWizardCompleted", myServerInfo.StartupWizardCompleted)
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("version", myServerInfo.Version)
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("hasError", myServerInfo.error)
' check urls for https
isServerHTTPS = false
if tmpSessionServer.url.left(8) = "https://" then isServerHTTPS = true
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("isHTTPS", isServerHTTPS)
isLocalServerHTTPS = false
if myServerInfo.LocalAddress <> invalid and myServerInfo.LocalAddress.left(8) = "https://" then isLocalServerHTTPS = true
tmpSessionServer.AddReplace("isLocalHTTPS", isLocalServerHTTPS)
' update global server session using the temp array
session.Update("server", tmpSessionServer)
end sub
end namespace
namespace user
' Add or update one value from the global user session array (
sub Update(key as string, value as dynamic)
' validate parameters
if key = "" or value = invalid then return
' make copy of global user session
tmpSessionUser =
' update the temp user array
tmpSessionUser[key] = value
' update global user session using the temp array
session.Update("user", tmpSessionUser)
end sub
' Update the global session after user is authenticated.
' Accepts a UserData.xml object from get_token() or an assocArray from AboutMe()
sub Login(userData as object)
' validate parameters
if userData = invalid or = invalid then return
' make copy of global user session array
tmpSession =
oldUserSettings = tmpSession.user.settings
if userData.json = invalid
' we were passed data from AboutMe()
myAuthToken = tmpSession.user.authToken
tmpSession.AddReplace("user", userData)
tmpSession.user.AddReplace("authToken", myAuthToken)
' we were passed data from a UserData object
tmpSession.AddReplace("user", userData.json.User)
tmpSession.user.AddReplace("authToken", userData.json.AccessToken)
end if
tmpSession.user.AddReplace("settings", oldUserSettings)
' update global user session
session.Update("user", tmpSession.user)
' update user session settings with values from registry
userSettings = RegistryReadAll(
for each setting in userSettings
session.user.settings.Save(setting, userSettings[setting])
end for
print " = ",
end if
' ensure registry is updated
set_user_setting("token", tmpSession.user.authToken)
end sub
' Empty the global user session array and reload defaults
sub Logout()
session.Update("user", {
Configuration: {},
Policy: {},
settings: {}
' reload default user settings
end sub
namespace settings
' Delete the user setting from the global session (
sub Delete(name as string)
' validate parameters
if name = "" then return
tmpSettingArray =
' update the temp user array
' update global user session using the temp array
session.user.Update("settings", tmpSettingArray)
end sub
' Read the user setting from the global session (
function Read(name as string) as dynamic
' validate parameters
if name = "" then return invalid
if[name] <> invalid
return invalid
end if
end function
' retrieve all default user settings from Config Tree
sub SaveDefaults()
configTree = GetConfigTree()
if configTree = invalid then return
for each item in configTree
if item.default <> invalid and item.settingName <> invalid
session.user.settings.Save(item.settingName, item.default)
else if item.children <> invalid and item.children.Count() > 0
for each child in item.children
if child.default <> invalid and child.settingName <> invalid
session.user.settings.Save(child.settingName, child.default)
else if child.children <> invalid and child.children.Count() > 0
for each child in child.children
if child.default <> invalid and child.settingName <> invalid
session.user.settings.Save(child.settingName, child.default)
else if child.children <> invalid and child.children.Count() > 0
for each child in child.children
if child.default <> invalid and child.settingName <> invalid
session.user.settings.Save(child.settingName, child.default)
else if child.children <> invalid and child.children.Count() > 0
for each child in child.children
if child.default <> invalid and child.settingName <> invalid
session.user.settings.Save(child.settingName, child.default)
else if child.children <> invalid and child.children.Count() > 0
for each child in child.children
if child.default <> invalid and child.settingName <> invalid
session.user.settings.Save(child.settingName, child.default)
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
end sub
' Saves the user setting to the global session.
' This also converts strings to boolean and integer as necessary before saving to global session
sub Save(name as string, value as string)
if name = invalid or value = invalid then return
tmpSettingArray =
convertedValue = value
' convert to int
valueInteger = value.ToInt()
if value = "0" or valueInteger <> 0
convertedValue = valueInteger
end if
' convert to boolean
if type(value) = "String"
if value = "true"
convertedValue = true
else if value = "false"
convertedValue = false
end if
end if
tmpSettingArray[name] = convertedValue
session.user.Update("settings", tmpSettingArray)
end sub
end namespace
end namespace
end namespace