cthelight 39dad7666c Subtitles: Auto-select default option
On other players (web/andriod app) the user perferences for
subtitle behavior are taken into account, and used to make an
assumption about subtitle behavior.

This patch ports most of that logic here. "Smart" selection is not
yet fully-featured, as it requires additional knowledge about audio
language preferences. Rather it uses the fallback mechanism, which
emulates the "Default" subtitle option.

The logic for the different options was based on the main jellyfin
repo (specifically sha 49d5fdb33fc9792147c1df03e1d1b051e6b7ec79 in
file Emby.Server.Implementations/Library/MediaStreamSelector.cs)

Additionally, this implementation specifically prefers text-based
subtitles (assuming they match the user's preference) as they are
the only ones natively supported by Roku.

Also, the subtitle changing mechanism is reworked slightly to make
use of the new implementation herein
2022-05-22 17:08:54 -05:00

362 lines
13 KiB

function VideoPlayer(id, mediaSourceId = invalid, audio_stream_idx = 1, subtitle_idx = -1)
' Get video controls and UI
video = CreateObject("roSGNode", "JFVideo")
video.id = id
AddVideoContent(video, mediaSourceId, audio_stream_idx, subtitle_idx)
if video.content = invalid
return invalid
end if
jellyfin_blue = "#00a4dcFF"
video.retrievingBar.filledBarBlendColor = jellyfin_blue
video.bufferingBar.filledBarBlendColor = jellyfin_blue
video.trickPlayBar.filledBarBlendColor = jellyfin_blue
return video
end function
sub AddVideoContent(video, mediaSourceId, audio_stream_idx = 1, subtitle_idx = -1, playbackPosition = -1)
video.content = createObject("RoSGNode", "ContentNode")
meta = ItemMetaData(video.id)
m.videotype = meta.type
if meta = invalid
video.content = invalid
end if
' Special handling for "Programs" launched from "On Now"
if meta.json.type = "Program"
meta.title = meta.json.EpisodeTitle
meta.showID = meta.json.id
meta.live = true
video.id = meta.json.ChannelId
end if
video.content.title = meta.title
video.showID = meta.showID
if playbackPosition = -1
playbackPosition = meta.json.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks
if playbackPosition > 0
dialogResult = startPlayBackOver(playbackPosition)
'Dialog returns -1 when back pressed, 0 for resume, and 1 for start over
if dialogResult = -1
'User pressed back, return invalid and don't load video
video.content = invalid
else if dialogResult = 1
'Start Over selected, change position to 0
playbackPosition = 0
else if dialogResult = 2
'Mark this item as watched, refresh the page, and return invalid so we don't load the video
video.content.watched = not video.content.watched
group = m.scene.focusedChild
group.timeLastRefresh = CreateObject("roDateTime").AsSeconds()
video.content = invalid
else if dialogResult = 3
'get series ID based off episiode ID
params = {
ids: video.Id
url = Substitute("Users/{0}/Items/", get_setting("active_user"))
resp = APIRequest(url, params)
data = getJson(resp)
for each item in data.Items
m.series_id = item.SeriesId
end for
'Get series json data
params = {
ids: m.series_id
url = Substitute("Users/{0}/Items/", get_setting("active_user"))
resp = APIRequest(url, params)
data = getJson(resp)
for each item in data.Items
m.tmp = item
end for
'Create Series Scene
group = CreateSeriesDetailsGroup(m.tmp)
video.content = invalid
else if dialogResult = 4
'get Season/Series ID based off episiode ID
params = {
ids: video.Id
url = Substitute("Users/{0}/Items/", get_setting("active_user"))
resp = APIRequest(url, params)
data = getJson(resp)
for each item in data.Items
m.season_id = item.SeasonId
m.series_id = item.SeriesId
end for
'Get Series json data
params = {
ids: m.season_id
url = Substitute("Users/{0}/Items/", get_setting("active_user"))
resp = APIRequest(url, params)
data = getJson(resp)
for each item in data.Items
m.Season_tmp = item
end for
'Get Season json data
params = {
ids: m.series_id
url = Substitute("Users/{0}/Items/", get_setting("active_user"))
resp = APIRequest(url, params)
data = getJson(resp)
for each item in data.Items
m.Series_tmp = item
end for
'Create Season Scene
group = CreateSeasonDetailsGroup(m.Series_tmp, m.Season_tmp)
video.content = invalid
else if dialogResult = 5
'get episiode ID
params = {
ids: video.Id
url = Substitute("Users/{0}/Items/", get_setting("active_user"))
resp = APIRequest(url, params)
data = getJson(resp)
for each item in data.Items
m.episode_id = item
end for
'Create Episode Scene
group = CreateMovieDetailsGroup(m.episode_id)
video.content = invalid
end if
end if
end if
video.content.PlayStart = int(playbackPosition / 10000000)
' Call PlayInfo from server
if mediaSourceId = invalid
mediaSourceId = video.id
end if
if meta.live then mediaSourceId = "" ' Don't send mediaSourceId for Live media
playbackInfo = ItemPostPlaybackInfo(video.id, mediaSourceId, audio_stream_idx, subtitle_idx, playbackPosition)
video.videoId = video.id
video.mediaSourceId = mediaSourceId
video.audioIndex = audio_stream_idx
if playbackInfo = invalid
video.content = invalid
end if
params = {}
video.PlaySessionId = playbackInfo.PlaySessionId
if meta.live
video.content.live = true
video.content.StreamFormat = "hls"
end if
video.container = getContainerType(meta)
subtitles = sortSubtitles(meta.id, playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].MediaStreams)
video.Subtitles = subtitles["all"]
if meta.live
video.transcodeParams = {
"MediaSourceId": playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].Id,
"LiveStreamId": playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].LiveStreamId,
"PlaySessionId": video.PlaySessionId
end if
video.content.SubtitleTracks = subtitles["text"]
' 'TODO: allow user selection of subtitle track before playback initiated, for now set to no subtitles
video.directPlaySupported = playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].SupportsDirectPlay
fully_external = false
if video.directPlaySupported
protocol = LCase(playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].Protocol)
if protocol <> "file"
uriRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^(.*:)//([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+)(:[0-9]+)?(.*)$", "")
uri = uriRegex.Match(playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].Path)
' proto $1, host $2, port $3, the-rest $4
localhost = CreateObject("roRegex", "^localhost$|^127(?:\.[0-9]+){0,2}\.[0-9]+$|^(?:0*\:)*?:?0*1$", "i")
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8426171/what-regex-will-match-all-loopback-addresses
if localhost.isMatch(uri[2])
' if the domain of the URI is local to the server,
' create a new URI by appending the received path to the server URL
' later we will substitute the users provided URL for this case
video.content.url = buildURL(uri[4])
fully_external = true
video.content.url = playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].Path
end if
"Static": "true",
"Container": video.container,
"PlaySessionId": video.PlaySessionId,
"AudioStreamIndex": audio_stream_idx
if mediaSourceId <> ""
params.MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId
end if
video.content.url = buildURL(Substitute("Videos/{0}/stream", video.id), params)
end if
video.isTranscoded = false
if playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].TranscodingUrl = invalid
' If server does not provide a transcode URL, display a message to the user
m.global.sceneManager.callFunc("userMessage", tr("Error Getting Playback Information"), tr("An error was encountered while playing this item. Server did not provide required transcoding data."))
video.content = invalid
end if
' Get transcoding reason
video.transcodeReasons = getTranscodeReasons(playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].TranscodingUrl)
video.content.url = buildURL(playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].TranscodingUrl)
video.isTranscoded = true
end if
video.audioTrack = (audio_stream_idx + 1).ToStr() ' Roku's track indexes count from 1. Our index is zero based
' Perform relevant setup work for selected subtitle, and return the index of the subtitle
' is enabled/will be enabled, indexed on the provided list of subtitles
video.SelectedSubtitle = setupSubtitle(video, video.Subtitles, subtitle_idx)
if not fully_external
video.content = authorize_request(video.content)
end if
end sub
' Extract array of Transcode Reasons from the content URL
' @returns Array of Strings
function getTranscodeReasons(url as string) as object
regex = CreateObject("roRegex", "&TranscodeReasons=([^&]*)", "")
match = regex.Match(url)
if match.count() > 1
return match[1].Split(",")
end if
return []
end function
'Opens dialog asking user if they want to resume video or start playback over
function startPlayBackOver(time as longinteger) as integer
if m.videotype = "Episode" or m.videotype = "Series"
return option_dialog([tr("Resume playing at ") + ticksToHuman(time) + ".", tr("Start over from the beginning."), tr("Watched"), tr("Go to series"), tr("Go to season"), tr("Go to episode")])
return option_dialog(["Resume playing at " + ticksToHuman(time) + ".", "Start over from the beginning."])
end if
end function
function directPlaySupported(meta as object) as boolean
devinfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
if meta.json.MediaSources[0] <> invalid and meta.json.MediaSources[0].SupportsDirectPlay = false
return false
end if
if meta.json.MediaStreams[0] = invalid
return false
end if
streamInfo = { Codec: meta.json.MediaStreams[0].codec }
if meta.json.MediaStreams[0].Profile <> invalid and meta.json.MediaStreams[0].Profile.len() > 0
streamInfo.Profile = LCase(meta.json.MediaStreams[0].Profile)
end if
if meta.json.MediaSources[0].container <> invalid and meta.json.MediaSources[0].container.len() > 0
'CanDecodeVideo() requires the .container to be format: “mp4”, “hls”, “mkv”, “ism”, “dash”, “ts” if its to direct stream
if meta.json.MediaSources[0].container = "mov"
streamInfo.Container = "mp4"
streamInfo.Container = meta.json.MediaSources[0].container
end if
end if
decodeResult = devinfo.CanDecodeVideo(streamInfo)
return decodeResult <> invalid and decodeResult.result
end function
function getContainerType(meta as object) as string
' Determine the file type of the video file source
if meta.json.mediaSources = invalid then return ""
container = meta.json.mediaSources[0].container
if container = invalid
container = ""
else if container = "m4v" or container = "mov"
container = "mp4"
end if
return container
end function
function getAudioFormat(meta as object) as string
' Determine the codec of the audio file source
if meta.json.mediaSources = invalid then return ""
audioInfo = getAudioInfo(meta)
if audioInfo.count() = 0 or audioInfo[0].codec = invalid then return ""
return audioInfo[0].codec
end function
function getAudioInfo(meta as object) as object
' Return audio metadata for a given stream
results = []
for each source in meta.json.mediaSources[0].mediaStreams
if source["type"] = "Audio"
end if
end for
return results
end function
sub autoPlayNextEpisode(videoID as string, showID as string)
' use web client setting
if m.user.Configuration.EnableNextEpisodeAutoPlay
' query API for next episode ID
url = Substitute("Shows/{0}/Episodes", showID)
urlParams = { "UserId": get_setting("active_user") }
urlParams.Append({ "StartItemId": videoID })
urlParams.Append({ "Limit": 2 })
resp = APIRequest(url, urlParams)
data = getJson(resp)
if data <> invalid and data.Items.Count() = 2
' remove finished video node
' setup new video node
nextVideo = CreateVideoPlayerGroup(data.Items[1].Id)
if nextVideo <> invalid
m.global.sceneManager.callFunc("pushScene", nextVideo)
end if
' can't play next episode
end if
end if
end sub