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sub init()
m.top.optionsAvailable = false
m.spinner = m.top.findNode("spinner")
m.serverPicker = m.top.findNode("serverPicker")
m.serverUrlTextbox = m.top.findNode("serverUrlTextbox")
m.serverUrlContainer = m.top.findNode("serverUrlContainer")
m.serverUrlOutline = m.top.findNode("serverUrlOutline")
m.submit = m.top.findNode("submit")
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
print "onKeyEvent", key, press
if not press then return true
handled = true
if key = "OK" and m.serverPicker.hasFocus() then
m.top.serverUrl = m.serverPicker.content.getChild(m.serverPicker.itemFocused).baseUrl
'if the user pressed the down key and we are already at the last child of server picker, then change focus to the url textbox
else if key = "down" and m.serverPicker.hasFocus() and m.serverPicker.itemFocused = m.serverPicker.content.getChildCount() - 1
'user navigating up to the server picker from the input box
else if key = "up" and m.serverUrlContainer.hasFocus()
m.serverPicker.animateToItem = m.serverPicker.content.getChildCount() - 1
else if key = "OK" and m.serverUrlContainer.hasFocus()
'focus the serverUrl input from submit button
else if key = "up" and m.submit.hasFocus()
'focus the submit button from serverUrl
else if key = "down" and m.serverUrlContainer.hasFocus()
handled = false
end if
'show/hide input box outline
m.serverUrlOutline.visible = m.serverUrlContainer.isInFocusChain()
return handled
end function
function ScanForServers()
m.ssdpScanner = CreateObject("roSGNode", "SSDPTask")
'run the task
m.ssdpScanner.observeField("content", "ScanForServersComplete")
m.ssdpScanner.control = "RUN"
end function
sub ScanForServersComplete(event)
servers = event.getData()
items = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
for each server in servers
server.subtype = "ContentNode"
'add new fields for every server property onto the ContentNode (rather than making a dedicated component just to hold data...)
items.update([server], true)
end for
m.serverPicker.content = items
m.spinner.visible = false
end sub
function ShowKeyboard()
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "KeyboardDialog")
dialog.title = "Enter the server name or ip address"
dialog.buttons = [tr("OK"), tr("Cancel")]
dialog.text = m.serverUrlTextbox.text
m.top.getscene().dialog = dialog
m.dialog = dialog
dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "onDialogButton")
end function
function onDialogButton()
d = m.dialog
button_text = d.buttons[d.buttonSelected]
if button_text = tr("OK")
m.serverUrlTextbox.text = d.text
m.dialog.close = true
return true
else if button_text = tr("Cancel")
m.dialog.close = true
return true
end if
end function