2019-10-14 20:55:29 -05:00

89 lines
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sub init()
m.top.itemComponentName = "ListPoster"
m.top.content = setData()
m.top.rowFocusAnimationStyle = "floatingFocus"
m.top.showRowLabel = [false]
end sub
sub updateSize()
m.top.numRows = 1
if m.top.itemsPerRow = invalid or m.top.itemsPerRow = 0 then
m.top.itemsPerRow = 5
end if
dimensions = m.top.getScene().currentDesignResolution
border = 75
m.top.translation = [border, border + 115]
textHeight = 80
itemWidth = (dimensions["width"] - border*2) / m.top.itemsPerRow
itemHeight = itemWidth * 1.5 + textHeight
m.top.visible = true
' Size of the individual rows
m.top.itemSize = [dimensions["width"] - border*2, itemHeight]
' Spacing between Rows
m.top.itemSpacing = [ 0, 10]
' Size of items in the row
m.top.rowItemSize = [ itemWidth, itemHeight ]
' Spacing between items in the row
m.top.rowItemSpacing = [ 0, 0 ]
end sub
function setupRows()
objects = m.top.objects
itemsPerRow = m.top.itemsPerRow
n = objects.items.count()
' This tests to make sure we are at an integer number of rows
if int(n/itemsPerRow) = n/itemsPerRow then
m.top.numRows = n/itemsPerRow
' Otherwise we need an extra (not full) row for the leftovers
m.top.numRows = n/itemsPerRow + 1
end if
m.top.content = setData()
end function
function setData()
data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
if m.top.objects = invalid then
' Return an empty node just to return something; we'll update once we have data
return data
end if
objects = m.top.objects
itemsPerRow = m.top.itemsPerRow
for rowNum = 1 to m.top.numRows
row = data.CreateChild("ContentNode")
for i = 1 to itemsPerRow
index = (rowNum - 1) * itemsPerRow + i
if index > objects.items.count() then
exit for
end if
end for
end for
return data
end function
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if not press then return false
return false
end function