2019-05-03 08:48:59 -04:00

59 lines
1.5 KiB

sub init()
m.top.itemComponentName = "ListPoster"
m.top.content = getData()
'm.top.rowFocusAnimationStyle = "floatingFocus"
'm.top.vertFocusAnimationStyle = "floatingFocus"
m.top.showRowLabel = [true]
m.top.rowLabelOffset = [0, 20]
end sub
sub updateSize()
' Infinite scroll, rowsize is just how many show on screen at once
m.top.rowSize = 5
dimensions = m.top.getScene().currentDesignResolution
border = 50
m.top.translation = [border, border]
textHeight = 75
' Do we decide width by rowSize, or rowSize by width...
itemWidth = (dimensions["width"] - border*2) / m.top.rowSize
itemHeight = itemWidth * 1.5 + textHeight
m.top.visible = true
' size of the whole row
m.top.itemSize = [dimensions["width"] - border*2, itemHeight]
' spacing between rows
m.top.itemSpacing = [ 0, 10 ]
' size of the item in the row
m.top.rowItemSize = [ itemWidth, itemHeight ]
' spacing between items in a row
m.top.rowItemSpacing = [ 0, 0 ]
end sub
function getData()
if m.top.TVSeasonData = invalid then
data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
return data
end if
seasonData = m.top.TVSeasonData
rowsize = m.top.rowSize
data = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
row = data.CreateChild("ContentNode")
row.title = "Seasons"
for each item in seasonData.items
end for
m.top.content = data
return data
end function