1. Pressing back on resume dialog on episode list 2. Choosing resume and pressing back from video playback
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66 lines
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sub init()
m.top.optionsAvailable = false
m.rows = m.top.findNode("picker")
m.poster = m.top.findNode("seasonPoster")
m.Random = m.top.findNode("Random")
m.tvEpisodeRow = m.top.findNode("tvEpisodeRow")
m.rows.observeField("doneLoading", "updateSeason")
end sub
sub setSeasonLoading()
m.top.overhangTitle = tr("Loading...")
end sub
sub updateSeason()
imgParams = { "maxHeight": 450, "maxWidth": 300 }
m.poster.uri = ImageURL(m.top.seasonData.Id, "Primary", imgParams)
m.Random.visible = true
m.top.overhangTitle = m.top.seasonData.SeriesName + " - " + m.top.seasonData.name
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
handled = false
if key = "left" and not m.Random.hasFocus()
return true
end if
if key = "right" and not m.tvEpisodeRow.hasFocus()
return true
end if
if key = "OK" or key = "play"
if m.Random.hasFocus()
randomEpisode = Rnd(m.rows.getChild(0).objects.items.count()) - 1
m.top.quickPlayNode = m.rows.getChild(0).objects.items[randomEpisode]
return true
end if
end if
focusedChild = m.top.focusedChild.focusedChild
if focusedChild.content = invalid then return handled
' OK needs to be handled on release...
proceed = false
if key = "OK"
proceed = true
end if
if press and key = "play" or proceed = true
m.top.lastFocus = focusedChild
itemToPlay = focusedChild.content.getChild(focusedChild.rowItemFocused[0]).getChild(0)
if itemToPlay <> invalid and itemToPlay.id <> ""
m.top.quickPlayNode = itemToPlay
end if
handled = true
end if
return handled
end function