260 lines
7.7 KiB
260 lines
7.7 KiB
sub init()
m.playbackTimer = m.top.findNode("playbackTimer")
m.bufferCheckTimer = m.top.findNode("bufferCheckTimer")
m.top.observeField("state", "onState")
m.top.observeField("position", "onPositionChanged")
m.top.trickPlayBar.observeField("visible", "onTrickPlayBarVisibilityChange")
m.playbackTimer.observeField("fire", "ReportPlayback")
m.bufferPercentage = 0 ' Track whether content is being loaded
m.playReported = false
m.top.transcodeReasons = []
m.bufferCheckTimer.duration = 10
if get_user_setting("ui.design.hideclock") = "true"
clockNode = findNodeBySubtype(m.top, "clock")
if clockNode[0] <> invalid then clockNode[0].parent.removeChild(clockNode[0].node)
end if
' Skip Intro Button
m.skipIntroButton = m.top.findNode("skipIntro")
m.skipIntroButton.text = tr("Skip Intro")
m.introCompleted = false
m.showskipIntroButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("showskipIntroButton")
m.hideskipIntroButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("hideskipIntroButton")
m.moveUpskipIntroButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("moveUpskipIntroButton")
m.moveDownskipIntroButtonAnimation = m.top.findNode("moveDownskipIntroButton")
end sub
' Checks if we have valid skip intro param data
function haveSkipIntroParams() as boolean
' Intro data is invalid, skip
if not isValid(m.top.skipIntroParams?.Valid)
return false
end if
' Returned intro data is not valid, return
if not m.top.skipIntroParams.Valid
return false
end if
return true
end function
' Handles showing / hiding the skip intro button
sub handleSkipIntro()
' We've already shown the intro, return
if m.introCompleted then return
' We don't have valid data, return
if not haveSkipIntroParams() then return
' Check if it's time to hide the skip prompt
if m.top.position >= m.top.skipIntroParams.HideSkipPromptAt
if skipIntroButtonVisible()
end if
end if
' Check if it's time to show the skip prompt
if m.top.position >= m.top.skipIntroParams.ShowSkipPromptAt
if not skipIntroButtonVisible()
end if
end if
end sub
' When Trick Playbar Visibility changes
sub onTrickPlayBarVisibilityChange()
' Skip Intro button isn't visible, return
if not skipIntroButtonVisible() then return
' Trick Playbar is visible, move the skip intro button up and fade it out
if m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
m.moveUpskipIntroButtonAnimation.control = "start"
end if
' Trick Playbar is not visible, move the skip intro button down and fade it in
m.moveDownskipIntroButtonAnimation.control = "start"
end sub
' When Video Player state changes
sub onPositionChanged()
' Check if content is episode
if m.top.content.contenttype = 4
end if
end sub
' Returns if skip intro button is currently visible
function skipIntroButtonVisible() as boolean
return m.skipIntroButton.opacity > 0
end function
' Runs skip intro button animation and sets focus to button
sub showSkipIntro()
m.showskipIntroButtonAnimation.control = "start"
end sub
' Runs hide intro button animation and sets focus back to video
sub hideSkipIntro()
m.hideskipIntroButtonAnimation.control = "start"
m.introCompleted = true
end sub
' When Video Player state changes
sub onState(msg)
' When buffering, start timer to monitor buffering process
if m.top.state = "buffering" and m.bufferCheckTimer <> invalid
' start timer
m.bufferCheckTimer.control = "start"
m.bufferCheckTimer.ObserveField("fire", "bufferCheck")
else if m.top.state = "error"
if not m.playReported and m.top.transcodeAvailable
m.top.retryWithTranscoding = true ' If playback was not reported, retry with transcoding
' If an error was encountered, Display dialog
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "Dialog")
dialog.title = tr("Error During Playback")
dialog.buttons = [tr("OK")]
dialog.message = tr("An error was encountered while playing this item.")
dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "dialogClosed")
m.top.getScene().dialog = dialog
end if
' Stop playback and exit player
m.top.control = "stop"
m.top.backPressed = true
else if m.top.state = "playing"
if m.playReported = false
m.playReported = true
m.playbackTimer.control = "start"
end if
else if m.top.state = "paused"
m.playbackTimer.control = "stop"
else if m.top.state = "stopped"
m.playbackTimer.control = "stop"
m.playReported = false
end if
end sub
' Report playback to server
sub ReportPlayback(state = "update" as string)
if m.top.position = invalid then return
params = {
"ItemId": m.top.id,
"PlaySessionId": m.top.PlaySessionId,
"PositionTicks": int(m.top.position) * 10000000&, 'Ensure a LongInteger is used
"IsPaused": (m.top.state = "paused")
if m.top.content.live
"MediaSourceId": m.top.transcodeParams.MediaSourceId,
"LiveStreamId": m.top.transcodeParams.LiveStreamId
m.bufferCheckTimer.duration = 30
end if
' Report playstate via worker task
playstateTask = m.global.playstateTask
playstateTask.setFields({ status: state, params: params })
playstateTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
' Check the the buffering has not hung
sub bufferCheck(msg)
if m.top.state <> "buffering"
' If video is not buffering, stop timer
m.bufferCheckTimer.control = "stop"
end if
if m.top.bufferingStatus <> invalid
' Check that the buffering percentage is increasing
if m.top.bufferingStatus["percentage"] > m.bufferPercentage
m.bufferPercentage = m.top.bufferingStatus["percentage"]
else if m.top.content.live = true
' If buffering has stopped Display dialog
dialog = createObject("roSGNode", "Dialog")
dialog.title = tr("Error Retrieving Content")
dialog.buttons = [tr("OK")]
dialog.message = tr("There was an error retrieving the data for this item from the server.")
dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "dialogClosed")
m.top.getScene().dialog = dialog
' Stop playback and exit player
m.top.control = "stop"
m.top.backPressed = true
end if
end if
end sub
' Clean up on Dialog Closed
sub dialogClosed(msg)
sourceNode = msg.getRoSGNode()
sourceNode.close = true
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if key = "OK"
if not m.top.trickPlayBar.visible
if m.skipIntroButton.hasFocus()
m.top.seek = m.top.skipIntroParams.IntroEnd
return true
end if
end if
end if
if not press then return false
if m.top.Subtitles.count() and key = "down"
m.top.selectSubtitlePressed = true
return true
end if
return false
end function