1hitsong a33ce8bd57
Playlist support & TV Shuffle (#986)
* Add TV Episode Shuffle
* Reuse playback info
* Get Subtitle Popup working
* Get Subtitle Popup working
* Get Resume/Restart popup working
* Playlist poster, bug fixes
* Remove commented out code
* Start from beginning if playing queue
* Fix Playback Info issue
* Remove optional chaining to fix formatter
* Fix playlist content list. Code cleanup.
* Remove commented out code
2023-02-25 11:43:36 -05:00

46 lines
2.3 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="VideoPlayerView" extends="Video">
<field id="backPressed" type="boolean" alwaysNotify="true" />
<field id="selectSubtitlePressed" type="boolean" alwaysNotify="true" />
<field id="selectPlaybackInfoPressed" type="boolean" alwaysNotify="true" />
<field id="PlaySessionId" type="string" />
<field id="Subtitles" type="array" />
<field id="SelectedSubtitle" type="integer" />
<field id="captionMode" type="string" />
<field id="container" type="string" />
<field id="directPlaySupported" type="boolean" />
<field id="systemOverlay" type="boolean" value="false" />
<field id="showID" type="string" />
<field id="lastFocus" type="node" />
<field id="transcodeParams" type="assocarray" />
<field id="transcodeAvailable" type="boolean" value="false" />
<field id="retryWithTranscoding" type="boolean" value="false" />
<field id="isTranscoded" type="boolean" />
<field id="transcodeReasons" type="array" />
<field id="videoId" type="string" />
<field id="mediaSourceId" type="string" />
<field id="audioIndex" type="integer" />
<field id="runTime" type="integer" />
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<timer id="playbackTimer" repeat="true" duration="30" />
<timer id="bufferCheckTimer" repeat="true" />
<JFButton id="nextEpisode" opacity="0" textColor="#f0f0f0" focusedTextColor="#202020" focusFootprintBitmapUri="pkg:/images/option-menu-bg.9.png" focusBitmapUri="pkg:/images/white.9.png" translation="[1500, 900]" />
<!--animation for the play next episode button-->
<Animation id="showNextEpisodeButton" duration="1.0" repeat="false" easeFunction="inQuad">
<FloatFieldInterpolator key="[0.0, 1.0]" keyValue="[0.0, .9]" fieldToInterp="nextEpisode.opacity" />
<Animation id="hideNextEpisodeButton" duration=".2" repeat="false" easeFunction="inQuad">
<FloatFieldInterpolator key="[0.0, 1.0]" keyValue="[.9, 0]" fieldToInterp="nextEpisode.opacity" />