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174 lines
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function ItemGetPlaybackInfo(id as string, startTimeTicks = 0 as longinteger)
params = {
"UserId": get_setting("active_user"),
"StartTimeTicks": startTimeTicks,
"IsPlayback": true,
"AutoOpenLiveStream": true,
"MaxStreamingBitrate": "140000000"
resp = APIRequest(Substitute("Items/{0}/PlaybackInfo", id), params)
return getJson(resp)
end function
function ItemPostPlaybackInfo(id as string, mediaSourceId = "" as string, audioTrackIndex = -1 as integer, subtitleTrackIndex = -1 as integer, startTimeTicks = 0 as longinteger)
body = {
"DeviceProfile": getDeviceProfile()
params = {
"UserId": get_setting("active_user"),
"StartTimeTicks": startTimeTicks,
"IsPlayback": true,
"AutoOpenLiveStream": true,
"MaxStreamingBitrate": "140000000",
"MaxStaticBitrate": "140000000",
"SubtitleStreamIndex": subtitleTrackIndex
if mediaSourceId <> "" then params.MediaSourceId = mediaSourceId
if audioTrackIndex > -1 then params.AudioStreamIndex = audioTrackIndex
req = APIRequest(Substitute("Items/{0}/PlaybackInfo", id), params)
return postJson(req, FormatJson(body))
end function
' Search across all libraries
function SearchMedia(query as string)
' This appears to be done differently on the web now
' For each potential type, a separate query is done:
' varying item types, and artists, and people
resp = APIRequest(Substitute("Users/{0}/Items", get_setting("active_user")), {
"searchTerm": query,
"IncludePeople": true,
"IncludeMedia": true,
"IncludeShows": true,
"IncludeGenres": false,
"IncludeStudios": false,
"IncludeArtists": false,
"IncludeItemTypes": "TvChannel,Movie,BoxSet,Series,Episode,Video"
"EnableTotalRecordCount": false,
"ImageTypeLimit": 1,
"Recursive": true
data = getJson(resp)
results = []
for each item in data.Items
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "SearchData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(item.id)
tmp.json = item
end for
data.SearchHints = results
return data
end function
' MetaData about an item
function ItemMetaData(id as string)
url = Substitute("Users/{0}/Items/{1}", get_setting("active_user"), id)
resp = APIRequest(url)
data = getJson(resp)
if data = invalid then return invalid
imgParams = {}
if data.UserData.PlayedPercentage <> invalid
param = { "PercentPlayed": data.UserData.PlayedPercentage }
end if
if data.type = "Movie"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "MovieData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(data.id, imgParams)
tmp.json = data
return tmp
else if data.type = "Series"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "SeriesData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(data.id)
tmp.json = data
return tmp
else if data.type = "Episode"
' param = { "AddPlayedIndicator": data.UserData.Played }
' imgParams.Append(param)
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "TVEpisodeData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(data.id, imgParams)
tmp.json = data
return tmp
else if data.type = "BoxSet"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "CollectionData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(data.id, imgParams)
tmp.json = data
return tmp
else if data.type = "Season"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "TVSeasonData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(data.id)
tmp.json = data
return tmp
else if data.type = "Video"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "VideoData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(data.id)
tmp.json = data
return tmp
else if data.type = "TvChannel" or data.type = "Program"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ChannelData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(data.id)
tmp.isFavorite = data.UserData.isFavorite
tmp.json = data
return tmp
else if data.type = "Person"
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "PersonData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(data.id, { "MaxWidth": 300, "MaxHeight": 450 })
tmp.json = data
return tmp
print "Items.brs::ItemMetaData processed unhandled type: " data.type
' Return json if we don't know what it is
return data
end if
end function
' Seasons for a TV Show
function TVSeasons(id as string)
url = Substitute("Shows/{0}/Seasons", id)
resp = APIRequest(url, { "UserId": get_setting("active_user") })
data = getJson(resp)
results = []
for each item in data.Items
imgParams = { "AddPlayedIndicator": item.UserData.Played }
if item.UserData.UnplayedItemCount > 0
param = { "UnplayedCount": item.UserData.UnplayedItemCount }
end if
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "TVEpisodeData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(item.id, imgParams)
tmp.json = item
end for
data.Items = results
return data
end function
function TVEpisodes(show_id as string, season_id as string)
url = Substitute("Shows/{0}/Episodes", show_id)
resp = APIRequest(url, { "seasonId": season_id, "UserId": get_setting("active_user"), "fields": "MediaStreams" })
data = getJson(resp)
results = []
for each item in data.Items
imgParams = { "AddPlayedIndicator": item.UserData.Played, "maxWidth": 712, "maxheight": 400 }
if item.UserData.PlayedPercentage <> invalid
param = { "PercentPlayed": item.UserData.PlayedPercentage }
end if
tmp = CreateObject("roSGNode", "TVEpisodeData")
tmp.image = PosterImage(item.id, imgParams)
if tmp.image <> invalid
tmp.image.posterDisplayMode = "scaleToFit"
end if
tmp.json = item
tmp.overview = ItemMetaData(item.id).overview
end for
data.Items = results
return data
end function