100 lines
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function AudioPlayer(id, mediaSourceId = invalid, audio_stream_idx = 1, subtitle_idx = -1)
' Get video controls and UI
audio = CreateObject("roSGNode", "JFAudio")
audio.id = id
AddAudioContent(audio, mediaSourceId, audio_stream_idx, subtitle_idx)
if audio.content = invalid
return invalid
end if
audio.control = "stop"
audio.control = "none"
audio.control = "play"
return audio
end function
sub AddAudioContent(video, mediaSourceId, audio_stream_idx = 1, subtitle_idx = -1, playbackPosition = -1)
video.content = createObject("RoSGNode", "ContentNode")
meta = ItemMetaData(video.id)
m.videotype = meta.type
if meta = invalid
video.content = invalid
end if
' Special handling for "Programs" launched from "On Now"
if meta.json.type = "Program"
meta.title = meta.json.EpisodeTitle
meta.showID = meta.json.id
meta.live = true
video.id = meta.json.ChannelId
end if
video.content.title = meta.title
video.showID = meta.showID
playbackPosition = 0
video.content.PlayStart = int(playbackPosition / 10000000)
video.videoId = video.id
params = {}
' video.container = getAudioContainerType(meta)
video.streamformat = "mp3"
' video.directPlaySupported = playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].SupportsDirectPlay
video.directPlaySupported = true
fully_external = false
' protocol = LCase(playbackInfo.MediaSources[0].Protocol)
protocol = "file"
if protocol <> "file"
uriRegex = CreateObject("roRegex", "^(.*:)//([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]+)(:[0-9]+)?(.*)$", "")
' uri = uriRegex.Match(playbackinfo.MediaSources[0].Path)
uri = uriRegex.Match("")
' proto $1, host $2, port $3, the-rest $4
localhost = CreateObject("roRegex", "^localhost$|^127(?:\.[0-9]+){0,2}\.[0-9]+$|^(?:0*\:)*?:?0*1$", "i")
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8426171/what-regex-will-match-all-loopback-addresses
if localhost.isMatch(uri[2])
' if the domain of the URI is local to the server,
' create a new URI by appending the received path to the server URL
' later we will substitute the users provided URL for this case
video.content.url = buildURL(uri[4])
fully_external = true
' video.content.url = playbackinfo.MediaSources[0].Path
video.content.url = ""
end if
video.content.url = buildURL(Substitute("Audio/{0}/stream", video.id))
end if
if not fully_external
video.content = authorize_request(video.content)
end if
end sub
function getAudioContainerType(meta as object) as string
' Determine the file type of the video file source
if meta.json.mediaSources = invalid then return ""
container = meta.json.mediaSources[0].container
if container = invalid
container = ""
else if container = "m4v" or container = "mov"
container = "mp4"
end if
return container
end function |