2024-01-08 22:55:05 -05:00

686 lines
21 KiB

import "pkg:/source/utils/misc.bs"
import "pkg:/source/constants/HomeRowItemSizes.bs"
sub init()
m.top.itemComponentName = "HomeItem"
' how many rows are visible on the screen
m.top.numRows = 2
m.top.rowFocusAnimationStyle = "fixedFocusWrap"
m.top.vertFocusAnimationStyle = "fixedFocus"
m.top.showRowLabel = [true]
m.top.rowLabelOffset = [0, 20]
' Hide the row counter to prevent flicker. We'll show it once loading timer fires
m.top.showRowCounter = [false]
m.top.content = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.loadingTimer = createObject("roSGNode", "Timer")
m.loadingTimer.duration = LOADING_WAIT_TIME
m.loadingTimer.observeField("fire", "loadingTimerComplete")
m.top.observeField("rowItemSelected", "itemSelected")
' Load the Libraries from API via task
m.LoadLibrariesTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadLibrariesTask.observeField("content", "onLibrariesLoaded")
' set up task nodes for other rows
m.LoadContinueWatchingTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadContinueWatchingTask.itemsToLoad = "continue"
m.LoadNextUpTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadNextUpTask.itemsToLoad = "nextUp"
m.LoadOnNowTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadOnNowTask.itemsToLoad = "onNow"
m.LoadFavoritesTask = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
m.LoadFavoritesTask.itemsToLoad = "favorites"
end sub
sub loadLibraries()
m.LoadLibrariesTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
sub updateSize()
m.top.translation = [111, 180]
itemHeight = 330
'Set width of Rows to cut off at edge of Safe Zone
m.top.itemSize = [1703, itemHeight]
' spacing between rows
m.top.itemSpacing = [0, 105]
' spacing between items in a row
m.top.rowItemSpacing = [20, 0]
' Default size to wide poster, the most used size
m.top.rowItemSize = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
m.top.visible = true
end sub
' processUserSections: Loop through user's chosen home section settings and generate the content for each row
sub processUserSections()
m.expectedRowCount = 1 ' the favorites row is hardcoded to always show atm
m.processedRowCount = 0
' calculate expected row count by processing homesections
for i = 0 to 6
sectionName = LCase(m.global.session.user.settings["homesection" + i.toStr()])
if sectionName = "latestmedia"
' expect 1 row per filtered media library
m.filteredLatest = filterNodeArray(m.libraryData, "id", m.global.session.user.configuration.LatestItemsExcludes)
for each latestLibrary in m.filteredLatest
if latestLibrary.collectionType <> "boxsets" and latestLibrary.collectionType <> "livetv" and latestLibrary.json.CollectionType <> "Program"
end if
end for
else if sectionName <> "none"
end if
end for
' Add home sections in order based on user settings
loadedSections = 0
for i = 0 to 6
sectionName = m.global.session.user.settings["homesection" + i.toStr()]
if isValid(sectionName)
sectionName = LCase(sectionName)
exit for
end if
sectionLoaded = false
if sectionName <> "none"
sectionLoaded = addHomeSection(sectionName)
end if
' Count how many sections with data are loaded
if sectionLoaded then loadedSections++
' If 2 sections with data are loaded or we're at the end of the web client section data, consider the home view loaded
if not m.global.app_loaded
if loadedSections = 2 or i = 6
m.top.signalBeacon("AppLaunchComplete") ' Roku Performance monitoring
m.global.app_loaded = true
end if
end if
end for
' Favorites isn't an option in Web settings, so we manually add it to the end for now
' Start the timer for creating the content rows before we set the cursor size
m.loadingTimer.control = "start"
end sub
' onLibrariesLoaded: Handler when LoadLibrariesTask returns data
sub onLibrariesLoaded()
' save data for other functions
m.libraryData = m.LoadLibrariesTask.content
m.LoadLibrariesTask.content = []
end sub
' getOriginalSectionIndex: Gets the index of a section from user settings and adds count of currently known latest media sections
' @param {string} sectionName - Name of section we're looking up
' @return {integer} indicating index of section taking latest media sections into account
function getOriginalSectionIndex(sectionName as string) as integer
searchSectionName = LCase(sectionName).Replace(" ", "")
sectionIndex = 0
indexLatestMediaSection = 0
for i = 0 to 6
settingSectionName = LCase(m.global.session.user.settings["homesection" + i.toStr()])
if settingSectionName = "latestmedia"
indexLatestMediaSection = i
end if
if settingSectionName = searchSectionName
sectionIndex = i
end if
end for
' If the latest media section is before the section we're searching for, then we need to account for how many latest media rows there are
addLatestMediaSectionCount = (indexLatestMediaSection < sectionIndex)
if addLatestMediaSectionCount
for i = sectionIndex to m.top.content.getChildCount() - 1
sectionToTest = m.top.content.getChild(i)
if LCase(Left(sectionToTest.title, 6)) = "latest"
end if
end for
end if
return sectionIndex
end function
' removeHomeSection: Removes a home section from the home rows
' @param {string} sectionToRemove - Title property of section we're removing
sub removeHomeSection(sectionTitleToRemove as string)
if not isValid(sectionTitleToRemove) then return
sectionTitle = LCase(sectionTitleToRemove).Replace(" ", "")
if not sectionExists(sectionTitle) then return
sectionIndexToRemove = getSectionIndex(sectionTitle)
end sub
' setRowItemSize: Loops through all home sections and sets the correct item sizes per row
sub setRowItemSize()
if not isValid(m.top.content) then return
homeSections = m.top.content.getChildren(-1, 0)
newSizeArray = CreateObject("roArray", homeSections.count(), false)
for i = 0 to homeSections.count() - 1
newSizeArray[i] = isValid(homeSections[i].cursorSize) ? homeSections[i].cursorSize : homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
end for
m.top.rowItemSize = newSizeArray
' If we have processed the expected number of content rows, stop the loading timer and run the complete function
if m.expectedRowCount = m.processedRowCount
m.loadingTimer.control = "stop"
end if
end sub
' loadingTimerComplete: Event handler for when loading wait time has expired
sub loadingTimerComplete()
if not m.top.showRowCounter[0]
' Show the row counter to prevent flicker
m.top.showRowCounter = [true]
end if
end sub
' addHomeSection: Adds a new home section to the home rows.
' @param {string} sectionType - Type of section to add
' @return {boolean} indicating if the section was handled
function addHomeSection(sectionType as string) as boolean
' Poster size library items
if sectionType = "livetv"
return true
end if
' Poster size library items
if sectionType = "smalllibrarytiles"
return true
end if
' Continue Watching items
if sectionType = "resume"
return true
end if
' Next Up items
if sectionType = "nextup"
return true
end if
' Latest items in each library
if sectionType = "latestmedia"
return true
end if
' Favorite Items
if sectionType = "favorites"
return true
end if
' This section type isn't supported.
' Count it as processed since we aren't going to do anything else with it
return false
end function
' createLibraryRow: Creates a row displaying the user's libraries
sub createLibraryRow()
' Ensure we have data
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(m.libraryData) then return
sectionName = tr("My Media")
' We don't refresh library data, so if section already exists, exit
if sectionExists(sectionName)
end if
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = sectionName
row.imageWidth = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER[0]
row.cursorSize = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
filteredMedia = filterNodeArray(m.libraryData, "id", m.global.session.user.configuration.MyMediaExcludes)
for each item in filteredMedia
end for
' Row does not exist, insert it into the home view
m.top.content.insertChild(row, getOriginalSectionIndex("smalllibrarytiles"))
end sub
' createLatestInRows: Creates a row displaying latest items in each of the user's libraries
sub createLatestInRows()
' Ensure we have data
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(m.libraryData) then return
' create a "Latest In" row for each library
for each lib in m.filteredLatest
if lib.collectionType <> "boxsets" and lib.collectionType <> "livetv" and lib.json.CollectionType <> "Program"
loadLatest = createObject("roSGNode", "LoadItemsTask")
loadLatest.itemsToLoad = "latest"
loadLatest.itemId = lib.id
metadata = { "title": lib.name }
metadata.Append({ "contentType": lib.json.CollectionType })
loadLatest.metadata = metadata
loadLatest.observeField("content", "updateLatestItems")
loadLatest.control = "RUN"
end if
end for
end sub
' sectionExists: Checks if passed section exists in home row content
' @param {string} sectionTitle - Title of section we're checking for
' @return {boolean} indicating if the section currently exists in the home row content
function sectionExists(sectionTitle as string) as boolean
if not isValid(sectionTitle) then return false
if not isValid(m.top.content) then return false
searchSectionTitle = LCase(sectionTitle).Replace(" ", "")
homeSections = m.top.content.getChildren(-1, 0)
for each section in homeSections
if LCase(section.title).Replace(" ", "") = searchSectionTitle
return true
end if
end for
return false
end function
' getSectionIndex: Returns index of requested section in home row content
' @param {string} sectionTitle - Title of section we're checking for
' @return {integer} indicating index of request section
function getSectionIndex(sectionTitle as string) as integer
if not isValid(sectionTitle) then return false
if not isValid(m.top.content) then return false
searchSectionTitle = LCase(sectionTitle).Replace(" ", "")
homeSections = m.top.content.getChildren(-1, 0)
sectionIndex = homeSections.count()
i = 0
for each section in homeSections
if LCase(section.title).Replace(" ", "") = searchSectionTitle
sectionIndex = i
exit for
end if
end for
return sectionIndex
end function
' createLiveTVRow: Creates a row displaying the live tv now on section
sub createLiveTVRow()
m.LoadOnNowTask.observeField("content", "updateOnNowItems")
m.LoadOnNowTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
' createContinueWatchingRow: Creates a row displaying items the user can continue watching
sub createContinueWatchingRow()
' Load the Continue Watching Data
m.LoadContinueWatchingTask.observeField("content", "updateContinueWatchingItems")
m.LoadContinueWatchingTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
' createNextUpRow: Creates a row displaying next episodes up to watch
sub createNextUpRow()
sectionName = tr("Next Up") + ">"
if not sectionExists(sectionName)
nextUpRow = m.top.content.CreateChild("HomeRow")
nextUpRow.title = sectionName
nextUpRow.imageWidth = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER[0]
nextUpRow.cursorSize = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
end if
' Load the Next Up Data
m.LoadNextUpTask.observeField("content", "updateNextUpItems")
m.LoadNextUpTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
' createFavoritesRow: Creates a row displaying items from the user's favorites list
sub createFavoritesRow()
' Load the Favorites Data
m.LoadFavoritesTask.observeField("content", "updateFavoritesItems")
m.LoadFavoritesTask.control = "RUN"
end sub
' updateHomeRows: Update function exposed to outside components
sub updateHomeRows()
' Hide the row counter to prevent flicker. We'll show it once loading timer fires
m.top.showRowCounter = [false]
end sub
' updateFavoritesItems: Processes LoadFavoritesTask content. Removes, Creates, or Updates favorites row as needed
sub updateFavoritesItems()
itemData = m.LoadFavoritesTask.content
m.LoadFavoritesTask.content = []
sectionName = tr("Favorites")
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(itemData)
end if
' remake row using the new data
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = sectionName
row.imageWidth = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER[0]
row.cursorSize = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
for each item in itemData
usePoster = true
if lcase(item.type) = "episode" or lcase(item.type) = "audio" or lcase(item.type) = "musicartist"
usePoster = false
end if
item.usePoster = usePoster
item.imageWidth = row.imageWidth
end for
if sectionExists(sectionName)
m.top.content.replaceChild(row, getSectionIndex(sectionName))
end if
m.top.content.insertChild(row, getSectionIndex(sectionName))
end sub
' updateContinueWatchingItems: Processes LoadContinueWatchingTask content. Removes, Creates, or Updates continue watching row as needed
sub updateContinueWatchingItems()
itemData = m.LoadContinueWatchingTask.content
m.LoadContinueWatchingTask.content = []
sectionName = tr("Continue Watching")
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(itemData)
end if
sectionName = tr("Continue Watching")
' remake row using the new data
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = sectionName
row.imageWidth = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER[0]
row.cursorSize = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
for each item in itemData
if isValid(item.json) and isValid(item.json.UserData) and isValid(item.json.UserData.PlayedPercentage)
item.PlayedPercentage = item.json.UserData.PlayedPercentage
end if
item.usePoster = row.usePoster
item.imageWidth = row.imageWidth
end for
' Row already exists, replace it with new content
if sectionExists(sectionName)
m.top.content.replaceChild(row, getSectionIndex(sectionName))
end if
' Row does not exist, insert it into the home view
m.top.content.insertChild(row, getOriginalSectionIndex("resume"))
end sub
' updateNextUpItems: Processes LoadNextUpTask content. Removes, Creates, or Updates next up row as needed
sub updateNextUpItems()
itemData = m.LoadNextUpTask.content
m.LoadNextUpTask.content = []
m.LoadNextUpTask.control = "STOP"
sectionName = tr("Next Up") + " >"
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(itemData)
end if
' remake row using the new data
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = tr("Next Up") + " >"
row.imageWidth = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER[0]
row.cursorSize = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
for each item in itemData
item.usePoster = row.usePoster
item.imageWidth = row.imageWidth
end for
' Row already exists, replace it with new content
if sectionExists(sectionName)
m.top.content.replaceChild(row, getSectionIndex(sectionName))
end if
' Row does not exist, insert it into the home view
m.top.content.insertChild(row, getSectionIndex(sectionName))
end sub
' updateLatestItems: Processes LoadItemsTask content. Removes, Creates, or Updates latest in {library} row as needed
' @param {dynamic} msg - LoadItemsTask
sub updateLatestItems(msg)
itemData = msg.GetData()
node = msg.getRoSGNode()
node.content = []
sectionName = tr("Latest in") + " " + node.metadata.title + " >"
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(itemData)
end if
imagesize = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
if isValid(node.metadata.contentType)
if LCase(node.metadata.contentType) = "movies"
imagesize = homeRowItemSizes.MOVIE_POSTER
else if LCase(node.metadata.contentType) = "music"
imagesize = homeRowItemSizes.MUSIC_ALBUM
end if
end if
' remake row using new data
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = sectionName
row.imageWidth = imagesize[0]
row.cursorSize = imagesize
row.usePoster = true
for each item in itemData
item.usePoster = row.usePoster
item.imageWidth = row.imageWidth
end for
if sectionExists(sectionName)
' Row already exists, replace it with new content
m.top.content.replaceChild(row, getSectionIndex(sectionName))
end if
m.top.content.insertChild(row, getOriginalSectionIndex("latestmedia"))
end sub
' updateOnNowItems: Processes LoadOnNowTask content. Removes, Creates, or Updates latest in on now row as needed
sub updateOnNowItems()
itemData = m.LoadOnNowTask.content
m.LoadOnNowTask.content = []
sectionName = tr("On Now")
if not isValidAndNotEmpty(itemData)
end if
' remake row using the new data
row = CreateObject("roSGNode", "HomeRow")
row.title = tr("On Now")
row.imageWidth = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER[0]
row.cursorSize = homeRowItemSizes.WIDE_POSTER
for each item in itemData
row.usePoster = false
if (not isValid(item.thumbnailURL) or item.thumbnailURL = "") and isValid(item.json) and isValid(item.json.imageURL)
item.thumbnailURL = item.json.imageURL
row.usePoster = true
row.imageWidth = homeRowItemSizes.MOVIE_POSTER[0]
row.cursorSize = homeRowItemSizes.MOVIE_POSTER
end if
item.usePoster = row.usePoster
item.imageWidth = row.imageWidth
end for
' Row already exists, replace it with new content
if sectionExists(sectionName)
m.top.content.replaceChild(row, getSectionIndex(sectionName))
end if
' Row does not exist, insert it into the home view
m.top.content.insertChild(row, getOriginalSectionIndex("livetv"))
end sub
sub itemSelected()
m.selectedRowItem = m.top.rowItemSelected
m.top.selectedItem = m.top.content.getChild(m.top.rowItemSelected[0]).getChild(m.top.rowItemSelected[1])
'Prevent the selected item event from double firing
m.top.selectedItem = invalid
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if press
if key = "play"
print "play was pressed from homerow"
itemToPlay = m.top.content.getChild(m.top.rowItemFocused[0]).getChild(m.top.rowItemFocused[1])
if isValid(itemToPlay)
m.top.quickPlayNode = itemToPlay
end if
return true
else if key = "replay"
m.top.jumpToRowItem = [m.top.rowItemFocused[0], 0]
return true
end if
end if
return false
end function
function filterNodeArray(nodeArray as object, nodeKey as string, excludeArray as object) as object
if excludeArray.IsEmpty() then return nodeArray
newNodeArray = []
for each node in nodeArray
excludeThisNode = false
for each exclude in excludeArray
if node[nodeKey] = exclude
excludeThisNode = true
end if
end for
if excludeThisNode = false
end if
end for
return newNodeArray
end function