Co-Authored-By: dkanada <dkanada@users.noreply.github.com>
149 lines
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149 lines
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' Functions for making requests to the API
function buildParams(params={} as Object) as string
' Take an object of parameters and construct the URL query
req = createObject("roUrlTransfer") ' Just so we can use it for escape
param_array = []
for each field in params.items()
if type(field.value) = "String" or type(field.value) = "roString"
item = field.key + "=" + req.escape(field.value.trim())
'item = field.key + "=" + field.value.trim()
else if type(field.value) = "roInteger"
item = field.key + "=" + stri(field.value).trim()
'item = field.key + "=" + str(field.value).trim()
else if type(field.value) = "roFloat"
item = field.key + "=" + stri(int(field.value)).trim()
else if type(field.value) = "roArray"
' TODO handle array params
else if type(field.value) = "roBoolean"
if field.value
item = field.key + "=true"
item = field.key + "=false"
end if
else if field.value = invalid
item = field.key + "=null"
else if field <> invalid
print "Unhandled param type: " + type(field.value)
item = field.key + "=" + req.escape(field.value)
'item = field.key + "=" + field.value
end if
end for
return param_array.join("&")
end function
function buildURL(path as String, params={} as Object) as string
full_url = get_url() + "/" + path
if params.count() > 0
full_url = full_url + "?" + buildParams(params)
end if
return full_url
end function
function APIRequest(url as String, params={} as Object)
req = createObject("roUrlTransfer")
full_url = buildURL(url, params)
req = authorize_request(req)
return req
end function
function getJson(req)
'print req.GetToString()
data = req.GetToString()
if data = invalid or data = ""
return invalid
end if
json = ParseJson(req.GetToString())
return json
end function
function postVoid(req, data="" as string)
status = req.PostFromString(data)
if status = 200
return true
return false
end if
end function
function postJson(req, data="" as string)
resp = wait(5000, req.GetMessagePort())
if type(resp) <> "roUrlEvent"
return invalid
end if
if resp.getString() = ""
return invalid
end if
json = ParseJson(resp.GetString())
return json
end function
function get_url()
base = get_setting("server")
if base.right(1) = "/"
base = base.left(base.len() - 1)
end if
' append http:// to the start if not specified
if base.left(7) <> "http://" and base.left(8) <> "https://"
base = "http://" + base
end if
return base
end function
function authorize_request(request)
devinfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
appinfo = CreateObject("roAppInfo")
auth = "MediaBrowser"
client = "Jellyfin Roku"
auth = auth + " Client=" + Chr(34) + client + Chr(34)
device = devinfo.getModelDisplayName()
friendly = devinfo.getFriendlyName()
' remove special characters
regex = CreateObject("roRegex", "[^a-zA-Z0-9\ \-\_]", "")
friendly = regex.ReplaceAll(friendly, "")
auth = auth + ", Device=" + Chr(34) + device + " (" + friendly + ")" + Chr(34)
device_id = devinfo.getChannelClientID()
if get_setting("active_user") = invalid or get_setting("active_user") = ""
device_id = devinfo.GetRandomUUID()
end if
auth = auth + ", DeviceId=" + Chr(34) + device_id + Chr(34)
version = appinfo.GetVersion()
auth = auth + ", Version=" + Chr(34) + version + Chr(34)
user = get_setting("active_user")
if user <> invalid and user <> "" then
auth = auth + ", UserId=" + Chr(34) + user + Chr(34)
end if
token = get_user_setting("token")
if token <> invalid and token <> ""
auth = auth + ", Token=" + Chr(34) + token + Chr(34)
end if
request.AddHeader("X-Emby-Authorization", auth)
return request
end function