Neil Burrows 6d757653da Linter: Consistent IF statement format
No parentheses.  Use THEN if it's a one line statement.  Don't use THEN if it's a block statement
2021-06-26 14:52:16 +01:00

187 lines
5.8 KiB

sub init()
m.buttons = m.top.findNode("buttons")
m.buttons.buttons = [tr("TAB_VIEW"), tr("TAB_SORT"), tr("TAB_FILTER")]
m.buttons.selectedIndex = 1
m.selectedSortIndex = 0
m.selectedItem = 1
m.menus = []
m.viewNames = []
m.sortNames = []
m.filterNames = []
' Animation
m.fadeAnim = m.top.findNode("fadeAnim")
m.fadeOutAnimOpacity = m.top.findNode("outOpacity")
m.fadeInAnimOpacity = m.top.findNode("inOpacity")
m.buttons.observeField("focusedIndex", "buttonFocusChanged")
end sub
sub optionsSet()
' Views Tab
if m.top.options.views <> invalid
viewContent = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
index = 0
selectedViewIndex = 0
for each view in m.top.options.views
entry = viewContent.CreateChild("ContentNode")
entry.title = view.Title
if (view.selected <> invalid and view.selected = true) or viewContent.Name = m.top.view
selectedViewIndex = index
end if
index = index + 1
end for
m.menus[0].content = viewContent
m.menus[0].checkedItem = selectedViewIndex
end if
' Sort Tab
if m.top.options.sort <> invalid
sortContent = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
index = 0
m.selectedSortIndex = 0
for each sortItem in m.top.options.sort
entry = sortContent.CreateChild("ContentNode")
entry.title = sortItem.Title
if sortItem.Selected <> invalid and sortItem.Selected = true
m.selectedSortIndex = index
if sortItem.Ascending <> invalid and sortItem.Ascending = false
m.top.sortAscending = 0
m.top.sortAscending = 1
end if
end if
index = index + 1
end for
m.menus[1].content = sortContent
m.menus[1].checkedItem = m.selectedSortIndex
if m.top.sortAscending = 1
m.menus[1].focusedCheckedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.ascending_black
m.menus[1].checkedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.ascending_white
m.menus[1].focusedCheckedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.descending_black
m.menus[1].checkedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.descending_white
end if
end if
' Filter Tab
if m.top.options.filter <> invalid
filterContent = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
index = 0
m.selectedFilterIndex = 0
for each filterItem in m.top.options.filter
entry = filterContent.CreateChild("ContentNode")
entry.title = filterItem.Title
if filterItem.selected <> invalid and filterItem.selected = true
m.selectedFilterIndex = index
end if
index = index + 1
end for
m.menus[2].content = filterContent
m.menus[2].checkedItem = m.selectedFilterIndex
filterContent = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
entry = filterContent.CreateChild("ContentNode")
entry.title = "All"
m.menus[2].content = filterContent
m.menus[2].checkedItem = 0
end if
end sub
' Switch menu shown when button focus changes
sub buttonFocusChanged()
if m.buttons.focusedIndex = m.selectedItem then return
m.fadeOutAnimOpacity.fieldToInterp = m.menus[m.selectedItem].id + ".opacity"
m.fadeInAnimOpacity.fieldToInterp = m.menus[m.buttons.focusedIndex].id + ".opacity"
m.fadeAnim.control = "start"
m.selectedItem = m.buttons.focusedIndex
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as string, press as boolean) as boolean
if key = "down" or (key = "OK" and m.top.findNode("buttons").hasFocus())
m.menus[m.selectedItem].drawFocusFeedback = true
'If user presses down from button menu, focus first item. If OK, focus checked item
if key = "down"
m.menus[m.selectedItem].jumpToItem = 0
m.menus[m.selectedItem].jumpToItem = m.menus[m.selectedItem].itemSelected
end if
return true
else if key = "OK"
if m.menus[m.selectedItem].isInFocusChain()
' Handle View Screen
if m.selectedItem = 0
m.selectedViewIndex = m.menus[0].itemSelected
m.top.view = m.viewNames[m.selectedViewIndex]
end if
' Handle Sort screen
if m.selectedItem = 1
if m.menus[1].itemSelected <> m.selectedSortIndex
m.menus[1].focusedCheckedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.ascending_black
m.menus[1].checkedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.ascending_white
m.selectedSortIndex = m.menus[1].itemSelected
m.top.sortAscending = true
m.top.sortField = m.sortNames[m.selectedSortIndex]
if m.top.sortAscending = true
m.top.sortAscending = false
m.menus[1].focusedCheckedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.descending_black
m.menus[1].checkedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.descending_white
m.top.sortAscending = true
m.menus[1].focusedCheckedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.ascending_black
m.menus[1].checkedIconUri = m.global.constants.icons.ascending_white
end if
end if
end if
' Handle Filter screen
if m.selectedItem = 2
m.selectedFilterIndex = m.menus[2].itemSelected
m.top.filter = m.filterNames[m.selectedFilterIndex]
end if
end if
return true
else if key = "back" or key = "up"
if m.menus[m.selectedItem].isInFocusChain()
m.menus[m.selectedItem].drawFocusFeedback = false
return true
end if
else if key = "options"
m.menus[m.selectedItem].drawFocusFeedback = false
return false
end if
return false
end function